The Expressive Reasoning Graph Store (ERGS) is an OWL reasoner and an RDF triple store built on top of a Property Graph architecture. ERGS uses Janus Graph as the underlying graph store which can be replaced by any Apache TinkerPop compliant graph store.
The key components and functionality of ERGS include:
- RDF to Property Graph conversion: allows storing RDF/OWL datasets in a TinkerPop compliant graph store
- SPARQL to Gremlin converter: allows running SPARQL queries over data stored in a TinkerPop compliant graph store
- Reasoner: currently, ERGS supports RDFS reasoning and few OWL constructs, with additional constructs coming soon
ERGS aims to offer a unifying graph platform to support a variety of use cases with special focus on:
- Scalability: Built on top of property graph (JanusGraph)
- Expressivity: Handles RDFS reasoning + few OWL constructs (More to be added soon)
- Adaptability: Adopts Open Standards, API based, supporting SPARQL/GREMLIN querying
It is J2EE dynamic web project for ingestion and querying RDF data.
- Docker: Download and Install Docker from
- expressive-reasoning-graph-store Project: Download the project
- In the project expressive-reasoning-graph-store execute the following command for first time build:
docker-compose up -d --build
- For later executions execute the following command:
docker-compose up -d
- Browse application at http://localhost:8080/rdf4j-workbench
- Stop docker by executing the following command:
docker-compose down
- HBase
- Download and extract a stable HBase from (2.1.5 version is tested with JanusGraph 0.4.0.).
- Go to conf/ from HBase home folder and set JAVA_HOME to java directory.
- Create a data directory for HBase.
- Go to conf/hbase-site.xml from HBase home folder and replace configuration part with following
<configuration> <property> <name>hbase.rootdir</name> <value>file://<path of data directory>/hbase</value> </property> <property> <name></name> <value><path of data directory>/zookeeper</value> </property> </configuration>
- Start HBase by invoking the script in the bin directory inside the extracted HBase directory. To stop HBase, use and bin/
- JanusGraph Server
- Download and extract JanusGraph from /~
- Replace graphs section in
<path of JanusGraph directory>/conf/gremlin-server/gremlin-server-configuration.yaml
with followinggraphs: { ConfigurationManagementGraph: <Path of expressive-reasoning-graph-store project>/RDF4J/rdf4j-repository/src/main/resources/ }
- Start JanusGraph server by issuing the following command from the JanusGraph directory
./bin/ conf/gremlin-server/gremlin-server-configuration.yaml
- Tomcat Server
- Download and extract tomcat from
- Download this project.
- Update the following properties in file:
- storage.backend=hbase
- storage.hostname=localhost
- server.hostname=localhost
- Execute the following command
mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip=true mv RDF4J/rdf4j-workbench/target/rdf4j-workbench-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war <path to tomcat server>/webapps/rdf4j-workbench.war mv RDF4J/rdf4j-server/target/rdf4j-server-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war <path to tomcat server>/webapps/rdf4j-server.war
- Execute the following command to start the tomcat server
./<path to tomcat server>/bin/
- Click on “New repository” in the sidebar menu. This brings up the “New Repository” page. You are presented with a simple form that provides a “Type:” selector with several repository types. Select "Expressive Reasoning Graph Store".
- The “ID:” and “Title:” fields are optional in this form. Clicking “Next” brings up a form with more fields specific to the ERGS.
- Fill “ID:” and “Title:”, choose configuration(Sample) and Tbox(Sample) file before the “Create” button may be clicked. The configuration file contains following configuration parameters:
- input.enableforwardchaining (true/false): enable forward chaining (optional, default is false)
- input.commitfrequency: RDF triples commite size (required, default value is 10000 triples)
- input.numthreads: degree of parallalism (required, default value is 1 thread)
- input.indexprop: list of graph property to be indexed using janusgraph (optional)
- input.textindexprop: list of graph property to be indexed using solr in text form (optional)
- input.stringindexprop: list of graph property to be indexed using solr in string form (optional)
- input.textstringindexprop: list of graph property to be indexed using solr in text-string form (optional)
- This will create a new ERGS repository.
Using RDF4J Workbench/GUI: Follow the steps
Using RDF4 Server/Rest API: API definition
BulkLoading(with docker): Execute the following command
bash docker/bulkloading/ <repository id> <dataset directory> <dataset format> <base uri>
dataset format
are: 'rdf', 'turtle', 'ntriples', 'n3'.It uses docker/bulkloading/ for ingestion.The configuration file contains following configuration parameters:
- input.enableforwardchaining (true/false): enable forward chaining (optional, default is false)
- input.commitfrequency: RDF triples commite size (required, default value is 10000 triples)
- input.numthreads: degree of parallalism (required, default value is 1 thread)
- input.indexprop: list of graph property to be indexed using janusgraph (optional)
- input.textindexprop: list of graph property to be indexed using solr in text form (optional)
- input.stringindexprop: list of graph property to be indexed using solr in string form (optional)
- input.textstringindexprop: list of graph property to be indexed using solr in text-string form (optional)
Note: We strongly recommend of using Bulkloading for ingesting large data.
- Using RDF4J Workbench/GUI: Follow the steps
- Using RDF4 Server/Rest API: API definition