The Georgetown Innovation Center for Biomedical Informatics (ICBI) is a hub for cutting-edge research in biomedical informatics that applies data science methods and tools to advance Precision Medicine. Members of ICBI engage in innovative research, workforce development and impactful partnerships to advance data-inventive healthcare and life sciences domains.
ICBI is a national leader in data science, clinical informatics, and health IT that seeks to build innovative partnerships to develop answers, tools, and solutions for complex health questions and problems. ICBI is part of a large academic medical center, providing unique access to patient data and an extensive community of researchers and clinicians across a range of disciplines.
Our Focus Areas include Health Data Science, Precision Medicine and Education and Training. Read more about our work here:
Many ICBI team members are also faculty in the our Health Informatics & Data Science (HIDS) Masters' Program. HIDS is an industry-driven program, focused on current and emerging technologies that will inform healthcare. Students gain core competency in data science, big data analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning applications to achieve Precision Medicine and Value based healthcare. Read more about our work here:
ICBI team is also part of the The Biomedical Informatics Shared Resource (BISR) at Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center (LCCC) and Georgetown University Medical Center (GUMC). BIST provides data analytics tools and resources for post-genomic biomedical research at scale. It covers all aspects of data processing and analysis for genomics, translational and clinical research. It also offers access to scalable, secure, and standardized data and IT infrastructure that enable intra- and inter-institutional national research networks for clinical/translational research and collaboration. The ISR has two co-directors: Yuriy Gusev who leads the Bioinformatics resources; and Adil Alaoui who leads the Health Informatics resources.
- A summary of many of our open science efforts: /~
- Georgetown database of cancer (G-DOC) now powered by UCSC Xena browser:
- Targetable Molecular Algorithm (TMA) for Next Generation DNA Sequencing (NGS) in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) :
- Rembrandt multi omics datasets
- Gene expression and copy number at GEO
- Segmented images at NITRC
- Our team is part of the Data Science Training Core of the AIM-AHEAD consortium
- ICBI at
- HIDS at
- Read about our research work:
- Our Masters program:
- Other training programs:
- Services we provide :
We are a diverse multi-displicinary group of researchers.