Tired of manually checking if a product is available? This application will take care of that.
Minimum requirements:
- Java 11
- Maven 3.5.0
- A terminal
- Phantom JS Driver
During the initial run execute only once to prepare the program:
mvn clean install
Afterwords check the product status with the following command:
mvn exec:java -Dexec.args="https://www.decathlon.nl/p/halterset-krachttraining-20-kg-met-schroefdraad/_/R-p-7449?mc=8018574&c=ZWART stock-infos 'Online Beschikbaar' /path/to/phantomjs 30"
expects 5 arguments:
- HTML element by class name of the product status indicator
- Text to contain in the HTML element when the product is available
- Absolute path to phantom js driver
- Retry after n amount of time in seconds