- The app is designed to help you save your favorite movies and series in a playlist, allowing you to keep track of them.
- The app fetches data from the free-tier API provided by omdbAPI
- Login or sign up using an Email ID and Password.
- Access the app by logging in with your Email ID and Password.
- The app provides the following services:
- Create Playlist: Organize your favorite movies and series.
- Check Public Playlists: Explore playlists shared by others.
- Search for Movies: Discover movies using the app's search functionality.
- Delete from Your Playlist: Remove items from your playlists.
- In the "User" section, you can view all public playlists and access their details by clicking on them.
- Enjoy the flexibility to log out as needed.
- Delete your own playlists with ease.
Before installation, you need to have installed/knowledge of the following:
- clone the dev branch to your local machine
git clone --branch dev /~https://github.com/JasonDsouza212/moviebook.git
- change the present working directory
cd moviebook
- change the present working directory to backend
cd backend
- Set the .env file with the value in the backend folder
- PORT= 4000
- SECRET= Any string with minimun 40 characters
- Open CMD in your current directory and install npm packages using command:
npm install
- Run it locally using
npm start
- Change the present working directory to client by opening a new terminal window and executing the following command:
cd ..
cd client
- Set the .env file with the value in the client folder
- Open the Command Prompt (CMD) in your current directory and install npm packages using the following command:
npm install
Run it locally using
npm start
- You can now access the application at :