Our website uses interactive visual teaching methods using augmented reality. This approach is much better than traditional learning practices such as studying from books or 2d diagrams that will be really difficult for students to comprehend the visual aspects of various planets/spacecraft. After the pandemic, the new ways of learning practices are crucial, and our application enables one such method to the public.
The site is deployed throught Vercel, which you can view from here
Checkout the ppt from here
Checkout the complete demo video from here
- Interactive 3D Models
- Click on the Perseverance Rover and get information about different parts
- Learn with Augmented Reality
- Chatbot Assistant
- SAWO Labs
- React Js
- React-three-fiber
- echoAR
- Tailwind CSS & CSS
Passwordless Authentication: sawolabs.com AR: echoAR 3D Models: sketchfab.com
Required to install and run the software:
From the project folder, run these commands in console (terminal) to install dependencies and run the app:
npm install
npm start
Login Page
Home Page
Planet Page
Spacecraft Page
Perseverance Rover with tap and info feature
About Us