We are constantly adding new requests for our loyal servants of the Kaiser to find, so if you don't feel like you can help right now because of where you live, keep an eye out, there may be a future request that you could help with in your area!
For info on how to use this repo, click on the link to our Google Doc.
Please review all the rules and expectations before contributing.
Do NOT open requests for yourself. THEY WILL BE DELETED. The constraints of github mean that we are unable to both allow community members to comment under requests while preventing them from opening new requests. We hope most of you will be respectful of this, and not open new issues yourselves.
- This is for fun, it is volunteer work, and while we appreciate all contributions, credit cannot be given to every person who participates.
- Please do NOT associate yourself with Kaiserreich when attempting to acquire these sources. Your behavior with interacting with archives, museums, databases, etc. is your own, and you are not a representative of the KR team.
- If you find a photo of the desired person that is unidentified, don’t hesitate to submit it! Do your due diligence, but if you are confident that the person in a photo is the person we’re looking for, don’t hesitate to contribute.
- Please try your best to only submit photo sources that are of better or comparable quality, or more date accurate to already discovered sources.
- Please do not submit duplicates to known sources unless they are noticeably better quality than the known version. Doing so will only clog up our reception of new sources.
- We appreciate all sources given to us, but it is not a guarantee they will be used.
- Please provide a link with the photo if it was discovered online. If it was found IRL, please inform us where you acquired it.