Algolia Search is a hosted full-text, numerical, and faceted search engine capable of delivering realtime results from the first keystroke.
This extension replaces the default search of Magento with a typo-tolerant, fast & relevant search experience backed by Algolia. It's based on algoliasearch-client-php and algoliasearch-client-js.
See features and benefits of Algolia Search Extension for Magento.
Check out our documentation on
You can check out our live demo.
Offer End-Users immediate access to your whole catalog from the dropdown menu, whatever your number of categories or attributes.
Have your search results page, navigation and pagination updated in realtime, after each keystroke.
The easiest way to setup your development environment is to use Docker. If you're a Mac user, use boot2docker to run docker containers.
Just run the following script to setup a running Magento 1.9.1 instance with some sample data & the Algolia Search extension installed:
$ ./dev/ -a YourApplicationID \
-k YourAdminAPIKey \
-s YourSearchOnlyAPIKey \
-p YourIndexPrefix \
-b http://`boot2docker ip`/ # change that if you're not using boot2docker
Administration login is admin
with password magentorocks1
and you can access it from http://[boot2docker ip]/admin
A phpmyadmin instance is available from http://[boot2docker ip]/phpmyadmin
You can execute a shell inside the container with the following command:
$ docker exec -i -t algoliasearch-magento /bin/bash
If you do not want to use docker. You can use modman (a module manager for Magento) by running the following commands:
$ cd /path/to/your/magento/directory
$ modman init
$ modman clone /~