A C++ Primitive shape generator library
Generates a quad facing the -Z direction by default
Plane(unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
Generates a plane of width * height tiles facing the +Y direction by default
Polygon(unsigned int sides)
Generates a polygon facing the -Z direction by default. High side counts can be used for circles
Generates a 24 vertex cube with correct normals and example texture shown below (Front facing -Z)
UVSphere(unsigned int rings, unsigned int segments)
Generates a UV sphere with a number of rings and segments. Useful for easy texturing
Icosphere(unsigned int subdivisions)
Generates a subdivided icosphere. More organic looking due to it's uniformity. Useful for heightmapping.
Generally keep subdivisions below 10, Number of triangles grows exponentially
Cylinder(unsigned int sides)
Generates a cylinder with a given number of sides. Low side counts can be used for prisms
Generates the classic capsule shape.