Software solution to control grbl settings, send GCodes, manually send commands, use smart macroses.
Tested only on GRBL 1.1f
UI is based on grbl-panel /~
Improvements are:
- Right implementation of jogging. When you release the jogging button after long press, Grbl will stop movement softly.
- Nice non linear sliders for jogging speed and feed, with normal input fields, so you can use anything you want. Like 11.23mm on 521mm/min.
- Numeric inputs for coordinates and jogging distance has built in calculator.
- Grbl config editor right in ui, without magic numbers and values that you have to send manually.
- GCode loaded from file can now be edited before running. Editor now has GCode highlighting.
- Easy to edit and use macroses
Developed using .NET WPF MVVM as a base and nice libraries and controls, like: