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adding ability to filter to groups
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lilyclements committed Aug 14, 2024
1 parent 2575bdb commit 31bfcb1
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Showing 2 changed files with 107 additions and 44 deletions.
102 changes: 71 additions & 31 deletions R/get_user_data.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,38 +1,78 @@
#' Get data for each user
#' @description Call the contact data from RapidPro for each user. A wrapper function to `get_data_from_rapidpro_api`.
#' Get data for each user from RapidPro
#' @description
#' This function retrieves contact data from RapidPro for each user. It is a wrapper function around `get_data_from_rapidpro_api` and allows for filtering and formatting of the returned data.
#' @param rapidpro_site A string containing the rapidpro website to call the data from. See `set_rapidpro_site()` to amend the website.
#' @param token A string containing the token to call the data. See `set_rapidpro_key()` to amend the token.
#' @param call_type A string containing the call type. By default this is `"contacts.json?group=joined"`. To get the user data, use `"contacts.json?group=joined"` or `"contacts.json"`.
#' @param flatten Default `FALSE`. A boolean denoting whether the data should be flattened into a two-dimensional tabular structure.
#' @param date_from character string giving the date to filter the data from.
#' @param date_to character string giving the date to filter the data from.
#' @param format_date from `as.POSIX*` function: character string giving a date-time format as used by `strptime`.
#' @param tzone_date from `as.POSIX*` function: time zone specification to be used for the conversion, if one is required. System-specific (see time zones), but "" is the current time zone, and "GMT" is UTC (Universal Time, Coordinated). Invalid values are most commonly treated as UTC, on some platforms with a warning.
#' @param unlist_consent Default `FALSE`. A boolean denoting whether to unlist a variable containing "consent".
#' @param rapidpro_site A string containing the RapidPro website URL from which to retrieve the data. Use `set_rapidpro_site()` to amend the website.
#' @param token A string containing the API token required for authentication. Use `set_rapidpro_key()` to set the token.
#' @param call_type A string specifying the type of data call. The default is `"contacts.json"`. To get user data for a specific group, such as `"joined"`, set this parameter to `"contacts.json?group=joined"`, or, for multiple groups use the `filter_variable` and `filter_variable_value` parameters.
#' @param filter_variable A string specifying the variable used to filter the data. The default is `"group"`. This variable is appended to the `call_type` to form the final API endpoint.
#' @param filter_variable_value A string specifying the value of `filter_variable` used to filter the data. For example, `"joined"` can be used to filter contacts by group.
#' @param flatten Logical, default is `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, the data will be flattened into a two-dimensional tabular structure.
#' @param date_from A character string representing the start date to filter the data from. The date format should match `format_date`.
#' @param date_to A character string representing the end date to filter the data to. The date format should match `format_date`.
#' @param format_date A character string specifying the date-time format, as used by `strptime`. The default is `"%Y-%m-%d"`.
#' @param tzone_date A character string specifying the time zone for date conversion. The default is `"UTC"`. This parameter is passed to `as.POSIXct` to ensure correct time zone handling.
#' @param unlist_consent Logical, default is `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, any variables containing "consent" in their name will be unlisted, simplifying the data structure.
#' @return
#' A data frame containing the contact data from RapidPro, filtered and formatted according to the specified parameters.
#' @details
#' This function builds the API call to retrieve user data from RapidPro, with optional filtering by group and date. The retrieved data can be flattened into a simple data frame, and optional date filters can be applied. If `unlist_consent` is set to `TRUE`, variables containing "consent" will be unlisted to simplify the structure.
#' @examples
#' #\dontrun{
#' ## Set the RapidPro site and API key
#' #set_rapidpro_site("")
#' #set_rapidpro_key("your_api_key")
#'# # Get data for users in the "joined" group
#'# user_data <- get_user_data(call_type = "contacts.json", filter_variable = "group", filter_variable_value = "joined")
#'# # Get data for users in the "joined" group, filtering by date range
#'# user_data <- get_user_data(call_type = "contacts.json", filter_variable = "group", filter_variable_value = "joined", date_from = "2023-01-01", date_to = "2023-12-31")
#'# }
#' @return returns a data frame containing the contact data.
#' @export
get_user_data <- function(rapidpro_site = get_rapidpro_site(), token = get_rapidpro_key(), call_type = "contacts.json?group=joined", flatten = FALSE, date_from = NULL, date_to = NULL, format_date = "%Y-%m-%d", tzone_date = "UTC", unlist_consent = FALSE){
user_data <- get_data_from_rapidpro_api(call_type = call_type, rapidpro_site = rapidpro_site, token = token, flatten = flatten, date_from = NULL, date_to = NULL, format_date = format_date, tzone_date = tzone_date)
if (!flatten){
if (!is.null(date_from)){
user_data <- user_data %>% dplyr::filter(as.POSIXct(date_from, format=format_date, tzone = tzone_date) < as.POSIXct(user_data$created_on, format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OS", tz = "UTC"))
if (!is.null(date_to)){
user_data <- user_data %>% dplyr::filter(as.POSIXct(date_to, format=format_date, tzone = tzone_date) > as.POSIXct(user_data$created_on, format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OS", tz = "UTC"))
} else {
# TODO: fields.starting_date for PT only, otherwise, created_on.
if (!is.null(date_from)){
user_data <- user_data %>% dplyr::filter(as.POSIXct(date_from, format=format_date, tzone = tzone_date) < as.POSIXct(user_data$fields.starting_date, format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OS", tz = "UTC"))
if (!is.null(date_to)){
user_data <- user_data %>% dplyr::filter(as.POSIXct(date_to, format=format_date, tzone = tzone_date) > as.POSIXct(user_data$fields.starting_date, format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OS", tz = "UTC"))
get_user_data <- function(rapidpro_site = get_rapidpro_site(), token = get_rapidpro_key(), call_type = "contacts.json", filter_variable = "group", filter_variable_value = "joined", flatten = FALSE, date_from = NULL, date_to = NULL, format_date = "%Y-%m-%d", tzone_date = "UTC", unlist_consent = FALSE){

# Build the API call with filtering if applicable
if (!is.null(filter_variable) & !is.null(filter_variable_value)){
call_type <- paste0(call_type, "?", filter_variable, "=", filter_variable_value)

# Retrieve data from the API
user_data <- purrr::map(.x = call_type, .f = ~get_data_from_rapidpro_api(call_type = .x, rapidpro_site = rapidpro_site, token = token, flatten = flatten, date_from = date_from, date_to = date_to, format_date = format_date, tzone_date = tzone_date))

# Combine and deduplicate the data
user_data <- unique(bind_rows(user_data))

# Filter out rows with missing UUIDs
user_data <- user_data %>% filter(!

# Apply date filtering if dates are provided
if (!flatten){
if (!is.null(date_from)){
user_data <- user_data %>% dplyr::filter(as.POSIXct(date_from, format = format_date, tzone = tzone_date) < as.POSIXct(user_data$created_on, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OS", tz = "UTC"))
if (!is.null(date_to)){
user_data <- user_data %>% dplyr::filter(as.POSIXct(date_to, format = format_date, tzone = tzone_date) > as.POSIXct(user_data$created_on, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OS", tz = "UTC"))
} else {
if (!is.null(date_from)){
user_data <- user_data %>% dplyr::filter(as.POSIXct(date_from, format = format_date, tzone = tzone_date) < as.POSIXct(user_data$fields.starting_date, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OS", tz = "UTC"))
if (!is.null(date_to)){
user_data <- user_data %>% dplyr::filter(as.POSIXct(date_to, format = format_date, tzone = tzone_date) > as.POSIXct(user_data$fields.starting_date, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OS", tz = "UTC"))

# Unlist "consent" variables if specified
if (unlist_consent){
user_data <- unlist_rapidpro_variable(user_data)

# Return the final user data
49 changes: 36 additions & 13 deletions man/get_user_data.Rd

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