InfiniTime 1.11 - FOSDEM 2023 edition
Free and Open source Software Developers' European Meeting (FOSDEM) is a non-commercial, volunteer-organized European event centered on free and open-source software development. It is aimed at developers and anyone interested in the free and open-source software movement. It aims to enable developers to meet and to promote the awareness and use of free and open-source software.
FOSDEM is held annually, usually during the first weekend of February, at the Université Libre de Bruxelles Solbosch campus in the southeast of Brussels, Belgium.
After 2 virtual editions FOSDEM 2023 will take place at the ULB (Brussels, Belgium) on the 4th and 5th of February 2023
I want to celebrate this by releasing a special edition of InfiniTime : InfiniTime FOSDEM 2023 edition! Based on InfiniTime 1.11.0, it proudly shows the FOSDEM logo on the Analog and Digital watchfaces.
Feel free to flash your PineTime with this special edition if you plan to attend FOSDEM this year. And who knows, maybe meet other happy PineTime users :)
How to install this version ?
The installation procedure is exactly the same than for any other release of InfiniTime : update the firmware using the companion app of your choice, and then install the external resource packages (supported by ITD and Amazfish at this time). Please have a look at the release note of InfiniTime 1.11 for more info!
Note that this is a oneshot version : those changes won't be integrated in the development branch of InfiniTime and won't be available in next versions of InfiniTime.