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the IMU library to rule them all (wip)


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1 Supported IMUS:

  • MPU9255
  • MPU9250
  • MPU6886
  • MPU6515
  • MPU6500
  • MPU6050
  • ICM20689
  • ICM20690
  • BMI055
  • BMX055 (Magnetometer currently untested)
  • BMI160
  • LSM6DS3
  • LSM6DSL (currently untested)
  • QMI8658

Supported Magnetometers:

  • QMC5883L
  • HMC5883L
  • AK8975

Supported IMU + Mag Stacking combos (All of them expect IMU address for initialization):

  • MPU6515 + QMC5883L (uses type MPU6515_QMC5883L)

  • MPU6500 + QMC5883L (uses type MPU6500_QMC5883L)

  • MPU6050 + QMC5883L (uses type MPU6050_QMC5883L)

  • ICM20689 + QMC5883L (uses type ICM20689_QMC5883L)

  • ICM20690 + QMC5883L (uses type ICM20690_QMC5883L)

  • BMI055 + QMC5883L (uses type BMI055_QMC5883L)

  • BMI160 + QMC5883L (uses type BMI160_QMC5883L)

  • LSM6DS3 + QMC5883L (uses type LSM6DS3_QMC5883L)

  • LSM6DSL + QMC5883L (uses type LSM6DSL_QMC5883L)

  • QMI8658 + QMC5883L (uses type QMI8658_QMC5883L)

  • MPU6515 + HMC5883L (uses type MPU6515_HMC5883L)

  • MPU6500 + HMC5883L (uses type MPU6500_HMC5883L)

  • MPU6050 + HMC5883L (uses type MPU6050_HMC5883L)

  • ICM20689 + HMC5883L (uses type ICM20689_HMC5883L)

  • ICM20690 + HMC5883L (uses type ICM20690_HMC5883L)

  • BMI055 + HMC5883L (uses type BMI055_HMC5883L)

  • BMI160 + HMC5883L (uses type BMI160_HMC5883L)

  • LSM6DS3 + HMC5883L (uses type LSM6DS3_HMC5883L)

  • LSM6DSL + HMC5883L (uses type LSM6DSL_HMC5883L)

  • QMI8658 + HMC5883L (uses type QMI8658_HMC5883L)

  • MPU6515 + AK8975 (uses type MPU6515_AK8975)

  • MPU6500 + AK8975 (uses type MPU6500_AK8975)

  • MPU6050 + AK8975 (uses type MPU6050_AK8975)

  • ICM20689 + AK8975 (uses type ICM20689_AK8975)

  • ICM20690 + AK8975 (uses type ICM20690_AK8975)

  • BMI055 + AK8975 (uses type BMI055_AK8975)

  • BMI160 + AK8975 (uses type BMI160_AK8975)

  • LSM6DS3 + AK8975 (uses type LSM6DS3_AK8975)

  • LSM6DSL + AK8975 (uses type LSM6DSL_AK8975)

  • QMI8658 + AK8975 (uses type QMI8658_AK8975)


  • BNO080 (probably soonish)
  • GY-85
  • BMM150
  • BNO055 (the one I bought is DOA... might take a bit)
  • ICM20948
  • BMI270 (if I can get my hands on one)

Data types

  • AccelData Contains all three axis of Accelerometer data, these are named accelX, accelY and accelZ

  • GyroData Contains all three axis of Gyroscope data, these are named gyroX, gyroY and gyroZ

  • MagData Contains all three axis of Magnetometer data, these are named magX, magY and magZ

  • Quaternion Contains Quaternion data, the components are named qW, qX, qY and qZ

  • CalData Contains a boolean component named valid that must be set to true if the data is valid, it contains float array named accelBias for accelerometer biases, one named gyroBias for gyroscope bias, one named magBias for magnetometer biases and one named magScale for magnetometer scaling.


  • init Takes in a calData function and a byte address, this function initializes the IMU, it defaults to the maximum ranges allowed by the IMU. This function will return a 0 if initialization was successful and a negative number if it failed to connect to the IMU.

  • update Reads new IMU data if available.

  • getAccel Takes in a pointer to AccelData and copies new accelerometer data to it, should be called after update.

  • getGyro Takes in a pointer to GyroData and copies new gyroscope data to it, should be called after update.

  • getMag Takes in a pointer to MagData and copies new magnetometer data to it, should be called after update. Will only return new magnetometer data if the IMU has a magnetometer.

  • getQuat Takes in a pointer to a Quaternion and copies new quaternion data to it, should be called after update. Will only return new Quaternion data if the IMU has a Quaternion output.

  • getTemp Returns temperature float data in °C, should be called after update, isn't very accurate.

  • setGyroRange Takes in an integer with the dps range wanted, (for example 2000 for ±2000dps), returns 0 if successful, returns -1 if the input range is not valid.

  • setAccelRange Takes in an integer with the dps range wanted, (for example 8 for ±8g), returns 0 if successful, returns -1 if the input range is not valid.

  • setIMUGeometry Takes in an integer with the wanted geometry index, rotates IMU measurements to match vr headset IMU mount. (see chart below).

  • calibrateAccelGyro Takes in a pointer to calibration data and runs a Accelerometer and Gyroscope calibration, storing the new accelerometer and gyroscope calibration data in it. the IMU should be kept completely still and level during this.

  • calibrateMag Takes in a pointer to Calibration data and runs a Accelerometer and Gyroscope calibration, storing the new accelerometer and gyroscope calibration data in it. the IMU should be moved in a figure eight pattern while calibrating, calibration takes around 15 seconds.

  • hasMagnetometer Returns true if the IMU has a magnetometer.

  • hasTemperature Returns true if the IMU has a thermometer.

  • hasQuatOutput Returns true if the IMU has a direct quaternion output.

  • IMUName Returns a string containing the IMU's name.

  • IMUType Returns a string containing the IMU's type.

  • IMUManufacturer Returns a string containing the IMU's manufacturer.

Supported IMU VR geometries (and their index numbers):


TODO: get DMP working for pure quaternion output from invsense IMU's
TODO: get FIFO working for all IMU's that have it.
TODO: get timestamping working
TODO: get proper matrix magnetometer calibration working instead of the current scalar garbage.


the IMU library to rule them all (wip)







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  • C++ 99.5%
  • C 0.5%