A few months ago, I bought a set of "Etekcity ZAP 5LX Auto-Programmable Function Wireless Remote Control Outlet Light Switch with 2 Remotes, 5-Pack Outlet " (http://amzn.com/B00DQELHBS) which had a major problem: the remote buttons 1 and 2 where using the same codes as buttons 3 and 4! As a result, I had to either use 2 receivers on the same code or just live without using the last two outlets!
I happened to have a Rasperry Pi 2 device so I went looking to see if I could use that to control it. That is when I stumbled upon this amazing blog post by Sam Kear (https://www.samkear.com/hardware/control-power-outlets-wirelessly-raspberry-pi) about using the Pi to control the outlets! The resources he provided were instrumental in getting this project off the ground! You should go read his blog as it tells you how to hook up and test the hardware.
While the hardware setup guide was great, I wasn't a huge fan of the UI. Since I was trying to learn python Flask at the time, I decided to use this opportunity to come up with my own. That is where this project was born!
Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9kaAmel5R4 (doesn't include longpress on command for timer)
- Custom command creation
- Scheduling commands (repeat or single use)
- Restful API for control (I have a Tasker task on my phone to control all my lights)
- All commands can be created/edited from the ui - no need to edit PHP files or config files directly.
- Timer (press and hold command button)
- AutoLight -- connects to a weather station I have to read the lux value and turn on lights based off of the current value.
433Utils: /~https://github.com/ninjablocks/433Utils I used this project for the actual communication. However, I had to make 2 minor modifications. First, I removed "received" from the RFSniffer. Second, in order to get the values so I could read them from Python, I had to make if flush the buffer after each line was written. This is done by add << flush to the end of the cout statement. The modded source can be found in RF\drivers\rf\433Utils\RPi_utils.
Testing The drivers (IP address and RF) can be run directly for testing.
Send code 12345
[sudo] python drivers\rf\__init__.py 12345
Listen for codes
[sudo] python drivers\rf\__init__.py
Please note that there is a mock python script that runs when on windows which feeds random values into the application! This was for local development testing.
Known Issues:
- Autolight requires a Weather Station service I setup at my house. Therefore, this will not work in this release (would need to estimate sunset or talk to a weather service to get sunset information)
- Some issues with Internet Explorer (I used Chrome so that's really all I care about!)
- This is a personal pet project made for myself so I'm sure there are issues that others will have running it!
Python Requirements:
[sudo] pip install [package]
- apscheduler (Note: I had to install this manually from code on my PI2! https://bitbucket.org/agronholm/apscheduler/src/)
- sqlalchemy
- flask
- flask-classy
- flask_apscheduler
- flask_sqlalchemy
Made to run on Python 2.7 You run the application by calling
[sudo] python RF.py console
You can replace console with status, start, or stop. This allows you to run in debug mode with console output or run as a damon on your pi (you can then use cron to start this at boottime). You can then go to http://[ipaddress]:54321 to access the page (use the .conf file to change the port).
3rd Party Components that made this project possible!
- BootBox - http://bootboxjs.com/
- ClockPicker - https://weareoutman.github.io/clockpicker/
- DataTables - https://www.datatables.net/
- JQuery Longpress - /~https://github.com/vaidik/jquery-longpress
- JQuery - https://jquery.com/
- Modernizr - https://modernizr.com/
- Animate - https://daneden.github.io/animate.css/
- Boostrap - http://getbootstrap.com/
- Paper Collapse - /~https://github.com/alexander-ruehle/paper-collapse
- roundSlider - http://roundsliderui.com/
- SB Admin2 - http://startbootstrap.com/template-overviews/sb-admin-2/
- Font Awesome - https://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/