The most lightweight, fastest and powerful ToolKit & Scaffolding NPM CLI tool to create Telegram bot
I recently became fascinated by telegram bots, being this. A new but powerful tool in which many programmers have been approached under the same fascination. Many bots have been seen throughout the messaging system itself, some more useful than others. Among them I can mention my beloved XhibalbaBot, a project I started several years ago and which I continue to maintain to this day with increasingly clean and scalable structures.
The main reason why I decided to take the challenge of making a CLI tool that was able to generate bots from a relatively clean code, was the fact that every time I had to make a bot on my own, I had to do it from scratch, that is, configure the whole environment and program all the files.
BUT GOOD NEWS! This is over, because with something as simple as a token, you can have a fully functional bot.
Note: We will be adding new languages, structures and improvements as this project is accepted.
You only need one thing to create a project, a bot token from @Botfather or the direct link with and follow the instructions to register your bot and get the token.
- You have to install the node client to get NPM, you can download it here
- Open a cmd or powershell with administrator permissions and enter the follow command
npm install -g telegram-bot-generator
- Follow this guide about how install NPM in your respective distro:
sudo npm install -g telegram-bot-generator
Run the command:
Enter your <token>
from @Botfather
Select the flavor of your bot and that is all.
Just install the respective packages and run it as well as you run any project. E.g:
npm i
npm run
For more information about bot methods, give a look to:
Do you want to know more about me or keep in touch? Give a look to my portfolio at
Do you want colaborate? Go ahead, open a pull request.
Do you want message me? There is my telegram.
2022©Rainiery Valerio Gonzalez