This plugin adds a menu to create some simple shapes to the scene (cube, cylinder, tube) used most of the time to create some fast test parts and common calibration/test parts. The default size for all the simple shapes is 20 mm, but can be modified via the Define default size menu.
You can also load standard test / calibration part :
- Calibration Cube XYZ
- PLA TempTower 220 - 180°C
- ABS TempTower 250 - 210°C
- PETG TempTower 260 - 230°C
- Retract Tower
- Junction Deviation Tower
- Retract Test part
- Bridge Spiral test
- Thin Wall Test
- Overhang Test
- Flow Test
- Hole Test
- Linear/Pressure Adv Tower
- Tolerance Test
- MultiCube Test
Bed Level : For this part the initial design is scaled to the bed size
Multi-Extruder Calibration part
- Cube bi-color
- Extruder Offset Calibration
All the parts have been designed via OpenSCAD. OpenSCAD can be downloaded here
The function Define default size gives you the possibility to change the default size for the standard primitives (cube/cylinder/tube).
This plugin is using the Trimesh library to create simple shapes and to load STL files.
Several postprocessing Scripts are included into the plugin to help the user to generate automaticaly the differents Towers.
These scripts can be copied into the scripts directory via the function Copy Scripts.
After you have copied these scripts, you must restart Cura to see the scripts in the postprocessing scripts list.
After the restart the scripts must be visible in the Postprocessing scripts list.
Description: postprocessing-script to easily define a Speed Tower.
Five options :
- Jerk : Speed variation (M204 S)
- Acceleration : Acceleration variation (M205 X Y)
- Junction Deviation : Junction Deviation variation (M205 J)
- Marlin Linear : Marlin Linear Advance (M900 K)
- RepRap Pressure : RepRap Pressure Advance (M572 D0 S)
Description: postprocessing-script to easily to create a temptower and not use 10 changeAtZ-scripts
The default values are for this temptower PLA model : PLA TempTower 220 - 180°C
- Temp Tower PLA de 220 à 180
- Possibility to define also a Fan Tower , Fan percentage speed indicate with semi-colon as seprator
Description: postprocessing-script to easily create a Retract Tower
The default values are for this Retract Tower model : Retract Tower
Two options :
- Speed : Speed variation
- Retract : Distance retract variation
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