An in-depth look at DCGANs, the motivation behind them, and a highly detailed overview of the optimization techniques and tricks necessary to stabilize training between a Generator/Discriminator pair. This is my implementation of Radford et al, 2015 with the addition of techniques presented in Improved GAN by Salimans et al 2016, Spectral Normalization by Miyato et al 2018, Progressive Growing of GANs by Karras et al 2017, and others. I stray from the common path and try to generate "almost-HD" CelebA images in their original, rectangular, 5:4 aspect ratio at 157x128.
I build a GAN trained on and capable of generating CelebA in original aspect ratio. It was notably harder to get good-looking rectangular images compared to square images; but tuning the model to accomodate rectangular images is simply a matter of playing with kernel, stride, and padding sizes. Getting good-looking results are another story - but I come close using Spectral Normalization, Gaussian Instance Noise, Dropout, one-sided label smoothing, and Scaled Exponential Linear Unit Activation (SELU).
Images generated from 100-dimensional latent vectors sampled from a standard Gaussian distribution:
Training and Failure Modes:
- Best results are rarely at the last epoch of training - check intermediate epochs, because the generator's output sometimes degrades before picking back up
- When the DCGAN is properly tuned, D loss decreases with time and has low variance.
- When G loss is low or consistently decreases, it's likely fooling D with garbage images.
- Slowing down D with different learning rates as in the TTUR paper sometimes works, but isn't necessary with proper normalization (SpectralNorm + Noise).
- We can actually get away with a 5-10x faster learning rate on D when using all the regularization techniques in this notebook: Spectral Norm + Gaussian Instance Noise + Dropout.
- Slowing down D with altered learning schedule (training D/G in a for loop for each batch) won't avoid training collapse - it'll only delay it.
- More filters is not better. 512 is a good maximum. 64 filters in each layer of both G and D works decently as well. Other hyperparams appear more important.
- Use Dropout ONLY ON D, and not on its final layer. Using dropout on G leads to poor generated images.
- Use Gaussian Instance Noise ONLY ON D - works well on input or in multiple layers (but not the last layer). Use in G causes it to be unable to generate decent images early on and it never recovers.
- Adding Gaussian Instance Noise generally made discriminator less sensitive to hyperparameters.
- Gaussian Noise didn't seem to make a big difference to stability of D when using SpectralNorm + BatchNorm.
- SpectralNorm is a powerful normalization technique and can be used together with BatchNorm in G.
- SpectralNorm performed better alone than SpectralNorm + BatchNorm in D. Both improved performance in G.
- SpectralNorm can replace the normalization power of SELU, working well with leakyReLU.
- Large batch is much faster to train (1024), but smaller batches train MUCH better GANs.
- Batch in radford et al (128) works well; smaller batches (64, 32) are more stable but slower to train.
Activation & Optimizers:
- Activation function: In terms of performance for this model, I found LeakyReLU+ReLU to lead to faster equillibrium than SELU, though SELU also produced good generated images.
- Use BCELossWithLogits and no sigmoid activation on final discriminator layer: More stable than BCELoss() because of log-sum-exp trick.
- Optimizer: I found AdamW to work better than Adam. AdamW is better than SGD for discriminator, although SGD has been used to slow down the discriminator - it seems SGD slows down D too much with proper discriminator normalization.
- SELU from HDCGAN paper (SNN): Performed as well as LeakyReLU for this model. SpecNorm+BatchNorm probably means weights are already regularized such that SELU behaves similarly to LeakyReLU.
- SELU is indeed self normalizing, as it produced decent images even without SpectralNorm and BatchNorm - however, I found it better to have explicit normalization such as SpecNorm and BatchNorm and just use LeakyReLU + ReLU.
Other tricks:
- One-sided label smoothing: set discriminator labels for real images from 1 -> 0.9 to make the only the discriminator's job harder.
- Popular GANHacks GitHub page incorrectly says to smooth both real and fake labels (1->0.9, 0->0.1).
- Pixelwise Normalization didn't really change performance, just added complexity. Likely due to Spectral Normalization.
- Minibatch Standard Deviation didn't help much either. Again, likely has to do with Spectral Normalization working so well.
Well optimized GAN with stable long-term loss curve dynamics and high gradients through all discriminator layers:
The discriminator's loss becomes the same on real and fake images, with total Discriminator and Generator loss approaching an equillibrium point. Gradients are of good magnitude throughout the discriminator's layers:
The discrimnator's loss oscillates wildly and will not stabilize as training continues. The Discriminator's gradients are too low for any information gain to pass to the Generator:
I call this piece the "Interpolated Circle of Death"
And a rather humorous example of mode collapse:
- Arjovsky and Bottou, 2017. Towards Principled Methods for Training Generative Adversarial Networks.
- Arjovsky et al, 2017. Wasserstein GAN.
- Curto et al, 2020. High-resolution Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks.
- Dumoulin and Visin, 2018. A guide to convolution arithmetic for deep learning.
- Goodfellow et al, 2014. Generative Adversarial Networks.
- Heusel et al, 2017. GANs Trained by a Two Time-Scale Update Rule Converge to a Local Nash Equilibrium.
- Jenni and Favaro, 2019. On Stabilizing Generative Adversarial Training with Noise.
- Karras et al, 2017. Progressive Growing of GANs for Improved Quality, Stability, and Variation.
- Klambauer et al, 2017. Self-Normalizing Neural Networks.
- Liu et al, 2016. Large-scale CelebFaces Attributes (CelebA) Dataset.
- Mescheder et al, 2018. Which Training Methods for GANs do actually Converge?
- Miyato et al, 2018. Spectral Normalization for Generative Adversarial Networks.
- Radford et al, 2015. Unsupervised Representation Learning with Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks.
- Salimans et al, 2016. Improved Techniques for Training GANs.
- Sonderby et al, 2016. Amortised MAP Inference for Image Super-resolution.
If you find this work useful in your own research, please cite as follows:
author = {Zenkov, Ilia},
title = {DCGAN-Rectangular-GANHacks2},
year = {2020},
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub repository},
howpublished = {\url{/~}},