is a SvelteKit application. It uses Tailwind for styling, and makes GraphQL calls against our Api,
- nodejs v14.17.5
- npm v8.0.0
We use nodenv to manage our node versions, it's configed in this repo.
Install the project dependencies...
npm i
You will find the env settings in .env.sample. The current settings in the .env.sample will allow you to do development on pages which do not require authentication. If you're interested in working on those pages in the project you will need some additional values. Email us at
npm run dev
Navigate to localhost:3000. You should see your app running. Edit a component file in src
, save it. It's setup with HMR and Tailwind's JIT. You should see your changes as soon as you make them.
npm run local:build
npm run preview
Mind you the build servers will run the following:
npm run build
The only difference is how we're managing env settings.
We now follow the commitlint conventional spec.