Table of Contents
ScholarLink is a web application that provides personalized weekly research paper recommendations to subscribed users based on their specified interests.
- Subscribe
- Unsubscribe
- Provide interests
- Fetch previous interests
- Subscribers will receive weekly research paper recommendations via email, tailored to their interests
- React, Node, Express, MongoDB, JavaScript, Python, RabbitMQ, Docker, Springer API
- Get a free API Key at for Instruction section 2.recommender
- Follow the instructions to get the credentials for SMTP transporter with Nodemailer for Instruction section 2.mail
Clone the repo
git clone /~
Set up the environment variables by creating an
file in each of the following directories with the specified keys:- recommender
API_KEY=<your Springer API key>
- mail
MAIL_USERNAME=<your email username> MAIL_PASSWORD=<your email password> OAUTH_CLIENTID=<your oauth cliend id> OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET=<your oauth client secret> OAUTH_REFRESH_TOKEN=<your oauth refresh token>
- recommender
Configurations (Optional):
- node-cron (docker-compose)
// Set to "*/30 * * * * *" to schedule mail every 30 secs for testing CRON_SCHEDULE: "0 17 * * 5" // Default schedules weekly mail every 17:00 Fri
Run and access the web app through port 8080
docker compose up
Contributions to this project are welcome. If you find a bug or have an idea for a new feature, please open an issue or submit a pull request.
Distributed under Apache-2.0 license. See LICENSE
for more information.
Henry -
Hackathon Finalists: HackSharks