Penetration Testser | Cyber Security Student | RED Teamer | CTF's Player at THM-HTB | Full Stack Developer | Programmer | Computer Science Student
🔭 I’m currently working on Learning Full Stack WEB Application Development
🌱 I’m currently learning Full Stack Web Application Development | C++ DSA | Cyber Security
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Penetration Testers | Programmers | Developers
🤝 I’m looking for help with Nothing
👨💻 All of my projects are available at /~
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💬 Ask me about Cyber Security | Programming | Web Development
📫 How to reach me
⚡ Fun fact World is round and flat concurrently.
HTML | CSS | Tailwind CSS | JavaScript | C++ | Python | Rust | PHP | SQL | Golang | Ruby |
React | Laravel | Vue.Js | Express.Js | Django | Ruby on Rails | Flask | Next.js | Node.js | MySQL | MongoDB | Microsoft SQL Server |
Windows | macOS | Linux | Ubuntu | CentOS | Debian | Unix |
TryHackMe | Hack The Box | PicoCTF | Cybrary | OverTheWire | Root-Me | VulnHub | CTF365 | Blue Team Labs | CTF | Hacker 1O1 |
Udemy | Coursera | Edureka | W3Schools | Programiz Pro | CodeHELP | Codecademy | CodeWithHarry | Stack Overflow | HackerEarth | FreeCodeCamp |