This project implements a PGM (Portable Gray Map) image editor in C++ using 2D arrays. The editor allows users to perform various operations on PGM images, including flipping, brightness adjustment, and finding image negatives.
- Load and Save PGM Images: Load PGM images from files and save the edited images to new files.
- Flip Images: Flip images vertically or horizontally.
- Change Brightness: Increase or decrease the brightness of images.
- Negative Images: Create negative versions of images.
- Combine Two Images: Combine two images side by side.
- Median Filter: Apply a median filter to remove noise from images.
- Custom Filter: Apply a custom filter to images (bonus feature).
Clone the Repository:
git clone /~ cd pgm-image-editor
Compile the Program: Compile the source code using a C++ compiler:
g++ -o pgmEditor main.cpp pgmEditor.cpp
- Run the program
- Follow the On-Screen Instructions: The program will prompt you to enter the name of the image file you want to edit. Then, you can choose from various editing options by entering the corresponding number:
- 1: Combine Two Images Side by Side
- 2: Change Brightness
- 3: Find Negative of an Image
- 4: Flip Image Vertically
- 5: Flip Image Horizontally
- 6: Apply Median Filter (Remove Noise)
- 7: Apply Custom Filter (Bonus)
- -1: Exit the Program
- Requirements
-C++ Compiler
- Basic knowledge of PGM file format
- File Structure
- main.cpp: Main file containing the program's entry point.
- pgmEditor.h: Header file for the grayImage class.
- pgmEditor.cpp: Implementation of the grayImage class methods.
License: This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Contributing: Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request for any improvements or bug fixes.
Acknowledgements; This project is inspired by basic image processing techniques and serves as an educational tool for learning C++ and image manipulation.