Using reinforcement and imitation learning to make an agent drive a car with somewhat realistic physics in Unity
Car controller used (after modification) from:
Path creator used (after modification) from:
The setup:
At the start of the episode:
-Spawn at start position with some randomness and facing forwards with zero velocity and in gear 0
-12 spherecasts equally spaced around the vehicle that detect barriers
-3 spherecasts equally spaced infront of the vehicle that detect waypoints
-Signed angle between car and waypoint foward vectors
-Velocity of car
-Acceleration (continuous)
-Turning (continuous)
-Very small reward for forward velocity
-Large reward for crossing correct waypoint
-Very Large reward for finishing lap (larger reward for faster completion)
-Negative reward for hitting barrier
-Small negative reward for contacting barrier
Some images and videos of the project: