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Asa Memorial

A Voluntary Freelance Project - a memorial website that tells the story of Asa Gil-Ad, a fallen police officer, that passed away in 2021 after a hard battle with Cancer.

Website Link:

The Project's Structure:

1. Frontend

The frontend is built with React, TypeScript and SCSS,
using libraries including axios, lightgallery, react-facebook, @cloudinary/react, email-validator and react-slideshow-image.

  • axios
    Handles communication with the backend, including requests to retrieve memories from the database, fetch albums from Cloudinary, and upload new memories.

  • lightgallery
    Organizes album images into a grid, allowing users to view them in a slideshow when clicked.

  • react-facebook
    Displays Facebook posts, including images, likes, caption, and link to the post.

The frontend is deployed on Vercel at:

2. Backend

The backend is built with Express.js, and TypeScript,
using frameworks including cloudinary, jsonwebtoken, nodemailer, pg (PostgreSQL) and multer.

  • cloudinary
    Hosts dynamic image albums that can be managed directly via the Cloudinary interface. GitHub Actions automate daily media updates.

  • nodemailer
    Sends confirmation emails to admins, notifying them of newly uploaded memories. Admins can review, approve, or deny these requests.

  • jsonwebtoken
    Secures email confirmations for memory approvals. Admins receive a secret key in the email link, allowing only them to authenticate approvals or denials.

  • pg (PostgreSQL)
    Stores pending memory approvals and approved memories in separate tables; denied requests are automatically removed from the pending table.

  • multer
    Handles image uploads for memory submissions, enabling users to attach photos to memories.

The backend and PostgreSQL database are deployed on Render.
Using a defined API, the frontend communicates with the backend, which in turn communicates with the PostgreSQL database within a local network on Render, ensuring fast and reliable queries.

The Backend is hosted at: