A template project using Imgui as graphical user interface (glfw, glm, glew and OpenGL), and Eigen3 as linear algebra library. For more details about the Apach 2.0 licence, visit tldrlegal.com. For more details about the MIT licence, visit tldrlegal.com
Here is a screenshot of the application running a custom node editor based on imnodes:
The code is build to run with the following libraries (included in the repository under external):
An organized structure has been chosen for this template.
- assets contains the assets of the project such as fonts and pictures
- cmake contains a configure file to get the minor and major versions of the current project.
- external code goes into external folder at the root of the project.
- include gather every self written header file.
- mains contains the main executable i.e. cpp file that drives all the project.
- src gather every self written cpp file of the project.
- tests uses CTests to use a test driven approach during the development of the project.
This repository contains submodules meaning that a recursive cloning can be done. To clone this repository, make sure you have git installed and clone the project into the chosen folder using
git clone --recursive /~https://github.com/Hardcode3/imgui_opengl_linear_algebra_cmake_starter
You can also clone the project using
git clone /~https://github.com/Hardcode3/imgui_opengl_linear_algebra_cmake_starter
In this case, dependencies will be cloned by cmake during the configuration stage.
The build steps has been tested and runs fine on:
- Microsoft Windows 10, 11
- MacOSX
- Linux Ubuntu
Configuration on Linux requires additional libraries. Generaly, Linux tells you which library is lacking. If required, run the following commands to install needed libraries (detailed in the cmake configuration and building process):
sudo apt-get update -y
Install OpenGL if needed:
sudo apt-get install libglu1-mesa-dev freeglut3-dev mesa-common-dev
sudo apt-get install -y libxrandr-dev
sudo apt-get install -y libxinerama-dev
sudo apt-get install -y libxcursor-dev
sudo apt-get install -y libxi-dev
There is no additional configuration step on macOS.
There is no additional configuration step on Windows.
Make sure you have CMake installed and inside the clone repo, type:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
Or use CMakeGui for this. For more details, check cmake.org
Or launch one of the scripts in the scritpts folder:
cd scripts
sh configure_n_build_debug.sh
Generating the RUNTESTS target (CTests) should output something like this if everything is well configured:
1> Start 1: imgui_test
1>1/9 Test #1: imgui_test ....................... Passed 1.19 sec
1> Start 2: eigen_test
1>2/9 Test #2: eigen_test ....................... Passed 0.01 sec
1> Start 3: glew_glfw_test
1>3/9 Test #3: glew_glfw_test ................... Passed 0.32 sec
1> Start 4: glm_test
1>4/9 Test #4: glm_test ......................... Passed 0.01 sec
1> Start 5: glfw_test
1>5/9 Test #5: glfw_test ........................ Passed 0.84 sec
1> Start 6: timer_test
1>6/9 Test #6: timer_test ....................... Passed 0.16 sec
1> Start 7: app_test
1>7/9 Test #7: app_test ......................... Passed 1.18 sec
1> Start 8: csv_test
1>8/9 Test #8: csv_test ......................... Passed 0.01 sec
1> Start 9: utils_str_test
1>9/9 Test #9: utils_str_test ................... Passed 0.01 sec
1>100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 9
1>Total Test time (real) = 3.73 sec
This is a basis for further unit tests implementation.