Citralekha is an Old Javanese word (from Sanskrit) which means 'the scribe' or 'the person who write inscription'. This keyboard provides special Latin characters to be used in the transliteration and transcription system of Indonesian manuscript and inscriptions. You can type the text with your physical keyboard then klick the virtual key button for the special characters. The purpose of the available characters is meant to be generic, and does not refer to only one transliteration system.
The code is developed based on Ganesh Kavar's On Screen Keyboard Python Project.
- Old Javanese - Englsih Dictionary (OJED) (
- Dharma Transliteration Guide (
- Pedoman Transliterasi Arab - Kementerian Agama RI
- Palanggeran Éjahan Basa Sunda - UPI Bandung
- IAST ( - not all character
- Javanese, Sundanese, and Madurese transliteration system of Library of Congress (
- Balinese loC (
The character list is based on various transliteration system used in Indonesia. Please select the specific character based on the convention you use.
|‖Ø°ᴗ/()[]§—=+-* aāâåbcdḍeéәêēĕə̄ěfghḥiīîjkḳlḷl̥mṁṃnṅñṇŋoöpqrṛr̥ṙsśtṭuūûvwṣxyzżẓm̐{}'",.·;:!?1234567890
These characters are not included yet, but will be put on the next version:
ṝ ḹ r̥̄ l̥̄ (IAST) ē (Bugis)
If you have any information of what other characters should be included in the keyboar, please let me know. Feel free to mail me to
The keyboard is now on the early development stage with version 0.x-x Beta. The basic text editing commands and features are still beeing added. Please read the file.