NIPT analysis pipeline, using WisecondorX for detecting aneuplodies and large CNVs, AMYCNE for FFY and PREFACE for FF prediction (optional). FluFFYPipe produces a variety of output files, as well as a per batch csv summary.
Run NIPT analysis, using a previously comnputed reference:
fluffy --sample <samplesheet> --project <input_folder> --out <output_folder> --analyse
Run NIPT analysis, using an internally computed reference (i.e the reference is built using all samples listed in samplesheet):
fluffy --sample <samplesheet> --project <input_folder> --out <output_folder> --analyse --batch-ref
optionally, skip preface:
fluffy --sample <samplesheet> --project <input_folder> --out <output_folder> --skip_preface --analyse
All output will be written to the output folder, this output includes:
bam files
wisecondorX output
tiddit coverage summary
Fetal fraction estimation
as well as a summary csv and multiqc html (per batch)
the input folder is a project folder containing one folder per sample, each of these subfolders contain the fastq file(s). The samplesheet contains at least a "sampleID" column, the sampleID should match the subfolders in the input folder. The samplesheet may contain other columns, such as flowcell and index folder: such columns will be printed to the summary csv. If the samplesheet contains a SampleName column, fluffy will name the output according to SampleName
Create a WisecondorX reference
fluffy --sample <samplesheet> --project <input_folder> --out <output_folder> --reference
samplesheet should contain atleast a "sampleID" column. All samples in the samplesheet will be used to construct the reference, visit the WisecondorX manual for more information.
Analysis mode:
--dry_run - run the pipeline without generating files
-l - add paramters to the slurm header of the script, should be given on the following format parameter:value
example: qos:high
Reference mode:
--dry_run - run the pipeline without generating files
Rerun mode:
--dry_run - run the pipeline without generating files
There are three statuses of the fluffy pipeline: running, complete, and failed
The status of a fluffy run is found in the
The status of all jobs are listed in
Where is the timepoint when the jobs were submitted Use grep to find the failed jobs:
grep -v COMPLETE <output_folder>/sacct/fluffy_<date>.log.status
The output logs are stored in:
Before continuing, you may want to generate the summary csv for all completed cases:
bash <output_folder>/scripts/summarizebatch-<hash>
where is a randomly generated string.
use the rerun module to rerun failed fluffy analyses:
fluffy --sample <samplesheet> --project <input_folder> --out <output_folder> --skip_preface rerun
FluFFyPipe requires python 3, slurm, slurmpy, and singularity, python-coloredlogs.
fluffy may be installed using pip:
pip install fluffy-cg
alternatively, fluffy is cloned and installed from github: git clone /~ cd fluffy pip install -e .
Next download the FluFFyPipe singularity container
singularity pull library://jeisfeldt/default/fluffy:sha256.dbef92cd5eab8558c2729f73a191d73a7576a24e9bb44dde7372c0cd405c4ef6
copy the example config (found in example_config), and edit the variables. You will need to download/create the following files:
Reference fasta (indexed using bwa)
WisecondorX reference files (created using the reference mode)
PREFACE model file (optional)
blacklist bed file (used by wisecondorX)
FluFFyPipe singularity collection (singularity pull --name FluFFyPipe.sif shub://J35P312/FluFFyPipe)