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jishnub authored Jul 12, 2023
2 parents 8caf51b + 4995d3f commit bfc1980
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Showing 9 changed files with 181 additions and 63 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions base/compiler/ssair/passes.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1107,8 +1107,8 @@ function sroa_pass!(ir::IRCode, inlining::Union{Nothing,InliningState}=nothing)
struct_typ = widenconst(argextype(val, compact))
struct_typ_unwrapped = unwrap_unionall(struct_typ)
if isa(struct_typ, Union) && struct_typ <: Tuple
struct_typ_unwrapped = unswitchtupleunion(struct_typ_unwrapped)
if isa(struct_typ, Union)
struct_typ_unwrapped = unswitchtypeunion(struct_typ_unwrapped)
if isa(struct_typ_unwrapped, Union) && is_isdefined
lift_comparison!(isdefined, compact, idx, stmt, lifting_cache, 𝕃ₒ)
Expand Down
45 changes: 26 additions & 19 deletions base/compiler/typeutils.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -317,33 +317,40 @@ function unionall_depth(@nospecialize ua) # aka subtype_env_size
return depth

# convert a Union of Tuple types to a Tuple of Unions
unswitchtupleunion(u::Union) = unswitchtypeunion(u,

# convert a Union of same `UnionAll` types to the `UnionAll` type whose parameter is the Unions
function unswitchtypeunion(u::Union, typename::Union{Nothing,Core.TypeName}=nothing)
ts = uniontypes(u)
n = -1
for t in ts
if t isa DataType
if typename === nothing
typename =
elseif typename !==
return u
if length(t.parameters) != 0 && !isvarargtype(t.parameters[end])
if n == -1
n = length(t.parameters)
elseif n != length(t.parameters)
return u
t isa DataType || return u
if typename === nothing
typename =
elseif typename !==
return u
params = t.parameters
np = length(params)
if np == 0 || isvarargtype(params[end])
return u
if n == -1
n = np
elseif n np
return u
Head = (typename::Core.TypeName).wrapper
unionparams = Any[ Union{Any[(t::DataType).parameters[i] for t in ts]...} for i in 1:n ]
return Head{unionparams...}
hparams = Any[]
for i = 1:n
uparams = Any[]
for t in ts
tpᵢ = (t::DataType).parameters[i]
tpᵢ isa Type || return u
push!(uparams, tpᵢ)
push!(hparams, Union{uparams...})
return Head{hparams...}

function unwraptv_ub(@nospecialize t)
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54 changes: 50 additions & 4 deletions doc/src/devdocs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,53 @@
# Julia SSA-form IR

Julia uses a static single assignment intermediate representation ([SSA IR]( to perform optimization.
This IR is different from LLVM IR, and unique to Julia.
It allows for Julia specific optimizations.

1. Basic blocks (regions with no control flow) are explicitly annotated.
2. if/else and loops are turned into `goto` statements.
3. lines with multiple operations are split into multiple lines by introducing variables.

For example the following Julia code:
function foo(x)
y = sin(x)
if x > 5.0
y = y + cos(x)
return exp(2) + y
when called with a `Float64` argument is translated into:

using InteractiveUtils
@code_typed foo(1.0)

1 ─ %1 = invoke Main.sin(x::Float64)::Float64
│ %2 = Base.lt_float(x, 5.0)::Bool
└── goto #3 if not %2
2 ─ %4 = invoke Main.cos(x::Float64)::Float64
└── %5 = Base.add_float(%1, %4)::Float64
3 ┄ %6 = φ (#2 => %5, #1 => %1)::Float64
│ %7 = Base.add_float(7.38905609893065, %6)::Float64
└── return %7
) => Float64

In this example, we can see all of these changes.
1. The first basic block is everything in
1 ─ %1 = invoke Main.sin(x::Float64)::Float64
│ %2 = Base.lt_float(x, 5.0)::Bool
└── goto #3 if not %2
2. The `if` statement is translated into `goto #3 if not %2` which goes to the 3rd basic block if `x>5` isn't met and otherwise goes to the second basic block.
3. `%2` is an SSA value introduced to represent `x > 5`.

## Background

Beginning in Julia 0.7, parts of the compiler use a new [SSA-form](
Expand All @@ -11,11 +59,9 @@ linearized (i.e. turned into a form where function arguments could only be SSA v
conditional control flow). This negated much of the usefulness of SSA form representation when performing
middle end optimizations. Some heroic effort was put into making these optimizations work without a complete SSA
form representation, but the lack of such a representation ultimately proved prohibitive.
## Categories of IR nodes

## New IR nodes

With the new IR representation, the compiler learned to handle four new IR nodes, Phi nodes, Pi
nodes as well as PhiC nodes and Upsilon nodes (the latter two are only used for exception handling).
The SSA IR representation has four categories of IR nodes: Phi, Pi, PhiC, and Upsilon nodes (the latter two are only used for exception handling).

### Phi nodes and Pi nodes

Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/jloptions.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ static const char opts[] =
" interface if supported (Linux and Windows) or to the number of CPU\n"
" threads if not supported (MacOS) or if process affinity is not\n"
" configured, and sets M to 1.\n"
" --gcthreads=M[,N] Use M threads for the mark phase of GC and N (0 or 1) threads for the concurrent sweeping phase of GC.\n"
" M is set to half of the number of compute threads and N is set to 0 if unspecified.\n"
" --gcthreads=N[,M] Use N threads for the mark phase of GC and M (0 or 1) threads for the concurrent sweeping phase of GC.\n"
" N is set to half of the number of compute threads and M is set to 0 if unspecified.\n"
" -p, --procs {N|auto} Integer value N launches N additional local worker processes\n"
" \"auto\" launches as many workers as the number of local CPU threads (logical cores)\n"
" --machine-file <file> Run processes on hosts listed in <file>\n\n"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -838,7 +838,7 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_parse_opts(int *argcp, char ***argvp)
char *endptri;
long nsweepthreads = strtol(&endptr[1], &endptri, 10);
if (errno != 0 || endptri == &endptr[1] || *endptri != 0 || nsweepthreads < 0 || nsweepthreads > 1)
jl_errorf("julia: --gcthreads=<n>,<m>; n must be 0 or 1");
jl_errorf("julia: --gcthreads=<n>,<m>; m must be 0 or 1");
jl_options.nsweepthreads = (int8_t)nsweepthreads;
Expand Down
33 changes: 24 additions & 9 deletions stdlib/Profile/src/Profile.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1215,14 +1215,16 @@ end
Profile.take_heap_snapshot(io::IOStream, all_one::Bool=false)
Profile.take_heap_snapshot(filepath::String, all_one::Bool=false)
Profile.take_heap_snapshot(all_one::Bool=false; dir::String)
Write a snapshot of the heap, in the JSON format expected by the Chrome
Devtools Heap Snapshot viewer (.heapsnapshot extension), to a file
(`\$pid_\$timestamp.heapsnapshot`) in the current directory, or the given
file path, or IO stream. If `all_one` is true, then report the size of
every object as one so they can be easily counted. Otherwise, report the
actual size.
Devtools Heap Snapshot viewer (.heapsnapshot extension) to a file
(`\$pid_\$timestamp.heapsnapshot`) in the current directory by default (or tempdir if
the current directory is unwritable), or in `dir` if given, or the given
full file path, or IO stream.
If `all_one` is true, then report the size of every object as one so they can be easily
counted. Otherwise, report the actual size.
function take_heap_snapshot(io::IOStream, all_one::Bool=false)
Base.@_lock_ios(io, ccall(:jl_gc_take_heap_snapshot, Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Cchar), io.handle, Cchar(all_one)))
Expand All @@ -1233,9 +1235,22 @@ function take_heap_snapshot(filepath::String, all_one::Bool=false)
return filepath
function take_heap_snapshot(all_one::Bool=false)
f = joinpath(tempdir(), "$(getpid())_$(time_ns()).heapsnapshot")
return take_heap_snapshot(f, all_one)
function take_heap_snapshot(all_one::Bool=false; dir::Union{Nothing,S}=nothing) where {S <: AbstractString}
fname = "$(getpid())_$(time_ns()).heapsnapshot"
if isnothing(dir)
wd = pwd()
fpath = joinpath(wd, fname)
rm(fpath; force=true)
@warn "Cannot write to current directory `$(pwd())` so saving heap snapshot to `$(tempdir())`" maxlog=1 _id=Symbol(wd)
fpath = joinpath(tempdir(), fname)
fpath = joinpath(expanduser(dir), fname)
return take_heap_snapshot(fpath, all_one)

Expand Down
44 changes: 23 additions & 21 deletions stdlib/REPL/src/REPLCompletions.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ function complete_symbol(@nospecialize(ex), name::String, @nospecialize(ffunc),
# as excluding Main.Main.Main, etc., because that's most likely not what
# the user wants
p = let mod=mod, modname=nameof(mod)
s->(!Base.isdeprecated(mod, s) && s != modname && ffunc(mod, s)::Bool)
(s::Symbol) -> !Base.isdeprecated(mod, s) && s != modname && ffunc(mod, s)::Bool
# Looking for a binding in a module
if mod == context_module
Expand All @@ -192,25 +192,32 @@ function complete_symbol(@nospecialize(ex), name::String, @nospecialize(ffunc),
# Looking for a member of a type
if t isa DataType && t != Any
# Check for cases like Type{typeof(+)}
if Base.isType(t)
t = typeof(t.parameters[1])
# Only look for fields if this is a concrete type
if isconcretetype(t)
fields = fieldnames(t)
for field in fields
isa(field, Symbol) || continue # Tuple type has ::Int field name
s = string(field)
if startswith(s, name)
push!(suggestions, FieldCompletion(t, field))
add_field_completions!(suggestions, name, t)
return suggestions

function add_field_completions!(suggestions::Vector{Completion}, name::String, @nospecialize(t))
if isa(t, Union)
add_field_completions!(suggestions, name, t.a)
add_field_completions!(suggestions, name, t.b)
elseif t isa DataType && t != Any
# Check for cases like Type{typeof(+)}
if Base.isType(t)
t = typeof(t.parameters[1])
# Only look for fields if this is a concrete type
if isconcretetype(t)
fields = fieldnames(t)
for field in fields
isa(field, Symbol) || continue # Tuple type has ::Int field name
s = string(field)
if startswith(s, name)
push!(suggestions, FieldCompletion(t, field))

const sorted_keywords = [
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -580,11 +587,6 @@ function repl_eval_ex(@nospecialize(ex), context_module::Module)

result = frame.result.result
result === Union{} && return nothing # for whatever reason, callers expect this as the Bottom and/or Top type instead
if isa(result, Union)
# unswitch `Union` of same `UnionAll` instances to `UnionAll` of `Union`s
# so that we can use the field information of the `UnionAll`
return CC.unswitchtypeunion(result)
return result

Expand Down
12 changes: 8 additions & 4 deletions stdlib/REPL/test/replcompletions.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1875,11 +1875,15 @@ let s = "`abc`.e"

# Test completion for a case when type inference returned `Union` of the same types
function union_somes()
return rand() < 0.5 ? Some(1) : Some(2.)
let s = "union_somes()."
union_somes(a, b) = rand() < 0.5 ? Some(a) : Some(b)
let s = "union_somes(1, 1.0)."
c, r, res = test_complete_context(s, @__MODULE__)
@test res
@test "value" in c
union_some_ref(a, b) = rand() < 0.5 ? Some(a) : Ref(b)
let s = "union_some_ref(1, 1.0)."
c, r, res = test_complete_context(s, @__MODULE__)
@test res
@test "value" in c && "x" in c
15 changes: 14 additions & 1 deletion stdlib/Random/src/misc.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -345,6 +345,12 @@ Construct a random cyclic permutation of length `n`. The optional `rng`
argument specifies a random number generator, see [Random Numbers](@ref).
The element type of the result is the same as the type of `n`.
Here, a "cyclic permutation" means that all of the elements lie within
a single cycle. If `n > 0`, there are ``(n-1)!`` possible cyclic permutations,
which are sampled uniformly. If `n == 0`, `randcycle` returns an empty vector.
[`randcycle!`](@ref) is an in-place variant of this function.
!!! compat "Julia 1.1"
In Julia 1.1 and above, `randcycle` returns a vector `v` with
`eltype(v) == typeof(n)` while in Julia 1.0 `eltype(v) == Int`.
Expand All @@ -367,10 +373,16 @@ randcycle(n::Integer) = randcycle(default_rng(), n)
randcycle!([rng=default_rng(),] A::Array{<:Integer})
Construct in `A` a random cyclic permutation of length `length(A)`.
Construct in `A` a random cyclic permutation of length `n = length(A)`.
The optional `rng` argument specifies a random number generator, see
[Random Numbers](@ref).
Here, a "cyclic permutation" means that all of the elements lie within a single cycle.
If `A` is nonempty (`n > 0`), there are ``(n-1)!`` possible cyclic permutations,
which are sampled uniformly. If `A` is empty, `randcycle!` leaves it unchanged.
[`randcycle`](@ref) is a variant of this function that allocates a new vector.
# Examples
julia> randcycle!(MersenneTwister(1234), Vector{Int}(undef, 6))
Expand All @@ -390,6 +402,7 @@ function randcycle!(r::AbstractRNG, a::Array{<:Integer})
n == 0 && return a
a[1] = 1
mask = 3
# Sattolo's algorithm:
@inbounds for i = 2:n
j = 1 + rand(r, ltm52(i-1, mask))
a[i] = a[j]
Expand Down
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions test/compiler/irpasses.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1390,3 +1390,34 @@ function wrap1_wrap1_wrapper(b, x, y)
@test wrap1_wrap1_wrapper(true, 1, 1.0) === 1.0
@test wrap1_wrap1_wrapper(false, 1, 1.0) === 1

# Test unswitching-union optimization within SRO Apass
function sroaunswitchuniontuple(c, x1, x2)
t = c ? (x1,) : (x2,)
return getfield(t, 1)
struct SROAUnswitchUnion1{T}
struct SROAUnswitchUnion2{S,T}
@inline SROAUnswitchUnion2{S}(x::T) where {S,T} = new{S,T}(x)
function sroaunswitchunionstruct1(c, x1, x2)
x = c ? SROAUnswitchUnion1(x1) : SROAUnswitchUnion1(x2)
return getfield(x, :x)
function sroaunswitchunionstruct2(c, x1, x2)
x = c ? SROAUnswitchUnion2{:a}(x1) : SROAUnswitchUnion2{:a}(x2)
return getfield(x, :x)
let src = code_typed1(sroaunswitchuniontuple, Tuple{Bool, Int, Float64})
@test count(isnew, src.code) == 0
@test count(iscall((src, getfield)), src.code) == 0
let src = code_typed1(sroaunswitchunionstruct1, Tuple{Bool, Int, Float64})
@test count(isnew, src.code) == 0
@test count(iscall((src, getfield)), src.code) == 0
@test sroaunswitchunionstruct2(true, 1, 1.0) === 1
@test sroaunswitchunionstruct2(false, 1, 1.0) === 1.0

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