Based on mist475's MCPatcher Forge port: /~ If you don't use OptiFine you can try that.
Original source code is under MIT, changes by mist475 are lgpl 3.0
For CIT pack authors & server owners: Only copy or rename your optifine/cit folder to mcpatcher/cit is not enough, you have to edit some properties if you use them (see below)
You can still use optifine/cit folder for 1.8+ only textures in your pack, MCPatcher CIT won't load them.
Incompatibility with /~, it @Overwrites methods used by this mod.
You have to set B:enableMixinRenderItem=false and B:enableMixinItemRenderer=false if you have to use it.
In properties, the texture line with golden in its item name like texture.golden_horse_armor or texture.golden_hoe didn't show with default name, you have to remove .item_name.
see the format below:
In the item's properties to make it working.