A production-grade single page app for weather forecasting.
Here is a slides version!
- Dark / Light modes
- Auto location and time detection
- summary of the weather across the country
- daily forecast summary
- accurate weather forecating for the next 10 days
- historical weather info in the last 10 years
- iteractive charts
- Country GeoJSON Map (under development)
- E2E Testing (in progress)
- prototypes
- RTK for stage management
- Vitest
- Browser caching
- Tommorw API
- Typescript
We provide two ways one using docker with minimal setup or locally if you don't get comfortable with containers. both provide production and development environments.
⚠️ This App is powered by the World Weather API so you need to get an API key first and then set your environment variables in the.env
Start by installing nodejs
- run
npm install
at the root of the project - run
npm run dev
for a production build use
npm run build
npm run preview
start by downloading Docker
Uses a nodejs container image and runs the app on the vite development server
docker compose -f .\docker-compose.dev.yml up --build --watch
Uses a multi-stage image building process starting from nodejs image to generate the build, and then uses goStatic image as a static web server built with Go. It's commonly used with the Jamstack although the app is MERN oriented.
docker compose up
Playwright is the right choice, you can find a standalone testing repo here.
├── src
| ├── App.jsx main react app
│ ├── assets
│ │ └── weather-icon.webp
│ ├── day components for daily forecast section
│ │ └── DailyBoard.jsx
│ ├── history components for historical weather trends section
│ │ ├── Graph.jsx
│ │ ├── GraphSelector.jsx
│ │ ├── HistoryDashboard.jsx
│ │ └── TimeSelector.jsx
│ ├── main.jsx React entry point
│ ├── month components for monthly forecast section
│ │ └── MonthlyBoard.jsx
│ ├── search search bar componets
│ │ ├── CitySelector.jsx
│ │ └── SearchBar.jsx
│ └── week components for weekly forecast section
│ ├── WeekCards.jsx
| ├── WeekGraph
| └── WeeklyBoard
├── dist static site built files (git ignored)
├── .gitignore
├── .dockerignore
├── dev.Dockerfile Image for running the development server
├── docker-compose.dev.yml development compose file
├── Dockerfile The production container image of the server
├── Dockerfile production compose file
└── index.html