Releases: Hi-Windom/Sillot
🚧 汐洛仅用于开发者测试,不要用来存储重要数据!
🚢 Docker image 📦 VSCode Extension 📦 Chromium Browser Extension(维护中)
文档相关 | Document
移除废止 | Abolishment
闪亮之名 | Shinning
VSCode 扩展相关 | VSCE
- 汐洛VSC扩展支持添加git tag并推送
- 汐洛VSC扩展支持运行工作区脚本文件
- 汐洛VSC扩展支持同步更改package.json的packageManager字段
- 汐洛VSC扩展支持ts链式调用悬浮显示i18n
修复错误 | Bugfix
⚓ v3.0.15 值得注意的变化
改进功能 | Enhancement
- Improve workspace startup stability
- The browser extension removes the ending
in URL - Change the sequence number of the ordered list item after duplicating it
- Improve block ref text copying
- The database asset field supports filling in only the link title
- Display link if database asset field title is empty
- The database asset field supports parsing pasted links
- Improve read-only mode
- Use real theme style value replace var in preview mode
- Improve attribute panel text input box
- Support KaTex macro parameters
- Improve HTML h element clipping
- Improve main window position restoration after boot on the Desktop
- Attribute Panel - Database attributes custom sorting
- Improve HTML code block clipping
- Improve inline memo export
- Improve HTML table element clipping
- Information such as database titles can no longer be modified in read-only mode
- Improve i18n text of export preview tooltips and infos
- Search preview supports HTML tags in inline code content
- Downgrades the glibc 2.31 version to solve booting failure on Linux
- Support markdown configuration on the mobile
- Added floating tip for database
button - Code block word break uses break-word
- Support for copying block text in read-only database table views
- Improve HTML code element clipping
- Prompt for recovery method and retention days settings when deleting documents
- Improve database table view asset column
- Improve text for
Press back again to desktop
on Android - If a file with the same name exists during export PDF/Docx, it will be automatically renamed
- Add internal commands to command palette
- The browser extension supports CSDN formula clipping
- The browser extension supports Zhihu formula clipping
开发者相关 | Development
Full Changelog: v0.34.1510-sillot...v0.34.1700-sillot
❤️ 欢迎共建汐洛
🚧 汐洛仅用于开发者测试,不要用来存储重要数据!
🚢 Docker image 📦 Chromium Browser Extension
闪亮之名 | Shinning
VSCode 扩展相关 | VSCE
- 同步更新版本任务在输入新版本时提示当前版本
- 汐洛VSC扩展支持检查工作区配置
- 汐洛VSC扩展集成 Git Emoji Commit 中文版
改进功能 | Enhancement
修复错误 | Bugfix
⚓ v3.0.14 值得注意的变化
改进功能 | Enhancement
- The heading block update time is refreshed after editing the blocks under the heading
- Improve export preview mode
- Improve HTML inline code clipping
- Improve
Display the VIP icon
- Improve two-way relation column name placeholder
- Supports outline highlight with document sync on the mobile
- Improve the cursor when two images are connected
- Support cancel two-way relation when related to the current database
- Improve
in the last row of the table - Improve embed/ref block reindex
- Improve dynamic scroll bar
- Triggering tag selection via
is no longer supported after disabling tag syntax - Improve slash menu
- Stick database table view header and footer in read-only mode
- Support Alt+Click in read-only mode
- Improve doc tree modification time display
- Improve multi-language support for click, double-click, and enter
- Improve Japanese translation and theme font rendering
- The line number field no longer appears in the database attribute panel
- Support database table view to load more when read-only
- Improve selection text when over blocks
- Improve browser extension clipping
- Improve HTML a element clipping
- Improve
Optimize typography
for inline math - In read-only mode, new files can be edited
- Improve data history tip
- Improve database auto-fill value when enabling filter
- Improve HTML code block clipping
- Improve editor preview
- Improve link tip
- Improve sorting for
Add to Database
- Clear ZWSP when remove tag, code and kbd inline elements
- Don't hide error messages when copying them
- Improve responsiveness of code blocks
- Improve backlink panel mention expansion configuration
- Improve database text, email, url and phone field content escaping
- Optimize rendering performance of databases containing relation fields
开发者相关 | Development
- Add a kernel API
- Arch User Repository (AUR) auto release
- Update plugin
parameter positon to position
Full Changelog: v0.32.2220-sillot...v0.33.2000-sillot
❤️ 欢迎共建汐洛
🚧 汐洛仅用于开发者测试,不要用来存储重要数据!
🚢 Docker image 📦 Chromium Browser Extension
修复错误 | Bugfix
文档相关 | Document
闪亮之名 | Shinning
VSCode 扩展相关 | VSCE
- 汐洛VSC扩展支持批量更新工作区 package.json 的 version 字段
- 汐洛VSC插件添加花字菜单
- 汐洛VSC插件支持 Markdown ---title---
- VSCode本地工作区扩展现已可用
- 改进汐洛VSCode插件
- 汐洛VSCode插件 sofill
⚓ v3.0.13 主要变化
改进功能 | Enhancement
- Improve HTML code element clipping
- Ignore hidden files when generating asset history
- Synchronize the related entries when the database creates a two-way relation
- Improve clear search button in database table view
- Support pasting of database search box in read-only mode
- Allow referring to the current database in a "Relation" field
- Improve the delete operation of database table view
- Set the maximum height of the template column edit textarea in the database table view
- Internationalization supports Japanese
- Support convert Base64 image when clipping HTML
- Improve remove image
- Adjust PDF export footer font size
- Add two shortcuts for block navigation
- Supports rendering the row number column when exporting database
- When multiple files are selected in the file tree, "Open" is added to the right-click menu
- Supports some shortcut keys on the mobile
修复错误 | Bugfix
- After uninstalling the widget, data synchronization does not clear the widget folder
- The new database entry after binding block is lost in some cases
- Exception during quick selection of database table view multi-select column
- The file name encoding is abnormal after copying the image and pasting it
- Clicking a hyperlink does not open the browser on mobile
- Marketplace - Downloaded - Package size in README is empty
- Double-clicking the database asset column causes the interface to freeze
- The interface crashes after maximizing the window on Linux desktop
- Unable to export Data containing symbolic links
- PDF cannot be jumped after annotation
- Notebook settings doc save path does not override global settings in some cases
- Browser/Pad stuck on loading interface
- Shift+↓ cannot expand the selection of the folded list
开发重构 | Refactor
Full Changelog: v0.31.2200-sillot...v0.32.2220-sillot
❤️ 欢迎共建汐洛
🚧 汐洛仅用于开发者测试,不要用来存储重要数据!
🚢 Docker image 📦 Chromium Browser Extension
改进功能 | Enhancement
文档相关 | Document
闪亮之名 | Shinning
- 移除 npm-check
- 汐洛 pnpm 工作区,启动
- 初始化 VSCode 插件项目
- 改进 tpl 文件生成流
- 改进 Sillot CI/CD 工作流
- 更新 Release Docker Image 工作流
- 改进 afterCI change release 工作流
⚓ v3.0.12 主要变化
改进功能 | Enhancement
- Support graphviz responsiveness
- Improve marketplace loading
- Data History - File history - Assets support
operation indexing - Improve the cursor of the background image upload button
- Improve inline formula input
- Right-click link popup menu when document is in read-only mode
- Count backlink mentions using total occurrences
- Do not execute scripts in HTML blocks by default to prevent XSS
- Improve marketplace
- Support config
shortcut keys - Supports quickly inserting the end sub-item in a folded list item through
- Allow users to specify abcjsParams
- First block not highlighted after creating doc
- Doc tree focus after creating a new doc
- Add template func
- Support
to open hyperlinks - Support input superscript/subscript via
- Use
for Markdown exporting superscript/subscript - Improve HTML clipping
- Improve database multi-select field sorting
- Support minimize the main window after auto launch on Windows
- Supports disabling Markdown syntax input for some inline elements
- Refresh the doc tree after data sync generates conflicting documents
- Improve marketplace package readme rendering
- Document tree supports
Add to Database
- Improve HTML code block parsing
- The heading block convert doc block to preserve symbols as much as possible
- Improve refresh after data sync on the mobile
- Improve hyperlink parsing
- Improve disk usage display
- The database relation fields follow the change after the primary key field is changed
- Improve doc icon, background and tag editing interaction
- Search type setting distinguishes between container blocks and leaf blocks
- Attribute panel - Database support paste asset
- Supports specifying the notebook to save new docs
开发重构 | Refactor
Full Changelog: v0.30.1600-sillot...v0.31.2200-sillot
❤️ 欢迎共建汐洛
🚧 汐洛仅用于开发者测试,不要用来存储重要数据!
🚢 Docker image 📦 Chromium Browser Extension
修复错误 | Bugfix
文档相关 | Document
闪亮之名 | Shinning
闪亮之名 | Shinning
⚓ v3.0.11 主要变化
改进功能 | Enhancement
- Change marketplace install package timeout to 2 minutes
- Mentions panel should not be closed when mention expansion number is set to 0
- Rows non-bound in the database support
Add to Database
- Improv interaction for updating column in database table view
- Improve database rollup field setting
- Improve sliding when database input on the mobile
- Improve
select/deselect blocks - Support open siyuan protocol link in the asset column
- Limit the maximum number of tags listed in the tag panel
- Prompt when database template field reports an error
- Improve HTML parsing code blocks
- Custom icons will be deformed in database table view
- Add update date to saved layout
- Improve database multi-select field sorting
- Database date filter excludes empty values
- Select all text when editing link in database table view
- Improve database rollup filtering
- Supports replacing text elements with other elements
- Improve
Copy text *
- Editor should not scroll when dragging database columns
- Prompt when there is no normal exit
- New window link opens using browser
- Improve database table view row/col drag and drop sorting
- Improve the status bar at the bottom of the mobile
- Improve dragging and selection of blocks containing iframe
- Browser clipping extension hides token plain text
Full Changelog: v0.29.713-sillot...v0.30.1600-sillot
❤️ 欢迎共建汐洛
🚧 汐洛仅用于开发者测试,不要用来存储重要数据!
🚢 Docker image 📦 Chromium Browser Extension
修复错误 | Bugfix
闪亮之名 | Shinning
改进功能 | Enhancement
⚓ v3.0.10 主要变化
改进功能 | Enhancement
- Improve update time of database bound document blocks
- Improve database field sorting
- Improve heading drag conversion doc subheading level
- Improve database reference anchor text
- Disable edit of database table view in embed block
- Improve database template field to use relation/rollup field
- The block icon menu will no longer be displayed after selecting Delete through the block icon menu
- Improve database checkbox field sorting
- Improve database unbind block
- Improve database template field calc
- Improve mobile app appearance language setting
- Add database
field type - Remove spell check for links, audio and other URLs
- Improve data indexing performance for creating documents
- Improve default search type filtering
- Prevent frontend request pending
- Improve exporting inline code markdown element
- Improve data indexing performance when importing and markdown
- Improve
before code, tags and kbd - Improve left and right swiping on mobile
no longer overlay keywords- Improve data indexing performance when editing doc
- Improve marketplace loading performance
- Database filter option value supports search
- Blocks bound in the database support
Add to Database
- Right-click on the input to provide a copy menu
- Improve database table view UI when setting font size
- Improve database asset edit
- Database cursor focus is no longer automatically reset to the title input
Full Changelog: v0.28.24-sillot...v0.29.713-sillot
❤️ 欢迎共建汐洛
🚧 汐洛仅用于开发者测试,不要用来存储重要数据!
🚢 Docker image 📦 Chromium Browser Extension
改进功能 | Enhancement
- 接管
通过右上角托管 - 优化思源
表现 - 更改插件加载优先级在
new App
- 优化安卓手机端部分场景通用菜单样式
- 安卓端伺服开启体验优化
- mobile about 页面显示内容调整
- 安卓端支持保存或导出到本机相册
修复错误 | Bugfix
闪亮之名 | Shinning
引入特性 | Feature
改进功能 | Enhancement
修复错误 | Bugfix
移除废止 | Abolishment
非目标思源版本更新:v3.0.7 v3.0.6
⚓ v3.0.8 主要变化
改进功能 | Enhancement
- Improve spaces at the beginning of exported paragraphs
- Improve user guide entry
Add to Database
search on database title only- Disable outline item dragging when the doc is read-only
- Improv updateing of outlines, backlinks and charts when switching between doc and pdf
- Remove rows in database bound to child blocks when deleting parent block
- Improve remove and duplication of column menu in database table view
- Database blocks are included in document word count
- Improve /widget search
- Support floating window to open related database when filling in the database relation field
- Support adding the current document in the database
- Improve
Show Database Title
item in database view menu - Support drag widget block
- Improve cursor position after Esc and Del
- Clicking the document focus will not switch in read-only mode
- Improve block attributes panel spellcheck
- Improve database block text in breadcrumbs
- Improve the cursor style of the scroll bar at the bottom of the database table view
- Improve view tab UI in database table view
- Improve database table view UI
- Improve database primary key setting
- Database select field filters follow option editing changes
- Improve database block ref anchor text display
- Improve selection of iframe block
- Improve interaction of the database table view selected cell content
- Support adding database blocks to a database
- Improve performance of importing
- Ignore
back mentions and virtual references - Improve doc title
Paste as plain text
- Auto verify the database name when clicking the block superscript icon
- Refresh the corresponding rollup after deleting rows from the database
- Improve flashcard menu
- Database primary key supports unbinding block
- Database date field supports filling the current time by default
开发重构 | Refactor
Full Changelog: v0.27.29-sillot...v0.28.24-sillot
❤️ 欢迎共建汐洛
🚧 汐洛仅用于开发者测试,不要用来存储重要数据!
🚢 Docker image 📦 Chromium Browser Extension
改进功能 | Enhancement
文档相关 | Document
移除废止 | Abolishment
引入特性 | Feature
改进功能 | Enhancement
修复错误 | Bugfix
⚓ v3.0.5
改进功能 | Enhancement
- Improve flashcard more menu UI
- A prompt pops up when deleting a column in the Attribute Panel - Database
- Update cursor style when drag document content
- Improve the Attribute Panel - Database editing cursor style
- Select field is added by default when creating a database
- Title localization when creating a document
- Asset link element prompt shows more information
- Improve database table view asset column UI
- Improve export PDF window
- Search result content snippet returns more text
- Creating a dailynote template supports doc attributes
- Support pasting table into database table view
- Cursor lost after
Copy plain text
of block - Improve go back when dynamically loading document
- Improve drag fill of database table view
Unreferenced assets
support copy file name- Disable selection of breadcrumb blocks in backlinks
- Remove translation part to simplify block AI menu
- Support adding multiple rows in database table view
- No longer upload image repeatedly when copying PDF rectangle annotation
- Database select field supports sorting by option order
- Improve database table view in read-only mode
- AI supports configuration randomness and context number
- Support opening assets through other apps on the Android
- Unable to enter after
- Clicking on the asset should open with the default program
- Improve focus export conversion of block refs to footnotes
- Search type filtering supports Audio, Video, IFrame and Widget block
- Optimize document moving and renaming performance
- One-click upgrade of downloaded marketplace packages
修复错误 | Bugfix
turn into<foo>
when cut from a md code block to another code block- Line break lost after soft break of end-of-line element
- Unable to replace
in code block - Unable to search replace hyperlink anchor text
- Duplicate relation values in the Attribute Panel - Database
- Can't switch workspaces on mobile app
开发重构 | Refactor
- Add
type fordata
- Improve the type definition of
- Support plugin.docks configuration hotkeys
⚓ v3.0.4
改进功能 | Enhancement
- Improve code block language switching
- Don't let space terminate ref auto-completion
- Support adjust custom emoticon on the mobile
- Alt+0 flashcard review entry no longer returns to card deck flashcards
- Show operation type in the file history item list
- Improve rendering of inline code, kbd and tag to avoid repeated rendering of zero-width spaces on the right
- Flashcards always displays animation in some case
- Improve block indexing performance
- Bilibili iframe block disables autoplay
- Improve
Paste as plain text
when containing HTML tags - Allow switching database views in read-only mode
- Improve web page clip code block content conversion
- Add
Open with New Window
to asset element right menu Convert network images to local
- Improve deleting heading element using
- Text starting with 4 spaces are not parsed into code blocks when clipping
Add to Database
no longer autofills filter values- Fill in the alt text after converting network images to local
- Data repo no longer automatically resets after corrupted
- Open the last workspace by default
- Use the path ending with
when loading the widget - Flashcard review interface adds card review times, state and other information
- Improve flashcard review count display
- Support removing the current flashcard when reviewing
- Flashcards support custom review time and reset
修复错误 | Bugfix
- Enter exception after table
- [Database multi-field sorting fails](/~
❤️ 欢迎共建汐洛
🚧 Sillot is currently in active development
🚢 Docker image 📱 Android application package 📦 Chromium Browser Extension
改进功能 | Enhancement
闪亮之名 | Shinning
- Update
Recently used appearance
style - Doc in the user guide no longer supports one-click sending to the community
- Optimize the performance of obtaining cloud snapshots
- Workspace built-in Pandoc is no longer initialized after customizing Pandoc path
- Add plugin API
- Outline needs to be updated when heading are created or removed
- Formula parsing supports $ followed by numbers when importing Markdown
- Doc tree, backlinks, tags and templates ignores case when sorting alphabetically by name
- Don't call plugin API
when the tab is not active - Plugin API
add index and show options - Always show window control buttons
- Improve marketplace package for traditional Chinese
- Paste code from IDE no longer escape
- Add
event for clicking editor icon to Eventbus of frontend API - Linux
version GLIBC_x.xx not found
- Changelog supports traditional Chinese
- Marketplace introduction page
- Add editor font size scroll zoom switch
- Support pin table head
- Build an English forum
- Inline formula display
doesn't work when the cursor is in a table cell- Adding a style block to a flashcard has no animation
- Paste ref/block hyperlink parsing exception in text containing double quote
- Read-only mode outline positioning incorrect
- Fix some defects of plugin API
- Open flashcard in a new tab click error
- Can't select text in the search input box
❤️ 欢迎共建汐洛
🚧 Sillot is currently in active development
🚢 Docker image 📱 Android application package 📦 Chromium Browser Extension
改进功能 | Enhancement
文档相关 | Document
- Improve data snapshot comparison
- Add configuration item
-[[ Only search doc block
- Assets hyperlinks are no longer included in the search index
- Show abbreviated ID in data snapshot list
- Support inline-level element long-press popup menu on the iPhone
- Global search ignores
clause when using SQL method - Support cloud inbox on the mobile
- Global search is no longer limited by the Settings - Search - The number of search results displayed
- The document title supports returning to the parent document via
- Do not handle
escapes when pasting into inline-level code - Improve Data History UI
- Improve dialog close position on the mobile
- Support downloading cloud data snapshots to local on demand
- Improve local data repo, cloud data synchronization and backup
- Data repo support for purging unreferenced indexes and objects
- Improve Data History - Data snapshot loading performance
- Official data sync counts the number of cloud storage API calls
- Improve
Convert network images to local images
success rate - Improve settings search filter display
- Support
to use static anchor text when searching for block reference - Make bug reports more user friendly
- Improve settings interface
- Improve
when editor is moved to a new window :)
emoji should be not misinterpretted- PWA support (desktop & mobile)
- Inline-level elements support pasted as plain text
- Add
before the heading then convert it into the list with that heading - Global search supports pagination to display results
- Wrong anchor using
in the title when the document has a name - The close button is invalid when the mobile flashcard management dialog box is empty
- After syncing, auto reopen tab opened by
- After modifying the access authentication code on the browser side, the other side does not refresh
- There is an extra blank space on the right side of the Settings - Marketplace interface