Tikki-App is the default frontend to the Tikki Platform based on Ionic + AngularJS. The backend project can be found at /~https://github.com/tikki-fi/tikki/
To develop the application you need NodeJS 11 and NPM 6. Refer to the installation instructions at https://nodejs.org/en/. Install Ionic by typing
npm install -g ionic
To install the dependencies run the following:
npm install # development dependencies
cd www && npm install # frontend dependencies
To start a development environment with live reload run the following command:
ionic serve -p 8000
When accessing the development environment via a browser at http://localhost:8000 the application communicates with the remote backend. Doing so doesn't require running a local version of the Tikki backend. However, when accessing the frontend at the application requires a local instance of the backend running at