Pinball game created for Physics II subject.
- {F1} - View logic/colliders + enable mouse joints.
- {R} - Reset ball's position
- {G} - Activate/Deactivate God Mode
- {U} - Adds +1 FPS
- {J} - Reduces -1 FPS
- {I} - Adds +0.1 Gravity
- {K} - Reduces -0.1 Gravity
- {O} - Adds +0.1 Restitution Coefficient
- {L} - Reduces -0.1 Restitution Coefficient
- {LEFT Arrow} - Move left flipper.
- {RIGHT Arrow} - Move right flipper.
- {DOWN Arrow} - Action the ball kicker.
- Arnau Jiménez Gallego - CODE
- Adrià Pons Mensa - CODE & ART
- Rylan Graham - CODE
- Joel Chaves Moreno - CODE
Click here to go to our project's Github repository.
Ball reset after touching collider crashes becuase is inside the death collider. FIX --> Wait an amount of ms before reseting ball position.
Ball stuck in bouncers doing the same path. FIX --> For an amount of bounces changes normal impulse direction for changing the path.
Flippers stuck after using them. FIX --> Change the flippers & joints position so non of their bodies collide with anything else when using them.
This project is licensed under an unmodified MIT license, which is an OSI-certified license that allows static linking with closed source software. Check LICENSE for further details.