This is Docker and dev-containers based development environment to simplify vedderb/bldc, vedderb/vesc_tool and vedderb/vesc_pkg compilation.
Having this in separate repo is weird, but it's easiest way to achieve this, considering current possibilities.
- Docker
- Dev Containers compatible IDE/Editor (e.g. VS Code; tutorial)
Step 1: Open project in dev container. Docker image containing all tools is built while opening and takes ~10 minutes.
Step 2: Inside container:
git submodule add -b grb-ws2812-led-support /~ custom/vesc_pkg
make build/float.vescpkg VESC_PKG_PATH=custom/vesc_pkg
Dockerfile contains all dependencies and dev tools (ARM SDK, Qt5, etc.), meaning your dev-container based environment contains all of them. Some patches are applied to original build scripts (e.g. unhardcoding some paths).
Next, we are using git submodules to add your own fork into this environment via custom/vesc_pkg
path. You should be able to manage it similarly to git repo. This method chosen, so your fork does not include any references to this dev environment - so you can keep your pull requests clean. In this example, I'm adding grb-ws2812-led-support
from my own fork.
Lastly, we are using customized Makefile to trigger appropriate build scripts from various VESC Project repos, to auto-magically build all dependencies (e.g. you need vesc_tool to build pkg and you need built firmware to build vesc_tool).