This repo will help you get started on how you can get started with Optical character recognition (OCR) and speech synthesis in python by building a simple project that will be converting an image into an audible sounds, combining both OCR and SPeech synthesis in one application
The full article for this source code can be found on my blog on an article named How to convert image to sound in Python .
In order to use this code, firstly clone the repo using git or download the zip file manually
$-> git clone /~
$->cd image-to-sound-python-
$ image-to-sound-python--> python
In order to run this code you're supposed to have pytesseract and google text to sound libary installed on your machine, you can just use pip command to this.
-> pip install pytesseract
-> pip install gTTS
Note: Installing pytesseeract can be an issue sometimes, so there ways in which you could do this effectively, to see how I recommend you going through the article How to convert image to sound in Python .
By default the script will load an image with name image.jpg from its current directory to change it adjust the it to be the your new image name.
Now keep explore it by testing it with various input picture to see what kinda of sound it produces
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All the credits to kalebu