To get started, make sure you have Docker installed on your system, and then clone this repository.
Next, navigate in your terminal to the directory you cloned this, and spin up the containers for the web server by running docker-compose up -d --build site
- nginx -
- mysql -
- php -
Run the below commands from the project_folder/src
of the project using CLI
chmod -R 777 storage/
Run the below commands from the project_folder/src
of the project using CLI
cp .env.example .env
Run the below commands from project_folder/src
docker-compose run --rm artisan migrate
docker-compose run --rm artisan db:seed
The Users are admin
, jane
, ronald
The Groups are House Rent
, Tour Club
, Weekend Party
First two users are assigned to the first group as well
Generate Documentation From code base
docker-compose run --rm artisan swagger-lume:generate
Database can be access using the below link
Host : mysql DB : splitwise User : root Pass : root
docker-compose run --rm php vendor/bin/phpunit
Can access the code coverage report and Graph
docker-compose run --rm php vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-html public/coverage/
Front end of the appliation is not developed , but the API documentation is done with Swagger Package, so you can try out all from that.
docker ps
docker exec -it redis-cli
docker exec -it bash root@containerID:/# mysql -u root -p
PHP - 8.1.4 (Lumen Framework), MySQL - 5.7.9