Our Solar System consists of:
- our Star, the Sun
- 8 Planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
- Some dwarf Planets: Pluto, Ceres, Eris, (Haumea, Makemake, Quaoar, Sedna, Orcus, 2007 OR10, not yet included here)
- Some Centaurs: Chiron (onlyone included here)
- Many moons orbiting planets. Our Moon (Selene in Greek or Luna in Latin) is orbiting Earth
solarsystem is a python library for finding position of planets around Sun or around Earth.
Also with solarsystem we can find positions around Sun/Earth of dwarf planets (only 3 planets so far) and Chiron Centaur and position of moon around Earth
Furthermore we compute sunrise/sunset, moonrise/moonset and moon phase for given place (geocoordinates).
Except all computation above with this library a set of usefull functions are included with which we can convert between coordinate systems:
- Transform spherical to rectangular projection.
- Transform rectangular to spherical projection.
- Transform ecliptic to equatorial projection.
- Transform equatorial to ecliptic projection.
- Transform eclipitc to spherical projection.
- Transform spherical to eclipitc projection.
import solarsystem
Initialize class
H = solarsystem.Heliocentric(year=2020, month=1, day=1, hour=12, minute=0 )
Compute position of planets around sun
print('Planet',' \t','Longitude',' \t','Latitude',' \t','Distance in AU')
for planet in planets_dict:
print(planet,' \t',round(pos[0],2),' \t',round(pos[1],2),' \t',round(pos[2],2))
# Planet Longitude Latitude Distance in AU
# Mercury 263.83 -4.06 0.47
# Venus 5.23 -3.22 0.73
# Earth 100.53 0.0 0.98
# Mars 214.38 0.49 1.59
# Jupiter 276.1 0.1 5.23
# Saturn 292.51 0.05 10.05
# Uranus 35.35 359.52 19.81
# Neptune 348.02 -1.04 29.91
# Pluto 292.75 359.33 33.88
# Ceres 290.87 -5.4 2.92
# Chiron 4.33 2.94 18.81
# Eris 23.55 -11.74 96.0
Solar System Live: /~https://github.com/IoannisNasios/solarsystem/blob/master/examples/Solar_System_Live.ipynb.
- Plot planets around Sun, watch where planets are around Sun
- Get the Geocentric positions of Sun, planets, nano planets, our Moon and 1 Centaur
RiseSet Calendar : /~https://github.com/IoannisNasios/solarsystem/blob/master/examples/RiseSet_Calendar.ipynb.
- Time of sun rise and set within each day Time of moon rise and set within each day Moon phase - percent of illumination
The full documentation is available at solarsystem.readthedocs.io
Alternatively you can build documentation:
Go to docs/ directory
cd docs
Build html files
make html
Open _build/html/index.html in browser.
install from Pypi:
pip install solarsystem
Latest version from source:
pip install git+https://github.com/IoannisNasios/solarsystem
No requirements, no additional libraries needs to be installed.
Exception: example notebook Solar System Live, matplotlib is needed in order to view the plot
- solarsystem is tested and runs normal for python versions 3.4+ and 2.7
- running solarsystem on previous python versions should also run but use with caution.
If you find this library useful, please consider citing:
Author = {Ioannis Nasios},
Title = {solarsystem},
Year = {2020},
Publisher = {GitHub},
Journal = {GitHub repository},
Howpublished = {\url{/~https://github.com/IoannisNasios/solarsystem}}
solarsystem is MIT-licensed. Read License