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Aleks Volochnev edited this page Sep 27, 2023 · 14 revisions

If you want to try the data source in action, please follow the easy steps of this quick demo. This demo has a simple docker-compose setup with three services running:

  • Apache Cassandra 4.0
  • Sample Data (a simple bash script generating sample "temperature" data from some "sensors")
  • Grafana 10 with preinstalled Cassandra Datasource


  • docker
  • docker-compose

Quick Launch

1. Download the repository using git clone (a simple archive download will work too)

git clone /~ 
cd GrafanaCassandraDatasource/demo

IMPORTANT Switch to the GrafanaCassandraDatasource/demo folder as in the instruction above (notice the demo subfolder).

2. Launch the project

docker-compose up -d

3. Wait for Cassandra to start, it may take a bit

Check the status with the command:

docker-compose exec cassandra nodetool status | grep rack1

As soon as the output looks like UN 88.16 KiB ... (UN means UP and NORMAL), you are good to go.

4. Login to Grafana

Open http://localhost:3000/dashboards in your browser. Choose the Cassandra Datasource Demo dashboard. You are done! Feel free to play with the setup!


Play with the Datasource

1. Check the datasource configuration

Open the link http://localhost:3000/datasources, and select the Apache Cassandra datasource. It's configured to use docker container but you can reconfigure it to use your own Cassandra Deployment if available.


2. Review the Query Configurator panel

Query Configurator is the simplest way to configure data visualization, just paste the column names for the datasource to use and enjoy.


3. Review the Query Editor panel

Query Editor is a more complex but also more powerful way to work with your data, with the Editor you can use all CQL features including UDTs.


That's it, you made it!

Don't forget to clean up!

Remove the running containers as soon as you don't need them.

docker-compose kill
docker-compose down

Got questions?

Contact us using Discord (channel #grafana-cassandra-datasource) or Github Discussions!

Sincerely yours, the datasource lead maintainer Aleks Volochnev