Run an Electrum server with one command
An easily configurable Docker image for running an Electrum server.
setup guide
docker run \
--name=electrumx \
--net=host \
--ulimit nofile=5120:5120 \
-t -d \
-v ~/electrumx:/data \
-e DAEMON_URL=http://user:pass@127.0.01:14531 \
-e COIN=Innova \
-p 50002:50002 \
docker run \
--net=host \
--name=innovad \
-t -d \
-p 14530:14530 \
-p 14531:14531 \
-v ~/.innova:/data \
-P buzzkillb/innovad:latest
docker run \
--name=electrumx-compact \
--net=host \
--ulimit nofile=5120:5120 \
-t -d \
-v ~/electrumx:/data \
-e DAEMON_URL=http://user:pass@127.0.01:14531 \
-e COIN=Innova \
-p 50002:50002 \
crontab (daily compaction cronjob)
0 0 * * * docker stop electrumx >/dev/null 2>&1
1 0 * * * docker start electrumx-compact >/dev/null 2>&1
6 0 * * * docker start electrumx >/dev/null 2>&1
Below is original readme
docker run \
-v /home/username/electrumx:/data \
-e DAEMON_URL=http://user:pass@host:port \
-e COIN=BitcoinSegwit \
-p 50002:50002 \
If there's an SSL certificate/key (electrumx.crt
) in the /data
volume it'll be used. If not, one will be generated for you.
You can view all ElectrumX environment variables here: /~
By default only the SSL port is exposed. You can expose the unencrypted TCP port with -p 50001:50001
, although this is strongly discouraged.
You can expose the WebSocket port with -p 50004:50004
To access RPC from your host machine, you'll also need to expose port 8000. You probably only want this available to localhost: -p
If you're only accessing RPC from within the container, there's no need to expose the RPC port.
You can also run a specific version of ElectrumX if you want.
docker run \
-v /home/username/electrumx:/data \
-e DAEMON_URL=http://user:pass@host:port \
-e COIN=BitcoinSegwit \
-p 50002:50002 \
MIT © Luke Childs