also stylized as anyon_e
A highly integrated, high end, open source laptop.
Mission: to disprove the idea that technology is either repairable and open or integrated and closed.
- RK3588 SoC Motherboard
- CM3588-based
- USB-C USB3.1 Gen 1
- ESP32-S3 embedded controller
- Powertrain
- ESP32-S3 embedded controller
- ~60Wh Li-ion battery pack
- Peripherals
- Wireless mechanical keyboard
- Glass-topped multi-touch trackpad
- 4K AMOLED 13.3" display
- Anodized aluminum CNC chassis
[ an-yon ]
exotic particles whose quantum statistics are neither bosonic nor fermionic.1
Integrated like bosons, distinct like fermions.
Thank you to the Phillips Exeter Academy Science Department for supporting this project. Non Sibi. Knowledge and Goodness. Youth From Every Quarter. 2