S4PE and S4PI is an open source project based on s3pi and s3pe.
Here is a list of contributors:
- Kuree - the main contributor to the project.
- ChaosMageX - a cool dude.
- andrewtavera - for mesh parts and other help.
- IngeJones - a kind lady who doesn't want her name mentioned.
- Rick - a pioneer in TS4.
- granthes - not active now, but helped a lot in early stage.
.NET 4.0
Visual Studio is currently required. We have two main version, 2013 and 2010. You can pick up one of them below to start.
- I'm moving most of the helpers to a new repository, s4pe-helper because it is much easier to manage. However, most of them will be shipped with the S4PE build.
- Currently DST and Thumbnail helpers are hosted there.
Coming soon
- Fork the project, modify it, and send us pull request!
- Edit the wiki page if you discover something!
- Star the project if you like it!
- If you are very generous, you can even buy me some coffee!
- Buy me a cup of coffe via Paypal
- Or send me coffee every day via gratipay!
Without peter's help and work on s3pe/s3pi project, there won't be this project, which highly depends on his two projects. His philosophy to share and distribute open source project will be carried on.
- 9/30/2014: first version by Kuree.