title | tags | description |
Training dapp nΒ°4 |
Training |
Training nΒ°4 for decentralized application |
Previously, you learned how to use tickets and don't mess up with it. In this third session, you will enhance your skills on :
- upgrading a smart contract with lambda function code
- upgrading a smart contract with proxy
As you maybe know, smart contracts are immutable but in real life, applications are not and evolve. During the past several years, bugs and vulnerabilities in smart contracts caused millions of dollars to get stolen or lost forever. Such cases may even require manual intervention in blockchain operation to recover the funds.
Let's see 2 tricks that allow to upgrade a contract
There is nothing more than you needed on first session : /~https://github.com/marigold-dev/training-dapp-1#memo-prerequisites
Get your code from the session 3 or the solution here
As everyone knows, one feature of blockchain is to keep immutable code on a block. This allows transparency, traceability and trustlessness.
But application lifecycle implies to evolve and upgrade code to fix bug or bring functionalities. So how can we do it ?
Note : All below solutions break in a wait the fact that a smartcontract is immutable. We can preserve in a way Trust if the upgrade process has some security and authenticity around it. Like the first time an admin deploys a smartcontract, any user should be able to trust the code reading it with free read access, the same should apply to the upgrade process (notification of new code version, admin identification, whitelisted auditor reports, ...). To resume, if you really want to avoid DEVOPS centralization, you are about to create a DAO with a voting process amongs some selected users/administrators in order to deploy the new version of the smartcontract ... but let's simplify and talk here only about classical centralized admin deployment
One can deploy a new version of the smart contract and do a redirection to the new address on front end side
Complete flow
Admin->>Tezos: originate smart contract A
Tezos-->>Admin: contractAddress A
User->>frontend: click on %myfunction
frontend->>SmartContractA: transaction %myfunction
Note right of SmartContractA : executing logic of A
Admin->>Tezos: originate smart contract B with A storage as init
Tezos-->>Admin: contractAddress B
Admin->>frontend: change smart contract address to B
User->>frontend: click on %myfunction
frontend->>SmartContractB: transaction %myfunction
Note right of SmartContractB : executing logic of B
Pros | Cons |
Easiest to do | Old contract remains active, so do bugs. Need to really get rid off it |
Need to migrate old storage, can cost a lot of money or even be too big to copy at init time | |
Need to sync/update frontend at each backend migration | |
Lose reference to previous contract address, can lead to issues with other dependent contracts |
This time, the code will be on the storage and being executed at runtime
Admin->>Tezos: originate smart contract with a lambda Map on storage, initialized Map.literal(list([["myfunction","<SOME_CODE>"]]))
Tezos-->>Admin: contractAddress
User->>SmartContract: transaction %myfunction
Note right of SmartContract : Tezos.exec(lambaMap.find_opt(myfunction))
Admin->>SmartContract: transaction(["myfunction","<SOME_CODE>"],0,updateLambdaCode)
Note right of SmartContract : Check caller == admin
Note right of SmartContract : Map.add("myfunction","<SOME_CODE>",lambaMap)
Pros | Cons |
No more migration of code and storage. Update the lambda function code that is on existing storage | If we want also storage, we need to store all in bytes PACKING/UNPACKING and we lose all type checking |
keep same contract address | IDE or tools do not work anymore on lambda code. Michelson does not protect us from some kinds of mistakes anymore |
Unexpected changes can cause other contract callers to fail, we lose interface benefits | |
Harder to audit and trace, can lead to really big security nd Trust issues | |
Storing everything as bytes is limited to PACK-able types like nat, string, list, set, map |
We are going to change the implementation of the function pokeAndGetFeedback
. Getting the feedback will be now as a lambda function on storage. So, we will require :
- a new entrypoint to change the lambda code
- update current entrypoint to call/execute the lambda
Let's start with adding the lambda function definition of the storage
export type feedbackFunction = (oracleAddress : address) => string ;
export type storage = {
pokeTraces : map<address, pokeMessage>,
feedback : string,
ticketOwnership : map<address,ticket<string>>, //ticket of claims
feedbackFunction : feedbackFunction
Update the main function, you have 1 additional field feedbackFunction
on storage destructuring
export const main = ([action, store] : [parameter, storage]) : return_ => {
//destructure the storage to avoid DUP
let {pokeTraces , feedback , ticketOwnership,feedbackFunction } = store;
return match (action, {
Poke: () => poke([pokeTraces , feedback , ticketOwnership, feedbackFunction]) ,
PokeAndGetFeedback: (other : address) => pokeAndGetFeedback([other,pokeTraces , feedback , ticketOwnership,feedbackFunction]),
Init: (initParam : [address, nat]) => init([initParam[0], initParam[1], pokeTraces , feedback , ticketOwnership , feedbackFunction])
Edit the PokeAndGetFeedback
function where we execute the lambda feedbackFunction(..)
// @no_mutation
const pokeAndGetFeedback = ([oracleAddress,pokeTraces , feedback , ticketOwnership, feedbackFunction]:[address,map<address, pokeMessage> , string , map<address,ticket<string>>, feedbackFunction]) : return_ => {
//extract opt ticket from map
const [t , tom] : [option<ticket<string>>, map<address,ticket<string>>] = Map.get_and_update(Tezos.get_source(), None() as option<ticket<string>>,ticketOwnership);
let feedbackMessage = {receiver : oracleAddress ,feedback: feedbackFunction(oracleAddress) };
return match(t, {
None : () => failwith("User does not have tickets => not allowed"),
Some : (_t : ticket<string>) => [ list([]) as list<operation>, {
pokeTraces : Map.add(Tezos.get_source(),feedbackMessage , pokeTraces),
ticketOwnership : tom ,
Note the line with feedbackFunction(oracleAddress)
, so we call the lambda and still pass the address parameter
On a first time we will inject the old code to check all still works and then we will modify the lamda code on the storage to check that behavior has changed.
To modify the lambda function code we need an extra admin entrypoint UpdateFeedbackFunction
Add this new entrypoint case on the main
function switch-case pattern matching match
. It takes a function definition coce and override existing one.
UpdateFeedbackFunction : (newCode : feedbackFunction) => [list([]),{pokeTraces , feedback , ticketOwnership, feedbackFunction : newCode}]
Add it also to the parameter definition
export type parameter =
| ["Poke"]
| ["PokeAndGetFeedback", address]
| ["Init", address, nat]
| ["UpdateFeedbackFunction",feedbackFunction]
As we broke the storage definition earlier, fix all storage field missing warnings on poke
and init
const poke = ([pokeTraces , feedback , ticketOwnership,feedbackFunction] : [map<address, pokeMessage> , string , map<address,ticket<string>>,feedbackFunction]) : return_ => {
//extract opt ticket from map
const [t , tom] : [option<ticket<string>>, map<address,ticket<string>>] = Map.get_and_update(Tezos.get_source(), None() as option<ticket<string>>,ticketOwnership);
return match(t, {
None : () => failwith("User does not have tickets => not allowed"),
Some : (_t : ticket<string>) => [ list([]) as list<operation>,{ //let t burn
pokeTraces : Map.add(Tezos.get_source(), {receiver : Tezos.get_self_address(), feedback : ""},pokeTraces),
ticketOwnership : tom,
const init = ([a, ticketCount, pokeTraces , feedback , ticketOwnership, feedbackFunction] : [address, nat, map<address, pokeMessage> , string , map<address,ticket<string>>,feedbackFunction]) : return_ => {
if(ticketCount == (0 as nat)){
return [ list([]) as list<operation>,{
ticketOwnership ,
} else {
return [ list([]) as list<operation>,{
ticketOwnership : Map.add(a,Tezos.create_ticket("can_poke", ticketCount),ticketOwnership) ,
Time to compile and play with the CLI
ligo compile contract ./smartcontract/pokeGame.jsligo --output-file pokeGame.tz --protocol jakarta
Compile an initial storage. Here we inject the old initial value of the lambda function (i.e calling a view to get a feedback)
ligo compile storage ./smartcontract/pokeGame.jsligo '{pokeTraces : Map.empty as map<address, pokeMessage> , feedback : "kiss" , ticketOwnership : Map.empty as map<address,ticket<string>>,feedbackFunction : ((oracleAddress : address) : string => { return match( Tezos.call_view("feedback", unit, oracleAddress) as option<string> , { Some : (feedback : string) => feedback, None : () => failwith("Cannot find view feedback on given oracle address") }); }) }' --output-file pokeGameStorage.tz --protocol jakarta
Redeploy to testnet, replacing <ACCOUNT_KEY_NAME> with your own user alias
tezos-client originate contract mycontract transferring 0 from <ACCOUNT_KEY_NAME> running pokeGame.tz --init "$(cat pokeGameStorage.tz)" --burn-cap 1 --force
New contract KT1HRu51cEigmqa8jeLZkqXfL1QYHzSFAMdc originated.
Time to go on the dapp to test
Replace the contract address on dapp/src/App.tsx file with above address from deployment, like on this extract
... contractsService.getSimilar({address:"KT1HRu51cEigmqa8jeLZkqXfL1QYHzSFAMdc" ...
Mint 1 ticket, wait for confirmation and poke a contract address, wait for confirmation and then click on button to refresh the contract list So far so good, you have the same result as previous training π
Now, we update the lambda function in background with the CLI with our new admin entrypoint. We return a fixed string this time, just for demo purpose and verify that the lambda executed is returning another output
ligo compile parameter ./smartcontract/pokeGame.jsligo 'UpdateFeedbackFunction((oracleAddress : address) : string => "YEAH!!!")' --output-file pokeGameParameter.tz --protocol jakarta
tezos-client transfer 0 from <ACCOUNT_KEY_NAME> to mycontract --arg "$(cat pokeGameParameter.tz)"
Mint 1 ticket, wait for confirmation and poke again , wait for confirmation and then click on button to refresh the contract list
You see that the feedback has changed YEAH!!! π€
Optional : fix your units tests
Goal is to have a proxy contract maintaining the application lifecycle, it is an enhancement of previous naive solution. We will have to deploy a complete new smartcontract, but this time we are not talking directly to this contract. Instead, the proxy remains the default entrypoint and keep same address.
Admin->>Tezos: originate proxy(admin,[])
Tezos-->>Admin: proxyAddress
Admin->>Tezos: originate smart contract(proxyAddress,v1)
Tezos-->>Admin: contractV1Address
Admin->>Proxy: upgrade([["endpoint",contractV1Address]],{new:contractV1Address})
User->>Proxy: call("endpoint",payloadBytes)
Proxy->>SmartContractV1: main("endpoint",payloadBytes)
Admin->>Proxy: upgrade([["endpoint",contractV2Address]],{old:contractV1Address,new:contractV2Address})
Note right of Proxy : Check caller == admin
Note right of Proxy : storage.entrypoints.set["endpoint",contractV2Address]
Proxy->>SmartContractV1: main(["changeVersion",{old:contractV1Address,new:contractV2Address}])
Note left of SmartContractV1 : storage.tzip18.contractNext = contractV2Address
Note : 2 location choices for the smart contract storage :
- at proxy level : storage stays unique and immutable
- at end-contract level : storage is new at each new version and need to be migrated
Pros | Cons |
Migration is transparent for frontend | smart contract code Tezos.SENDER will always refer to the proxy, so need to be careful |
if storage is unchanged, we can keep storage at proxy level without cost | If storage changes, need to migrate storage from old contract to new contract and it costs money and having storage at proxy level is not more possible |
keep same contract address | If contract interface changed, we need to re-originating the proxy |
Rename your file pokeGame.jsligo
to pokeGameLambda.jsligo
(to save it somewhere and watch it later if needed ...)
Get back the original version of pokeGame.jsligo
from previous training (again, it will be easier to start from here)
Create a new file ./smartcontract/tzip18.jsligo
touch ./smartcontract/tzip18.jsligo
Edit the file
// Tzip 18 types
export type tzip18 = {
proxy : address,
version : nat,
contractPrevious : option<address>,
contractNext : option<address>
This type will be included on all smartcontract storages to track the proxy address and the last contract version. It will be used to block old smart contract instances to be called, and check who can call who
Get back to pokeGame.jsligo
and import this file on first line
#import "./tzip18.jsligo" "TZIP18"
add the type on the storage definition
export type storage = {
pokeTraces : map<address, pokeMessage>,
feedback : string,
ticketOwnership : map<address,ticket<string>>, //ticket of claims
tzip18 : TZIP18.tzip18
Now, we will have to modify parameter
type to be completely generic
type parameter = {
entrypointName : string,
payload : bytes
The parameter will be a string representing the entrypoint name and some generic bytes that will will need to cast later. In a way, we break a bit compiler checks, but if we code well and cast stuff as earliest as possible then we mitigate risks
Fix all missing field tzip18 on storage structure in the file
const poke = ([pokeTraces , feedback , ticketOwnership,tzip18] : [map<address, pokeMessage> , string , map<address,ticket<string>>,TZIP18.tzip18]) : return_ => {
//extract opt ticket from map
const [t , tom] : [option<ticket<string>>, map<address,ticket<string>>] = Map.get_and_update(Tezos.get_source(), None() as option<ticket<string>>,ticketOwnership);
return match(t, {
None : () => failwith("User does not have tickets => not allowed"),
Some : (_t : ticket<string>) => [ list([]) as list<operation>,{ //let t burn
pokeTraces : Map.add(Tezos.get_source(), {receiver : Tezos.get_self_address(), feedback : ""},pokeTraces),
ticketOwnership : tom,
// @no_mutation
const pokeAndGetFeedback = ([oracleAddress,pokeTraces , feedback , ticketOwnership,tzip18]:[address,map<address, pokeMessage> , string , map<address,ticket<string>>,TZIP18.tzip18]) : return_ => {
//extract opt ticket from map
const [t , tom] : [option<ticket<string>>, map<address,ticket<string>>] = Map.get_and_update(Tezos.get_source(), None() as option<ticket<string>>,ticketOwnership);
//Read the feedback view
let feedbackOpt : option<bytes> = Tezos.call_view("getView", "feedback", oracleAddress);
return match(t, {
None : () => failwith("User does not have tickets => not allowed"),
Some : (_t : ticket<string>) =>
match( feedbackOpt , {
Some : (f : bytes) => {
let feedbackMessage = {receiver : oracleAddress ,feedback: Option.unopt(Bytes.unpack(f) as option<string>)};
return [ list([]) as list<operation>, {
pokeTraces : Map.add(Tezos.get_source(),feedbackMessage , pokeTraces),
ticketOwnership : tom,
None : () => failwith("Cannot find view feedback on given oracle address")
const init = ([a, ticketCount, pokeTraces , feedback , ticketOwnership, tzip18] : [address, nat, map<address, pokeMessage> , string , map<address,ticket<string>>,TZIP18.tzip18]) : return_ => {
if(ticketCount == (0 as nat)){
return [ list([]) as list<operation>,{
} else {
return [ list([]) as list<operation>,{
ticketOwnership : Map.add(a,Tezos.create_ticket("can_poke", ticketCount),ticketOwnership),
- The view call signature is different :
- it returns an optional bytes
- calling "getView" generic view exposed by the proxy
- passing the viewname "feedback" (to disptach to the correct function once you reach the code that will be executed)
- finally, unpack the bytes result and cast it to string
Rewrite the main function now
export const main = ([action, store] : [parameter, storage]) : return_ => {
//destructure the storage to avoid DUP
let {pokeTraces , feedback , ticketOwnership, tzip18 } = store;
const canBeCalled : bool = match(tzip18.contractNext , {
None : () => false, // I am the last version, but I cannot be called directly (or is my proxy, see later)
Some : (contract : address) => {if(Tezos.get_sender() == contract){return true;} // I am not the last but a parent contract is calling me
else {return false;}} // I am not the last version and a not-parent is trying to call me
if(Tezos.get_sender() != tzip18.proxy && !canBeCalled) return failwith("Only the proxy or contractNext can call this contract");
if(action.entrypointName == "Poke") {
return poke([pokeTraces , feedback , ticketOwnership, tzip18]);
else {
if(action.entrypointName == "PokeAndGetFeedback") {
return match((Bytes.unpack(action.payload) as option<address>), {
None : () => failwith("Cannot find the address parameter for PokeAndGetFeedback"),
Some : (other:address) => pokeAndGetFeedback([other, pokeTraces , feedback , ticketOwnership, tzip18])
else {
if(action.entrypointName == "Init"){
return match((Bytes.unpack(action.payload) as option<[address, nat]>), {
None : () => failwith("Cannot find the address parameter for changeVersion"),
Some : (initParam:[address, nat]) => init([initParam[0], initParam[1], pokeTraces , feedback , ticketOwnership, tzip18])
else { if(action.entrypointName == "changeVersion") {
return match((Bytes.unpack(action.payload) as option<address>), {
None : () => failwith("Cannot find the address parameter for changeVersion"),
Some : (other:address) => changeVersion([other, pokeTraces , feedback , ticketOwnership, tzip18])
else {
return failwith("Non-existant method");
- We start by checking that only the proxy contract or the parent of this contract can call the main function. We enable this feature in case the future contract wants to run a migration script itself, reading from children storage (looking at
field ). - As we don't have variant anymore, we break the pattern matching and do
statement - When a payload is passed, we unpack it and cast it with
(Bytes.unpack(action.payload) as option<MY_TYPE_HERE>)
. It means the caller and callee agree on payload structure for each endpoint
Add the last missing function changing the version of this contract and make it obsolete
* Function called by a parent contract or administrator to set the current version on an old contract
const changeVersion = ([newAddress, pokeTraces , feedback , ticketOwnership, tzip18]:[address,map<address, pokeMessage> , string , map<address,ticket<string>>,TZIP18.tzip18]) : return_ => {
return [list([]) as list<operation>, {pokeTraces , feedback , ticketOwnership, tzip18 : {...tzip18, contractNext : Some(newAddress)}} ];
Finally, change the view to a generic one and do a if...else
on viewName
// @view
const getView = ([viewName, store] : [string, storage]) : bytes => {
if(viewName == "feedback") {return Bytes.pack(store.feedback);}
else return failwith("View "+viewName+" not found on this contract");
ligo compile contract ./smartcontract/pokeGame.jsligo --output-file pokeGame.tz --protocol jakarta
All good π
Create a file ./smartcontract/proxy.jsligo
Let's define the storage and entrypoints
type storage = {
governance : address, //admins
entrypoints : big_map<string,entrypointType> //interface schema map
type parameter =
| ["Call",callContract]
| ["Upgrade",list<entrypointOperation>,option<changeVersion>]
type _return = [list<operation>,storage];
- storage :
- holds a /or several admin
- the interface schema map for all underlying entrypoints
- parameter :
- call : forward any request to the right underlying entrypoint
- upgrade : admin endpoint to update the interface schema map or change smartcontract version
Add our missing types juste above
type callContract = {
entrypointName : string,
payload : bytes
type entrypointType = {
method : string,
addr : address
type entrypointOperation = {
name : string,
isRemoved : bool,
entrypoint : option<entrypointType>
type changeVersion = {
old : address,
new : address
- callContract : payload from user executing an entrypoint (name+payloadBytes)
- entrypointType : payload to be able to call an underlying contract (name+address)
- entrypointOperation : change the entrypoint interface map (new state of the map)
- changeVersion : change the smartcontract version (old/new addresses)
Add the main function (pretty simple) at the end of the file (as always)
const main = ([p, s] : [parameter,storage]) : _return => {
return match(p,{
Call : (p : parameter) => callContract(p,s),
Upgrade : (p : parameter) => upgrade(p,s)
Add the Call
entrypoint (simple forward). (Before main function)
// the proxy function
const callContract = ([param,storage] : [callContract,storage]) : _return => {
return match(Big_map.find_opt(param.entrypointName, storage.entrypoints), {
None : () => failwith("No entrypoint found"),
Some : (entry : entrypointType) => match(Tezos.get_contract_opt(entry.addr) as option<contract<callContract>>,{
None : () => failwith("No contract found at this address"),
Some : (contract : contract) => [(list([Tezos.transaction({entrypointName : entry.method, payload : param.payload}, Tezos.get_amount(), contract)]) as list<operation> ),storage]
It gets the entrypoint to call and the payload in bytes and just forward it to the right location
Then, write the upgrade
entrypoint. (Before main function)
* Function for administrators to update entrypoints and change current contract version
const upgrade = ([param ,s] : [[list<entrypointOperation> , option<changeVersion>],storage]) : _return => {
if(Tezos.get_sender() != s.governance) {return failwith("Permission denied");}
let [upgraded_ep_list, changeVersionOpt] = param;
const update_storage = ([l, m] : [list<entrypointOperation> , big_map<string, entrypointType>]) : big_map<string, entrypointType> => {
return match(l,list([
([] : list<entrypointOperation>) => m,
([x,...xs] : list<entrypointOperation>) => {
let b : big_map<string, entrypointType> = match(x.entrypoint, {
None : () => {if(x.isRemoved == true){return Big_map.remove(x.name,m);} else {return m;}}, //mean to remove or unchanged
Some : (_ep : entrypointType) => { //means to add new or unchanged
if(x.isRemoved == false){ return match(x.entrypoint,{
None : () => m,
Some : (c:entrypointType) => Big_map.update(x.name,Some(c),m)
else {return m;}
return update_storage(xs, b);
//update the entrpoint interface map
const new_entrypoints : big_map<string,entrypointType> = update_storage(upgraded_ep_list, s.entrypoints);
//check if version needs to be changed
return match(changeVersionOpt,{
None : () => [(list([]) as list<operation>), {...s, entrypoints : new_entrypoints}],
Some : (change : changeVersion) => {
let op_change : operation = match( (Tezos.get_contract_opt(change.old) as option<contract<callContract>>), {
None : () => failwith("No contract found at this address"),
Some : (contract:contract) => {
let amt = Tezos.get_amount();
let payload : address = change.new;
return Tezos.transaction({entrypointName : "changeVersion", payload : Bytes.pack(payload)}, amt, contract);
return [(list([op_change]) as list<operation>), {...s, entrypoints : new_entrypoints}];
- It loops over the new interface schema to update and do so.
- If a changeVersion is required, it calls the old contract to take the new version configuration (and desactivate itself so)
Last change is to expose any view from underlying contract (as we have one)
// @view
const getView = ([viewName, store] : [string, storage]) : bytes => {
return match( Big_map.find_opt(viewName,store.entrypoints) , {
None : () => failwith("View "+viewName+" not declared on this proxy"),
Some : (ep : entrypointType) => Option.unopt(Tezos.call_view("getView", viewName, ep.addr) as option<bytes>)
- we expose a generic view on the proxy and we take the name of the final function we want to call on the underlying contract (as the smart contract view is not unreachable/hidden by the proxy contract)
- we search for an exposed view on the interface schema to retrieve the contract address, then we call the view and return the result as an "exposed" view
ligo compile contract ./smartcontract/proxy.jsligo --output-file proxy.tz --protocol jakarta
Redeploy to testnet, replacing <ACCOUNT_KEY_NAME>
with your own user alias + governance:XXXX
by your own user address
ligo compile storage ./smartcontract/proxy.jsligo '{governance : "tz1VApBuWHuaTfDHtKzU3NBtWFYsxJvvWhYk" as address, entrypoints : Big_map.empty as big_map<string,entrypointType>}' --output-file proxyStorage.tz --protocol jakarta
tezos-client originate contract proxy transferring 0 from <ACCOUNT_KEY_NAME> running proxy.tz --init "$(cat proxyStorage.tz)" --burn-cap 1 --force
New contract KT1VYjTExoE5EHJkT6mBWWoW7BcsHqnJBdgp originated.
Keep this proxy address, as you will need to report it below on tzip18.proxy
Now you can deploy a smartcontract V1. (
ligo compile storage ./smartcontract/pokeGame.jsligo '{pokeTraces : Map.empty as map<address, pokeMessage> , feedback : "kiss" , ticketOwnership : Map.empty as map<address,ticket<string>>, tzip18: {proxy: ("KT1VYjTExoE5EHJkT6mBWWoW7BcsHqnJBdgp" as address), version : (1 as nat), contractPrevious : None() as option<address>, contractNext : None() as option<address>}}' --output-file pokeGameStorage.tz --protocol jakarta
tezos-client originate contract mycontract transferring 0 from <ACCOUNT_KEY_NAME> running pokeGame.tz --init "$(cat pokeGameStorage.tz)" --burn-cap 1 --force
New contract KT1GJZWSJ6YYKGJmP9CByspm98u5u6N1Gqnf originated.
Let's tell the proxy that there is a first contract deployed with some interface. (:warning: Change with your smart contract address on the command line )
ligo compile parameter ./smartcontract/proxy.jsligo 'Upgrade([list([ {name : "Poke", isRemoved : false, entrypoint : Some({method : "Poke", addr : "KT1GJZWSJ6YYKGJmP9CByspm98u5u6N1Gqnf" as address })} , {name : "PokeAndGetFeedback", isRemoved : false, entrypoint : Some({method : "PokeAndGetFeedback", addr : "KT1GJZWSJ6YYKGJmP9CByspm98u5u6N1Gqnf" as address })} , {name : "Init", isRemoved : false, entrypoint : Some({method : "Init", addr : "KT1GJZWSJ6YYKGJmP9CByspm98u5u6N1Gqnf" as address })} , {name : "changeVersion", isRemoved : false, entrypoint : Some({method : "changeVersion", addr : "KT1GJZWSJ6YYKGJmP9CByspm98u5u6N1Gqnf" as address })}, {name : "feedback", isRemoved : false, entrypoint : Some({method : "feedback", addr : "KT1GJZWSJ6YYKGJmP9CByspm98u5u6N1Gqnf" as address })} ]) as list<entrypointOperation>,None() as option<changeVersion>])' --output-file proxyParameter.tz --protocol jakarta
tezos-client transfer 0 from <ACCOUNT_KEY_NAME> to proxy --arg "$(cat proxyParameter.tz)" --burn-cap 1
Update a bit some dependencies (i.e old version of taquito cannot fetch tickets on MichelsonMap for example)
cd dapp
yarn add -D @airgap/beacon-types@^3.1.4
yarn upgrade @airgap/beacon-sdk@^3.1.4 @taquito/beacon-wallet@^14.0.0 @taquito/taquito@^14.0.0
Edit ./dapp/App.tsx and change the contract address, display, etc ...
import { Contract, ContractsService } from '@dipdup/tzkt-api';
import { PackDataResponse } from "@taquito/rpc";
import { MichelCodecPacker, MichelsonMap, TezosToolkit, WalletContract } from '@taquito/taquito';
import { useState } from 'react';
import './App.css';
import ConnectButton from './ConnectWallet';
import DisconnectButton from './DisconnectWallet';
type entrypointType = {
method : string,
addr : string
type storage = {
governance : string, //admins
entrypoints : MichelsonMap<string,entrypointType> //interface schema map
type pokeMessage = {
receiver : string,
feedback : string
type callContract = {
entrypointName : string,
payload : string //hexadecimal
function App() {
const [Tezos, setTezos] = useState<TezosToolkit>(new TezosToolkit("https://jakartanet.tezos.marigold.dev"));
const [wallet, setWallet] = useState<any>(null);
const [userAddress, setUserAddress] = useState<string>("");
const [userBalance, setUserBalance] = useState<number>(0);
const [contractToPoke, setContractToPoke] = useState<string>("");
Tezos.setPackerProvider(new MichelCodecPacker());
const contractsService = new ContractsService( {baseUrl: "https://api.jakartanet.tzkt.io" , version : "", withCredentials : false});
const [contracts, setContracts] = useState<Array<Contract>>([]);
const fetchContracts = () => {
(async () => {
let contracts = (await contractsService.getSimilar({address:"KT1VYjTExoE5EHJkT6mBWWoW7BcsHqnJBdgp" , includeStorage:true, sort:{desc:"id"}}));
contracts = await Promise.all(contracts.map(async (c:Contract) => await extractContractStorage(c)));
const poke = async (e : React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>, contract : Contract) => {
let c : WalletContract = await Tezos.wallet.at(""+contract.address);
try {
const p = new MichelCodecPacker();
let contractToPokeBytes: PackDataResponse = await p.packData({
data: { string: contractToPoke },
type: { prim: "address" }
const op = await c.methods.call("PokeAndGetFeedback",contractToPokeBytes.packed).send();
await op.confirmation();
alert("Tx done");
} catch (error : any) {
console.table(`Error: ${JSON.stringify(error, null, 2)}`);
const mint = async (e : React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>, contract : Contract) => {
let c : WalletContract = await Tezos.wallet.at(""+contract.address);
try {
const p = new MichelCodecPacker();
let initBytes: PackDataResponse = await p.packData({
data: { prim : "Pair" , args : [{string: userAddress},{int:"1"}] },
type: { prim : "Pair" , args : [{prim: "address"},{prim : "nat"}] }
const op = await c.methods.call("Init",initBytes.packed).send();
await op.confirmation();
alert("Tx done");
} catch (error : any) {
console.table(`Error: ${JSON.stringify(error, null, 2)}`);
//alter proxy to add underlying storage
const extractContractStorage = async (proxy : Contract) : Promise<Contract> => {
//get contract address from first entrypoint
let taquitocontract = await Tezos.wallet.at(""+proxy.address);
const taquitoStorage : storage = await taquitocontract.storage() as storage;
let firstEp : entrypointType | undefined = await taquitoStorage.entrypoints.get("Poke");
let underlyingContract : WalletContract = await Tezos.wallet.at(""+firstEp!.addr);
proxy.storage.underlyingContract = await underlyingContract.storage();
return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>resolve(proxy));
return (
<div className="App">
<header className="App-header">
I am {userAddress} with {userBalance} mutez
<br />
<button onClick={fetchContracts}>Fetch contracts</button>
<table><thead><tr><th>address</th><th>trace "contract - feedback - user"</th><th>action</th></tr></thead><tbody>
{contracts.map((contract) => <tr>
<td style={{borderStyle: "dotted"}}>{contract.address}</td>
<td style={{borderStyle: "dotted"}}>{(contract.storage !== null && contract.storage.underlyingContract.pokeTraces !== null
&& contract.storage.underlyingContract.pokeTraces.size > 0)?
Array.from((contract.storage.underlyingContract.pokeTraces as MichelsonMap<string,pokeMessage>).keys()).map((k : string)=>contract.storage.underlyingContract.pokeTraces.get(k).receiver+" "+contract.storage.underlyingContract.pokeTraces.get(k).feedback+" "+k+",")
<td style={{borderStyle: "dotted"}}><input type="text" onChange={e=>{console.log("e",e.currentTarget.value);setContractToPoke(e.currentTarget.value)}} placeholder='enter contract address here' />
<button onClick={(e) =>poke(e,contract)}>Poke</button>
<button onClick={(e)=>mint(e,contract)}>Mint 1 ticket</button></td>
export default App;
- contract address now is pointing to your proxy address
- we have added a function extractContractStorage. It is appending the storage of the underlying contract to the proxy storage, so we can display it on the table like before :)
- we have altered the call to exposed entrypoint. Because all is generic now on the proxy, we always do
await c.methods.call("my_entrypoint_name",my_packed_payload_bytes).send()
Lets' deploy the frontend locally
yarn run start
You can do all the same actions as before through the proxy.
- Login
- Refresh the contract list
- Mint 1 ticket
- Wait for confirmation popup
- Poke
- Wait for confirmation popup
- Refresh the contract list
Let's deploy a new contract V2 and test it again.
Note : Remember that we cannot change the storage.feedback field on any deployed smartcontract bacause we never exposed a method to update it. Let's change this value for the new contract instance, and call it
ligo compile storage ./smartcontract/pokeGame.jsligo '{pokeTraces : Map.empty as map<address, pokeMessage> , feedback : "hello" , ticketOwnership : Map.empty as map<address,ticket<string>>, tzip18: {proxy: ("KT1VYjTExoE5EHJkT6mBWWoW7BcsHqnJBdgp" as address), version : (2 as nat), contractPrevious : Some("KT1GJZWSJ6YYKGJmP9CByspm98u5u6N1Gqnf" as address) as option<address>, contractNext : None() as option<address>}}' --output-file pokeGameStorage2.tz --protocol jakarta
tezos-client originate contract mycontract2 transferring 0 from <ACCOUNT_KEY_NAME> running pokeGame.tz --init "$(cat pokeGameStorage2.tz)" --burn-cap 1 --force
New contract KT1GfEikKr4MMn9eAAY1BQ2UTbsNxhetbBMT originated.
Tell our proxy than we have new entrypoints to the V2 and remove the ones from V1. Change below the smart contract address KT1GfEikKr4MMn9eAAY1BQ2UTbsNxhetbBMT
with yours
ligo compile parameter ./smartcontract/proxy.jsligo 'Upgrade([list([ {name : "Poke", isRemoved : false, entrypoint : Some({method : "Poke", addr : "KT1GfEikKr4MMn9eAAY1BQ2UTbsNxhetbBMT" as address })} , {name : "PokeAndGetFeedback", isRemoved : false, entrypoint : Some({method : "PokeAndGetFeedback", addr : "KT1GfEikKr4MMn9eAAY1BQ2UTbsNxhetbBMT" as address })} , {name : "Init", isRemoved : false, entrypoint : Some({method : "Init", addr : "KT1GfEikKr4MMn9eAAY1BQ2UTbsNxhetbBMT" as address })} , {name : "changeVersion", isRemoved : false, entrypoint : Some({method : "changeVersion", addr : "KT1GfEikKr4MMn9eAAY1BQ2UTbsNxhetbBMT" as address })}, {name : "feedback", isRemoved : false, entrypoint : Some({method : "feedback", addr : "KT1GfEikKr4MMn9eAAY1BQ2UTbsNxhetbBMT" as address })} ]) as list<entrypointOperation>,None() as option<changeVersion>])' --output-file proxyParameter2.tz --protocol jakarta
tezos-client transfer 0 from <ACCOUNT_KEY_NAME> to proxy --arg "$(cat proxyParameter2.tz)" --burn-cap 1
Test the flow again
- Refresh the contract list
- Mint 1 ticket
- Wait for confirmation popup
- Poke
- Wait for confirmation popup
- Refresh the contract list
Now, your proxy is calling the contract V2 and should return hello
on the traces and no more kiss
Note : we could have do it in one row in a single transaction as all operations are done in sequence on the operation array
ligo compile parameter ./smartcontract/proxy.jsligo 'Upgrade([list([]) as list<entrypointOperation>,Some({old : ("KT1GJZWSJ6YYKGJmP9CByspm98u5u6N1Gqnf" as address), new : ("KT1GfEikKr4MMn9eAAY1BQ2UTbsNxhetbBMT" as address) }) as option<changeVersion>])' --output-file proxyParameter3.tz --protocol jakarta
tezos-client transfer 0 from <ACCOUNT_KEY_NAME> to proxy --arg "$(cat proxyParameter3.tz)" --burn-cap 1
Check on an indexer that storage.tzip18.contractNext is pointing to the next version address : https://jakartanet.tzkt.io/KT1GJZWSJ6YYKGJmP9CByspm98u5u6N1Gqnf/storage/
π This ends the proxy pattern implementation. Your old contract is no more "runnable" and your proxy is pointing to the last version
Managing a monolithic smartcontract like a microservice can reduce the problem, on the other side it increases complexity and application lifecycle on OPS side
That's your tradeoff π€·
Now, you are able to upgrade deployed contracts
π Some ongoing works around TZIP-18 are coming to hide this complexity from the developers and to provide/automatize tools around it