Check out my youtube channel : Auctux
- Thanks to Jamis Buck Book : Mazes for programmers
PYGAME : pip install pygame
to close the programEnter
to start to genrate the mazeH
to show the heuristic cost valueS
to show the path from the starting to the goal nodeSpace
to switch between the color modes
- run for grid mazes
- run for polarGrid maze
- run for hexGrid maze
- run for maskGrid maze
- run for weightedGrid maze
you can also braid your mazes when it done , by calling the function
. braiding a maze simply assures that the maze doens't have any deadends
Polar Grid :
HexGrid :
maskGrid :
- The code need a lot of refactoring
- the visualization of the polar maze need a lot of improvement
- the the file need to be refactored for it to be able to work on every size of images , for now it's only working for images wich has the same size with the screen size
- the recursive backtracker class need a little bit of cleaning
- add Comments
- implement the ui interface
- the djikistra algorithm need to take the weights of cells in consideration for weightedGrid
binary_tree = BinaryTree(Grid(rows, cols, cell_size), "GREEN")
wilson = Wilson(Grid(rows, cols, cell_size), "PURPLE_E")
side_winder = SideWinder(Grid(rows, cols, cell_size), "BLUE")
hunt_and_kill = HuntAndKill(Grid(rows, cols, cell_size), "RED")
aldous_broder = AldousBroder(Grid(rows, cols, cell_size), "GREEN")
recursive_backtracker = RecursiveBacktracker(Grid(rows, cols, cell_size), "BLUE")
kruskal = Kruskals(Kruskals.State(Grid(rows, cols, cell_size)))
simplePrims = SimplePrims(Grid(rows, cols, cell_size), "CYAN")
prims = Prims(Grid(rows, cols, cell_size))
growingTree = GrowingTree(Grid(rows, cols, cell_size), "GREEN")
ellers = Ellers(Grid(rows, cols, cell_size), 0, "RED")
wilson.Generate(screen, show_text, color_mode, show_path)
binary_tree.Generate(screen, show_text, color_mode, show_path)
kruskal.Generate(screen, show_text, color_mode, show_path)
side_winder.Generate(screen, show_text, color_mode, show_path)
hunt_and_kill.Generate(screen, show_text, color_mode, show_path)
aldous_broder.Generate(screen, show_text, color_mode, show_path)
recursive_backtracker.Generate(screen, show_text, color_mode, show_path)
simplePrims.Generate(screen, show_text, color_mode, show_path)
prims.Generate(screen, show_text, color_mode, show_path)
growingTree.Generate(screen, show_text, color_mode, show_path)
ellers.Generate(screen, show_text, color_mode, show_path)
Enjoy ✌️