shredds Fixed column file to avro/kafka .
Implementation uses Avro schema and multicore
Speed around 220mb/sec per Core using 4 core on a 1Gb/s kafka connection
Notes current features/limitations:
- You kafka partition amount must be equal to core's used
- Multicore implementation.
- Each go routine sends to corresponding partition. ie. 8 cores -> 8 go routiens -> 8 partitions
- Fixed/supported input format is utf8 and utf8 output (iso8859-1 etc will be supported)
shredder.exe <kafka broker> <chemaregistry> <schema file url> <schema id> <topic> <cores=partitions> <data file>
Hardware: 12 core (Amd Threadripper 5960X),1Gb kafka connection , Samsung 980 pro 7/5 Gb r/w sec.
Datafile: 1.3Gb , 30 columns, total 528 chars (runes) row width.
rickard@Oden-Threadripper:~/GolandProjects/shredder2$ ./shredder /tmp/avrofiles schema1.json 2 table_x14 12 test.last111
Schema = {
"type": "record",
"name": "weblog",
"fields" : [
... <30 columns removed from readme >
Time spend in total : 1.845484353s parsing 4960143 lines from 2620609413 bytes
Troughput bytes/s total : 1.32GB /s
Troughput lines/s total : 2.56M Lines/s
Troughput lines/s toAvro: 3.28M Lines/s
Time spent toReadChunks : 0.0282819985 s
Time spent toAvro : 1.4421747465 s
Time spent WaitDoneExport : 0.042694734 s
Hardware: 6 core (Amd Threadripper 5960X),1Gb kafka connection , Samsung 980 pro 7/5 Gb r/w sec.
Datafile: 1.3Gb , 30 columns, total 528 chars (runes) row width.
rickard@Oden-Threadripper:~/GolandProjects/shredder2$ ./shredder schema1.json 2 table_x14 8 test.last111
Schema = {
"type": "record",
"name": "weblog",
"fields" : [
... <30 columns removed from readme >
skipping footer
Time spend in total : 1.713205915s parsing 2590562 lines from 1367816800 bytes
Troughput bytes/s total : 761.41MB /s
Troughput lines/s total : 1.44M Lines/s
Troughput lines/s toAvro: 2.82M Lines/s
Time spent toReadChunks : 0.0215806745 s
Time spent toAvro : 0.87478208175 s
Time spent toKafka : 0.59487903675 s
Hardware: 48 core (Amd Threadripper 5960X),1Gb kafka connection , Samsung 980 pro 7/5 Gb r/w sec.
Datafile: 1.3Gb , 30 columns, total 528 chars (runes) row width.
rickard@Oden-Threadripper:~/GolandProjects/shredder2$ ./shredder /tmp/avrofiles schema1.json 2 table_x14 48 test.last111
Schema = {
"type": "record",
"name": "weblog",``
"fields" : [
... <30 columns removed from readme >
skipping footer
Time spend in total : 954.359385ms parsing 4960143 lines from 2620609413 bytes
Troughput bytes/s total : 2.56GB /s
Troughput lines/s total : 4.96M Lines/s
Troughput lines/s toAvro: 9.03M Lines/s
Time spent toReadChunks : 0.0084119796875 s
Time spent toAvro : 0.5240676388958333 s
Time spent WaitDoneExport : 0.012015946 s```
NOTE: Time spent ToKafka is the the transfer time from "Shredder" to librd the underlying the kafka client library)
# Example schema
Note that column name needs a capital first character.
"type": "record",
"name": "weblog",
"fields" : [
{"name": "Idnr", "type":{"type": "long","name": "Idnr", "len":8}},
{"name": "Event_time", "type":{"type" : "long", "logicalType" : "timestamp-micros","name":"Event_time", "len":26}},
{"name": "Idnr2", "type":{"type": "int","name": "Idnr2", "len":6}},
{"name": "Ok", "type":{"type": "boolean","name": "Ok", "len":1}},
{"name": "Some_text1", "type":{"type": "string","name": "Some_text1", "len":30}},
{"name": "Some_text2", "type":{"type": "string","name": "Some_text2", "len":30}},
- Included kafka/avro client code origins from /~ from "Democratizing football broadcasting."
- Imported go module hamba/avro gives excellent speed and their team have been helpful on upcoming optimizations /~
- Improve speed by by taking inspiration from this
- Further speed improvements possible from a slight correction of Shredders usage of hamba/avro
- Once Go "port" of apache arrow / parquet is done (jira ARROW-7905) ,merge in apache arrow based shredder , that adds Parquet as output.