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Knime SDK Installation Manual

zsolnica edited this page Nov 13, 2013 · 4 revisions

1. Downloading Knime Desktop:

  1. To download Knime, go to address:
  2. Fill necessary fields and then click Submit & Download button [image]
  3. Next click KNIME SDK for Windows 32bit (self-extracting archive)
  4. Accept terms and conditions by selecting checkbox "I accept the Terms and Conditions" and then click Download SDK (Win32) button.


2. Knime SDK Installation:

  1. Unzip downloaded file to any directory for which you have write permissions, or run it as administrator.
  2. Clone somewhere DePreSS repository from: /~
  3. Run eclipse.exe
  4. Choose File -> Import and then in General section, choose Existing Projects into Workspace
  5. In next step, in select root directory choose directory of your git cloned repository. 19 positions should appear. Select them all, select Copy projects into workspace, under the list and click finish.


  1. Right-click on any of imported projects (eg. ic-depress-examples) and chose Run As -> Eclipse Application
  2. New eclipse instance should execute with all DePress plugins loaded. Open KNIME Perspective. In the new instance, you should be able to found DePress plugins in Node Repository window. Now you are ready to import KNIME Workflow (for details go to 3. Running sample project)


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