- Twitter: @xknow_infosec
- Github/Knowledge: Microsoft Defender 365 Advanced hunting full schema reference (Streaming API overview)
- Github/Knowledge: Splunk Add-on for Microsoft Cloud Services improved field aliases for Azure event hub containing Microsoft 365 Defender events
- Splunk/App: Microsoft Cloud Services Event Hub True Fashion Add-on for Splunk
- Microsoft/Detection: Detects malicious SMB Named Pipes (used by common C2 frameworks)
- SIGMA/Detection: Cmd.exe CommandLine Path Traversal
- SIGMA/Detection: Suspicious LDAP-Attributes Used
- SIGMA/Detection: Suspicious PROCEXP152.sys File Created In TMP
- SIGMA/Detection: Suspicious ADSI-Cache Usage By Unknown Tool
- SIGMA/Detection: Suspicious Service Installed
- SIGMA/Detection: Suspicious Driver Loaded By User
- Blog: Detecting LDAPFragger — A newly released Cobalt Strike Beacon using LDAP for C2 communication (blueteamers approach)
- Blog: Windows Event ID 4649 “A replay attack was detected“ — Oh really? Are we under ATTACK? Should we do Incident Response?
- cryptwareapps/Malware-Database - A large repository of malware samples with 2500+ malware samples & source codes for a variety of platforms by Cryptware Apps.
- vxunderground/MalwareSourceCode - Collection of malware source code for a variety of platforms in an array of different programming languages.
- Sh0ckFR/InlineWhispers2 - Tool for working with Direct System Calls in Cobalt Strike's Beacon Object Files (BOF) via Syswhispers2
- jthuraisamy/SysWhispers2 - AV/EDR evasion via direct system calls.
- Bioruebe/UniExtract2 - Universal Extractor 2 is a tool to extract files from any type of archive or installer.
- Yamato-Security/EnableWindowsLogSettings - Documentation and scripts to properly enable Windows event logs.
- NextronSystems/APTSimulator - A toolset to make a system look as if it was the victim of an APT attack
- op7ic/EDR-Testing-Script - Test the accuracy of Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) software with simple script which executes various ATT&CK/LOLBAS/Invoke-CradleCrafter/Invoke-DOSfuscation payloads
- N7WEra/SharpAllTheThings - The idea is to collect all the C# projects that are Sharp{Word} that can be used in Cobalt Strike as execute assembly command.
- abbodi1406/KMS_VL_ALL_AIO - Smart Activation Script
- byt3bl33d3r/SILENTTRINITY - An asynchronous, collaborative post-exploitation agent powered by Python and .NET's DLR
- notsoshant/DCSyncer - Perform DCSync operation without mimikatz
- deepinstinct/Dirty-Vanity - A POC for the new injection technique, abusing windows fork API to evade EDRs. https://www.blackhat.com/eu-22/briefings/schedule/index.html#dirty-vanity-a-new-approach-to-code-injection--edr-bypass-28
- xforcered/Windows_LPE_AFD_CVE-2023-21768 - LPE exploit for CVE-2023-21768
- Wack0/CVE-2022-21894 - baton drop (CVE-2022-21894): Secure Boot Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability
- iovisor/bcc - BCC - Tools for BPF-based Linux IO analysis, networking, monitoring, and more
- akamai/akamai-security-research - This repository includes code and IoCs that are the product of research done in Akamai's various security research teams.
- cilium/tetragon - eBPF-based Security Observability and Runtime Enforcement
- Wh04m1001/SysmonEoP -
- CodeXTF2/WindowSpy - WindowSpy is a Cobalt Strike Beacon Object File meant for targeted user surveillance.
- memtest86plus/memtest86plus - Official repo for Memtest86+ v6 (based on pcmemtest)
- Ascotbe/Kernelhub - 🌴Linux、macOS、Windows Kernel privilege escalation vulnerability collection, with compilation environment, demo GIF map, vulnerability details, executable file (提权漏洞合集)
- Idov31/Cronos - PoC for a new sleep obfuscation technique leveraging waitable timers to evade memory scanners.
- codewhitesec/SysmonEnte -
- aaaddress1/knownDlls_Poison -
- SolomonSklash/SleepyCrypt - A shellcode function to encrypt a running process image when sleeping.
- thefLink/RecycledGate - Hellsgate + Halosgate/Tartarosgate. Ensures that all systemcalls go through ntdll.dll
- MaorSabag/SideLoadingDLL -
- seahop/NtDllPipeRead - Opens 2 named pipes and uses cmd.exe to read in the contents of ntdll.dll between pipes. Tweaked the code from x86matthew's site https://www.x86matthew.com and fixed up a little to work in C.
- seahop/patchETW - Function to patch ETW with syscalls
- Cracked5pider/CoffeeLdr - Beacon Object File Loader
- Cracked5pider/ShellcodeTemplate - An easily modifiable shellcode template for Windows x64/x86
- fortra/CreateProcess - A small PoC that creates processes in Windows
- zimnyaa/noWatch - Implant drop-in for EDR testing
- tanakh/cmdline - A Command Line Parser
- microsoft/Windows-driver-samples - This repo contains driver samples prepared for use with Microsoft Visual Studio and the Windows Driver Kit (WDK). It contains both Universal Windows Driver and desktop-only driver samples.
- BlackOfWorld/NtCreateUserProcess - A small NtCreateUserProcess PoC that spawns a Command prompt.
- Cracked5pider/KaynLdr - KaynLdr is a Reflective Loader written in C/ASM
- HavocFramework/Modules - Modules used by the Havoc Framework
- thefLink/DeepSleep - A variant of Gargoyle for x64 to hide memory artifacts using ROP only and PIC
- boku7/azureOutlookC2 - Azure Outlook Command & Control (C2) - Remotely control a compromised Windows Device from your Outlook mailbox. Threat Emulation Tool for North Korean APT InkySquid / ScarCruft / APT37. TTP: Use Micro
- NUL0x4C/KnownDllUnhook - Replace the .txt section of the current loaded modules from \KnownDlls\ to bypass edrs
- trustedsec/CS-Remote-OPs-BOF -
- janoglezcampos/c_syscalls - Single stub direct and indirect syscalling with runtime SSN resolving for windows.
- ryan-weil/HideProcessHook - DLL that hooks the NtQuerySystemInformation API and hides a process name
- comsec-group/retbleed - Arbitrary Speculative Code Execution with Return Instructions
- thefLink/Hunt-Sleeping-Beacons - Aims to identify sleeping beacons
- ekknod/SetWindowHookEx - Using SetWindowHookEx for preinjected DLL's
- mgeeky/ElusiveMice - Cobalt Strike User-Defined Reflective Loader with AV/EDR Evasion in mind
- kyleavery/AceLdr - Cobalt Strike UDRL for memory scanner evasion.
- eladshamir/RPC-Backdoor - A basic emulation of an "RPC Backdoor"
- endgameinc/ClrGuard -
- ufrisk/MemProcFS - MemProcFS
- cube0x0/SharpSystemTriggers - Collection of remote authentication triggers in C#
- antonioCoco/MalSeclogon - A little tool to play with the Seclogon service
- ScriptIdiot/SysmonQuiet - RDLL for Cobalt Strike beacon to silence sysmon process
- TheWover/donut - Generates x86, x64, or AMD64+x86 position-independent shellcode that loads .NET Assemblies, PE files, and other Windows payloads from memory and runs them with parameters
- Yaxser/Backstab - A tool to kill antimalware protected processes
- trustedsec/CS-Situational-Awareness-BOF - Situational Awareness commands implemented using Beacon Object Files
- Mr-Un1k0d3r/SCShell - Fileless lateral movement tool that relies on ChangeServiceConfigA to run command
- henrypp/errorlookup - Simple tool for retrieving information about Windows errors codes.
- mrexodia/TitanHide - Hiding kernel-driver for x86/x64.
- pathtofile/SealighterTI - Combining Sealighter with unpatched exploits to run the Threat-Intelligence ETW Provider
- citronneur/pamspy - Credentials Dumper for Linux using eBPF
- capt-meelo/NtCreateUserProcess - Minimal PoC developed as discuss in https://captmeelo.com/redteam/maldev/2022/05/10/ntcreateuserprocess.html
- wavestone-cdt/EDRSandblast -
- winsiderss/systeminformer - A free, powerful, multi-purpose tool that helps you monitor system resources, debug software and detect malware. Brought to you by Winsider Seminars & Solutions, Inc. @ http://www.windows-internals.co
- synacktiv/Radmin3-Password-Cracker - Radmin Server 3 credentials dumper/cracker
- outflanknl/C2-Tool-Collection - A collection of tools which integrate with Cobalt Strike (and possibly other C2 frameworks) through BOF and reflective DLL loading techniques.
- praetorian-inc/PortBender - TCP Port Redirection Utility
- fortra/nanodump - The swiss army knife of LSASS dumping
- dzzie/SCDBG - note: current build is VS_LIBEMU project. This cross platform gcc build is for Linux users but is no longer updated. modification of the libemu sctest project to add basic debugger capabilities and mo
- ScarredMonk/SysmonSimulator - Sysmon event simulation utility which can be used to simulate the attacks to generate the Sysmon Event logs for testing the EDR detections and correlation rules by Blue teams.
- Sysinternals/SysinternalsEBPF - The Linux port of the Sysinternals Sysmon tool.
- Sysinternals/SysmonForLinux -
- boku7/BokuLoader - A proof-of-concept Cobalt Strike Reflective Loader which aims to recreate, integrate, and enhance Cobalt Strike's evasion features!
- topotam/PetitPotam - PoC tool to coerce Windows hosts to authenticate to other machines via MS-EFSRPC EfsRpcOpenFileRaw or other functions.
- phra/PEzor - Open-Source Shellcode & PE Packer
- antonioCoco/RoguePotato - Another Windows Local Privilege Escalation from Service Account to System
- antonioCoco/RemotePotato0 - Windows Privilege Escalation from User to Domain Admin.
- Mr-Un1k0d3r/EDRs -
- outflanknl/Dumpert - LSASS memory dumper using direct system calls and API unhooking.
- Mr-Un1k0d3r/RedTeamCCode - Red Team C code repo
- CiscoCXSecurity/linikatz - linikatz is a tool to attack AD on UNIX
- Spacial/awesome-csirt - Awesome CSIRT is an curated list of links and resources in security and CSIRT daily activities.
- bats3c/shad0w - A post exploitation framework designed to operate covertly on heavily monitored environments
- AFLplusplus/AFLplusplus - The fuzzer afl++ is afl with community patches, qemu 5.1 upgrade, collision-free coverage, enhanced laf-intel & redqueen, AFLfast++ power schedules, MOpt mutators, unicorn_mode, and a lot more!
- hfiref0x/SyscallTables - Windows NT x64 Syscall tables
- hfiref0x/WinObjEx64 - Windows Object Explorer 64-bit
- hfiref0x/KDU - Kernel Driver Utility
- TH3xACE/SUDO_KILLER - A tool to identify and exploit sudo rules' misconfigurations and vulnerabilities within sudo for linux privilege escalation.
- openresty/headers-more-nginx-module - Set, add, and clear arbitrary output headers in NGINX http servers
- yarrick/iodine - Official git repo for iodine dns tunnel
- ufrisk/pcileech - Direct Memory Access (DMA) Attack Software
- gentilkiwi/kekeo - A little toolbox to play with Microsoft Kerberos in C
- a0rtega/pafish - Pafish is a testing tool that uses different techniques to detect virtual machines and malware analysis environments in the same way that malware families do
- hfiref0x/UACME - Defeating Windows User Account Control
- robertdavidgraham/masscan - TCP port scanner, spews SYN packets asynchronously, scanning entire Internet in under 5 minutes.
- hashcat/hashcat - World's fastest and most advanced password recovery utility
- ntop/nDPI - Open Source Deep Packet Inspection Software Toolkit
- gentilkiwi/mimikatz - A little tool to play with Windows security
- VirusTotal/yara - The pattern matching swiss knife
- leftp/DPAPISnoop - A C# tool to output crackable DPAPI hashes from user MasterKeys
- trailofbits/RpcInvestigator - Exploring RPC interfaces on Windows
- DragoQCC/HardHatC2 - A C# Command & Control framework
- dr4k0nia/tooling-playground - A collection of small scripts and tools for deobfuscation and malware analysis.
- gh0x0st/wanderer - An open-source process injection enumeration tool written in C#
- CCob/ThreadlessInject - Threadless Process Injection using remote function hooking.
- cyberark/PipeViewer - A tool that shows detailed information about named pipes in Windows
- vu-ls/Crassus -
- xpn/WAMBam - Tooling related to the WAM Bam - Recovering Web Tokens From Office blog post
- FuzzySecurity/StandIn - StandIn is a small .NET35/45 AD post-exploitation toolkit
- Dec0ne/ShadowSpray - A tool to spray Shadow Credentials across an entire domain in hopes of abusing long forgotten GenericWrite/GenericAll DACLs over other objects in the domain.
- AnErrupTion/LoGiC.NET - A more advanced free and open .NET obfuscator using dnlib.
- mandiant/SharPersist -
- h4wkst3r/SharPersist - Windows Persistence Toolkit in C#
- X-C3LL/SharpNTLMRawUnHide - C# version of NTLMRawUnHide
- rasta-mouse/MinHook.NET - A C# port of the MinHook API hooking library
- HackmichNet/AzTokenFinder -
- antonioCoco/RunasCs - RunasCs - Csharp and open version of windows builtin runas.exe
- CCob/BeaconEye - Hunts out CobaltStrike beacons and logs operator command output
- roobixx/EventLogForRedTeams - Simple PoC from Malicious Payload Injection from Windows Event Log Entry
- daem0nc0re/TangledWinExec - PoCs and tools for investigation of Windows process execution techniques
- kagurazakasanae/Mhyprot2DrvControl - A lib that allows using mhyprot2 driver for enum process modules, r/w process memory and kill process.
- CCob/SharpBlock - A method of bypassing EDR's active projection DLL's by preventing entry point exection
- med0x2e/GadgetToJScript - A tool for generating .NET serialized gadgets that can trigger .NET assembly load/execution when deserialized using BinaryFormatter from JS/VBS/VBA based scripts.
- plackyhacker/Shellcode-Injection-Techniques - A collection of C# shellcode injection techniques. All techniques use an AES encrypted meterpreter payload. I will be building this project up as I learn, discover or develop more techniques. Some tec
- TheWover/DInvoke - Dynamically invoke arbitrary unmanaged code from managed code without PInvoke.
- cyberark/RPCMon - RPC Monitor tool based on Event Tracing for Windows
- eladshamir/BadWindowsService - An insecurely implemented and installed Windows service for emulating elevation of privileges vulnerabilities
- Flangvik/TeamFiltration - TeamFiltration is a cross-platform framework for enumerating, spraying, exfiltrating, and backdooring O365 AAD accounts
- xforcered/SCMKit - Source Code Management Attack Toolkit
- PwnDexter/SharpEDRChecker - Checks running processes, process metadata, Dlls loaded into your current process and the each DLLs metadata, common install directories, installed services and each service binaries metadata, install
- Flangvik/SharpExfiltrate - Modular C# framework to exfiltrate loot over secure and trusted channels.
- nettitude/SharpWSUS -
- 0xthirteen/MoveKit - Cobalt Strike kit for Lateral Movement
- pkb1s/SharpAllowedToAct - Computer object takeover through Resource-Based Constrained Delegation (msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity)
- mitchmoser/SharpShares - Multithreaded C# .NET Assembly to enumerate accessible network shares in a domain
- 3lp4tr0n/BeaconHunter - Detect and respond to Cobalt Strike beacons using ETW.
- mgeeky/Stracciatella - OpSec-safe Powershell runspace from within C# (aka SharpPick) with AMSI, Constrained Language Mode and Script Block Logging disabled at startup
- mgeeky/SharpWebServer - Red Team oriented C# Simple HTTP & WebDAV Server with Net-NTLM hashes capture functionality
- rvrsh3ll/SharpPrinter - Discover Printers
- vivami/SauronEye - Search tool to find specific files containing specific words, i.e. files containing passwords..
- djhohnstein/WireTap - .NET 4.0 Project to interact with video, audio and keyboard hardware.
- nettitude/MalSCCM -
- tyranid/oleviewdotnet - A .net OLE/COM viewer and inspector to merge functionality of OleView and Test Container
- veler/DevToys - A Swiss Army knife for developers.
- Bl4ckM1rror/ZombieThread -
- vletoux/PingCastleCloud - Audit program for AzureAD
- matterpreter/OffensiveCSharp - Collection of Offensive C# Tooling
- rasta-mouse/TikiTorch - Process Injection
- bats3c/ADCSPwn - A tool to escalate privileges in an active directory network by coercing authenticate from machine accounts and relaying to the certificate service.
- GhostPack/Koh - The Token Stealer
- GhostPack/KeeThief - Methods for attacking KeePass 2.X databases, including extracting of encryption key material from memory.
- Semperis/GoldenGMSA - GolenGMSA tool for working with GMSA passwords
- improsec/SharpEventPersist - Persistence by writing/reading shellcode from Event Log
- Group3r/Group3r - Find vulnerabilities in AD Group Policy, but do it better than Grouper2 did.
- BloodHoundAD/SharpHound - C# Data Collector for BloodHound
- S3cur3Th1sSh1t/SharpNamedPipePTH - Pass the Hash to a named pipe for token Impersonation
- cube0x0/MiniDump - C# Lsass parser
- cube0x0/SharpMapExec -
- cube0x0/KrbRelay - Framework for Kerberos relaying
- Dec0ne/KrbRelayUp - KrbRelayUp - a universal no-fix local privilege escalation in windows domain environments where LDAP signing is not enforced (the default settings).
- Mayyhem/SharpSCCM - A C# utility for interacting with SCCM
- Mr-Un1k0d3r/ADHuntTool - official repo for the AdHuntTool (part of the old RedTeamCSharpScripts repo)
- dev-2null/ADCollector - A lightweight tool to quickly extract valuable information from the Active Directory environment for both attacking and defending.
- FatRodzianko/SharpBypassUAC - C# tool for UAC bypasses
- GhostPack/SharpUp - SharpUp is a C# port of various PowerUp functionality.
- SnaffCon/Snaffler - a tool for pentesters to help find delicious candy, by @l0ss and @Sh3r4 ( Twitter: @/mikeloss and @/sh3r4_hax )
- eladshamir/Whisker - Whisker is a C# tool for taking over Active Directory user and computer accounts by manipulating their msDS-KeyCredentialLink attribute, effectively adding "Shadow Credentials" to the target account.
- GhostPack/SharpDPAPI - SharpDPAPI is a C# port of some Mimikatz DPAPI functionality.
- CCob/SweetPotato - Local Service to SYSTEM privilege escalation from Windows 7 to Windows 10 / Server 2019
- t3hbb/DefenderCheck - Identifies the bytes that Microsoft Defender flags on.
- TheWover/CertStealer - A .NET tool for exporting and importing certificates without touching disk.
- dnSpyEx/dnSpy - Unofficial revival of the well known .NET debugger and assembly editor, dnSpy
- mandiant/ADFSDump -
- improsec/ImproHound - Identify the attack paths in BloodHound breaking your AD tiering
- S3cur3Th1sSh1t/SharpImpersonation - A User Impersonation tool - via Token or Shellcode injection
- Kevin-Robertson/Inveigh - .NET IPv4/IPv6 machine-in-the-middle tool for penetration testers
- GhostPack/SharpWMI - SharpWMI is a C# implementation of various WMI functionality.
- GhostPack/Certify - Active Directory certificate abuse.
- GhostPack/ForgeCert - "Golden" certificates
- S3cur3Th1sSh1t/RDPThiefInject - RDPThief donut shellcode inject into mstsc
- GetRektBoy724/SharpUnhooker - C# Based Universal API Unhooker
- mkaring/ConfuserEx - An open-source, free protector for .NET applications
- juliourena/SharpNoPSExec - Get file less command execution for lateral movement.
- WithSecureLabs/physmem2profit - Physmem2profit can be used to create a minidump of a target hosts' LSASS process by analysing physical memory remotely
- 3xpl01tc0d3r/ProcessInjection - This program is designed to demonstrate various process injection techniques
- Apr4h/CobaltStrikeScan - Scan files or process memory for CobaltStrike beacons and parse their configuration
- carlospolop/PEASS-ng - PEASS - Privilege Escalation Awesome Scripts SUITE (with colors)
- GhostPack/Rubeus - Trying to tame the three-headed dog.
- bats3c/EvtMute - Apply a filter to the events being reported by windows event logging
- odedshimon/BruteShark - Network Analysis Tool
- bohops/SharpRDPHijack - A POC Remote Desktop (RDP) session hijack utility for disconnected sessions
- anthemtotheego/SharpExec -
- RythmStick/AMSITrigger - The Hunt for Malicious Strings
- cobbr/SharpSploit - SharpSploit is a .NET post-exploitation library written in C#
- GhostPack/Seatbelt - Seatbelt is a C# project that performs a number of security oriented host-survey "safety checks" relevant from both offensive and defensive security perspectives.
- vletoux/pingcastle - PingCastle - Get Active Directory Security at 80% in 20% of the time
- PowerShell/PowerShell - PowerShell for every system!
- zodiacon/EtwExplorer - View ETW Provider manifest
- mvelazc0/PurpleSharp - PurpleSharp is a C# adversary simulation tool that executes adversary techniques with the purpose of generating attack telemetry in monitored Windows environments
- pwntester/ysoserial.net - Deserialization payload generator for a variety of .NET formatters
- icsharpcode/ILSpy - .NET Decompiler with support for PDB generation, ReadyToRun, Metadata (&more) - cross-platform!
- malcomvetter/CSExec - An implementation of PSExec in C#
- mandiant/SilkETW -
- MichaelGrafnetter/DSInternals - Directory Services Internals (DSInternals) PowerShell Module and Framework
- mRemoteNG/mRemoteNG - mRemoteNG is the next generation of mRemote, open source, tabbed, multi-protocol, remote connections manager.
- FuzzySecurity/Sharp-Suite - Also known by Microsoft as Knifecoat 🌶️
- thefLink/Hunt-Weird-Syscalls - ETW based POC to identify direct and indirect syscalls
- zeroperil/HookDump - Security product hook detection
- zer0condition/ReverseKit - x64 Dynamic Reverse Engineering Toolkit
- ghostpepper108/Evasion -
- AdamOron/PatchGuardBypass - Bypassing PatchGuard on modern x64 systems
- itm4n/PPLmedic - Dump the memory of any PPL with a Userland exploit chain
- br-sn/CheekyBlinder - Enumerating and removing kernel callbacks using signed vulnerable drivers
- TheD1rkMtr/HeapCrypt - Encypting the Heap while sleeping by hooking and modifying Sleep with our own sleep that encrypts the heap
- zesiar0/MyPsExec - demo PsExec
- ZeroMemoryEx/Amsi-Killer - Lifetime AMSI bypass
- Processus-Thief/UnhookingDLL - This script is used to bypass DLL Hooking using a fresh mapped copy of ntdll file, patch the ETW and trigger a shellcode with process hollowing
- iovisor/bpftrace - High-level tracing language for Linux eBPF
- Dec0ne/HWSyscalls - HWSyscalls is a new method to execute indirect syscalls using HWBP, HalosGate and a synthetic trampoline on kernel32 with HWBP.
- Cobalt-Strike/CallStackMasker - A PoC implementation for dynamically masking call stacks with timers.
- PI-Defender/pi-defender - Kernel Security driver used to block past, current and future process injection techniques on Windows Operating System.
- binderlabs/DirCreate2System - Weaponizing to get NT SYSTEM for Privileged Directory Creation Bugs with Windows Error Reporting
- klezVirus/SilentMoonwalk - PoC Implementation of a fully dynamic call stack spoofer
- PL-V/Firefox-Grabber - Grab Firefox post requests by hooking PR_Write function from nss3.dll module using trampoline hook to get passwords and emails of users
- Sh0ckFR/Lockbit3.0-MpClient-Defender-PoC - Lockbit3.0 Microsoft Defender MpClient.dll DLL Hijacking PoC
- trickster0/CReadMemory - Read Memory without ReadProcessMemory for Current Process
- hoangprod/AndrewSpecial - AndrewSpecial, dumping lsass' memory stealthily and bypassing "Cilence" since 2019.
- jackullrich/syscall-detect - PoC capable of detecting manual syscalls from usermode.
- rad9800/TamperingSyscalls -
- gmh5225/CallMeWin32kDriver - Load your driver like win32k.sys
- rad9800/WTSRM - WTSRM
- antonioCoco/JuicyPotatoNG - Another Windows Local Privilege Escalation from Service Account to System
- hasherezade/pe-bear - Portable Executable reversing tool with a friendly GUI
- dennisbabkin/InjectAll - Tutorial that demonstrates how to code a Windows driver to inject a custom DLL into all running processes. I coded it from start to finish using C++ and x86/x64 Assembly language in Microsoft Visual S
- deepinstinct/Lsass-Shtinkering -
- forrest-orr/moneta - Moneta is a live usermode memory analysis tool for Windows with the capability to detect malware IOCs
- thesecretclub/SandboxBootkit - Bootkit for Windows Sandbox to disable DSE/PatchGuard.
- mgeeky/ShellcodeFluctuation - An advanced in-memory evasion technique fluctuating shellcode's memory protection between RW/NoAccess & RX and then encrypting/decrypting its contents
- BSI-Bund/RdpCacheStitcher - RdpCacheStitcher is a tool that supports forensic analysts in reconstructing useful images out of RDP cache bitmaps.
- poweradminllc/PAExec - Remote execution, like PsExec
- notdodo/adduser-dll - Simple DLL that add a user to the local Administrators group
- aahmad097/AlternativeShellcodeExec - Alternative Shellcode Execution Via Callbacks
- hackerhouse-opensource/iscsicpl_bypassUAC - UAC bypass for x64 Windows 7 - 11
- mgeeky/ThreadStackSpoofer - Thread Stack Spoofing - PoC for an advanced In-Memory evasion technique allowing to better hide injected shellcode's memory allocation from scanners and analysts.
- zodiacon/TotalRegistry - Total Registry - enhanced Registry editor/viewer
- horsicq/DIE-engine - DIE engine
- x64dbg/ScyllaHide - Advanced usermode anti-anti-debugger. Forked from https://bitbucket.org/NtQuery/scyllahide
- RedCursorSecurityConsulting/PPLKiller - Tool to bypass LSA Protection (aka Protected Process Light)
- Wh04m1001/IDiagnosticProfileUAC -
- pathtofile/Sealighter - Sysmon-Like research tool for ETW
- APTortellini/unDefender - Killing your preferred antimalware by abusing native symbolic links and NT paths.
- 0x09AL/RdpThief - Extracting Clear Text Passwords from mstsc.exe using API Hooking.
- silverf0x/RpcView - RpcView is a free tool to explore and decompile Microsoft RPC interfaces
- zeronetworks/rpcfirewall -
- microsoft/krabsetw - KrabsETW provides a modern C++ wrapper and a .NET wrapper around the low-level ETW trace consumption functions.
- S3cur3Th1sSh1t/MultiPotato -
- deepinstinct/LsassSilentProcessExit - Command line interface to dump LSASS memory to disk via SilentProcessExit
- mpgn/BackupOperatorToDA - From an account member of the group Backup Operators to Domain Admin without RDP or WinRM on the Domain Controller
- pwn1sher/KillDefender - A small POC to make defender useless by removing its token privileges and lowering the token integrity
- GossiTheDog/HiveNightmare - Exploit allowing you to read registry hives as non-admin on Windows 10 and 11
- jxy-s/herpaderping - Process Herpaderping proof of concept, tool, and technical deep dive. Process Herpaderping bypasses security products by obscuring the intentions of a process.
- jthuraisamy/TelemetrySourcerer - Enumerate and disable common sources of telemetry used by AV/EDR.
- Sysinternals/ProcMon-for-Linux - Procmon is a Linux reimagining of the classic Procmon tool from the Sysinternals suite of tools for Windows. Procmon provides a convenient and efficient way for Linux developers to trace the syscall a
- Sysinternals/ProcDump-for-Linux - A Linux version of the ProcDump Sysinternals tool
- hasherezade/pe-sieve - Scans a given process. Recognizes and dumps a variety of potentially malicious implants (replaced/injected PEs, shellcodes, hooks, in-memory patches).
- zeek/zeek - Zeek is a powerful network analysis framework that is much different from the typical IDS you may know.
- osquery/osquery - SQL powered operating system instrumentation, monitoring, and analytics.
- palantir/phishcatch - A browser extension and API server for detecting corporate password use on external websites
- thewhiteh4t/seeker - Accurately Locate Smartphones using Social Engineering
- FuzzySecurity/Fermion - Fermion, an electron wrapper for Frida & Monaco.
- trustedsec/SysmonCommunityGuide - TrustedSec Sysinternals Sysmon Community Guide
- rmusser01/Infosec_Reference - An Information Security Reference That Doesn't Suck; https://rmusser.net/git/admin-2/Infosec_Reference for non-MS Git hosted version.
- adobe-fonts/source-code-pro - Monospaced font family for user interface and coding environments
- juliocesarfort/public-pentesting-reports - A list of public penetration test reports published by several consulting firms and academic security groups.
- slyd0g/WhiteChocolateMacademiaNut - Interact with Chromium-based browsers' debug port to view open tabs, installed extensions, and cookies
- M00NLIG7/ChopChopGo - Rapidly Search and Hunt through Linux Forensics Artifacts
- quarkslab/kdigger - Kubernetes focused container assessment and context discovery tool for penetration testing
- inguardians/peirates - Peirates - Kubernetes Penetration Testing tool
- anchore/grype - A vulnerability scanner for container images and filesystems
- aquasecurity/trivy - Find vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, secrets, SBOM in containers, Kubernetes, code repositories, clouds and more
- iovisor/kubectl-trace - Schedule bpftrace programs on your kubernetes cluster using the kubectl
- Rolix44/Kubestroyer - Kubernetes exploitation tool
- cilium/hubble - Hubble - Network, Service & Security Observability for Kubernetes using eBPF
- kubeshark/kubeshark - The API traffic analyzer for Kubernetes providing real-time K8s protocol-level visibility, capturing and monitoring all traffic and payloads going in, out and across containers, pods, nodes and cluste
- BloodHoundAD/AzureHound - Azure Data Exporter for BloodHound
- owasp-amass/amass - In-depth Attack Surface Mapping and Asset Discovery
- optiv/Freeze - Freeze is a payload toolkit for bypassing EDRs using suspended processes, direct syscalls, and alternative execution methods
- HavocFramework/Havoc - The Havoc Framework.
- lkarlslund/ldapnomnom - Anonymously bruteforce Active Directory usernames from Domain Controllers by abusing LDAP Ping requests (cLDAP)
- trufflesecurity/trufflehog - Find and verify credentials
- deepfence/YaraHunter - 🔍🔍 Malware scanner for cloud-native, as part of CI/CD and at Runtime 🔍🔍
- pathtofile/commandline_cloaking - A collection of projects demonstrating various commandline cloaking techniques on Linux
- DataDog/stratus-red-team - ☁️ ⚡ Granular, Actionable Adversary Emulation for the Cloud
- yarox24/EvtxHussar - Initial triage of Windows Event logs
- lkarlslund/Adalanche - Active Directory ACL Visualizer and Explorer - who's really Domain Admin? (Commerical versions available from NetSection)
- optiv/Ivy - Ivy is a payload creation framework for the execution of arbitrary VBA (macro) source code directly in memory. Ivy’s loader does this by utilizing programmatical access in the VBA object environment t
- liamg/traitor - ⬆️ ☠️ 🔥 Automatic Linux privesc via exploitation of low-hanging fruit e.g. gtfobins, pwnkit, dirty pipe, +w docker.sock
- moonD4rk/HackBrowserData - Decrypt passwords/cookies/history/bookmarks from the browser. 一款可全平台运行的浏览器数据导出解密工具。
- C-Sto/gosecretsdump - Dump ntds.dit really fast
- FourCoreLabs/EDRHunt - Scan installed EDRs and AVs on Windows
- optiv/ScareCrow - ScareCrow - Payload creation framework designed around EDR bypass.
- kgretzky/evilginx2 - Standalone man-in-the-middle attack framework used for phishing login credentials along with session cookies, allowing for the bypass of 2-factor authentication
- Velocidex/velociraptor - Digging Deeper....
- ropnop/kerbrute - A tool to perform Kerberos pre-auth bruteforcing
- drk1wi/Modlishka - Modlishka. Reverse Proxy.
- rclone/rclone - "rsync for cloud storage" - Google Drive, S3, Dropbox, Backblaze B2, One Drive, Swift, Hubic, Wasabi, Google Cloud Storage, Yandex Files
- Stefan-H/zero-to-splunk-cluster -
- BlueTeamLabs/sentinel-attack - Tools to rapidly deploy a threat hunting capability on Azure Sentinel that leverages Sysmon and MITRE ATT&CK
- strandjs/IntroLabs - These are the labs for my Intro class. Yes, this is public. Yes, this is intentional.
- madhuakula/kubernetes-goat - Kubernetes Goat is a "Vulnerable by Design" cluster environment to learn and practice Kubernetes security using an interactive hands-on playground 🚀
- rapid7/insightconnect-workflows - Community workflows for the InsightConnect SOAR product
- jiep/offensive-ai-compilation - A curated list of useful resources that cover Offensive AI.
- ninoseki/mihari - A tool for OSINT based threat hunting
- f/awesome-chatgpt-prompts - This repo includes ChatGPT prompt curation to use ChatGPT better.
- blueteamvillage/Project-Obsidian-DC30 -
- JPCERTCC/ToolAnalysisResultSheet - Tool Analysis Result Sheet
- AndrewRathbun/DFIRArtifactMuseum - The goal of this repo is to archive artifacts from all versions of various OS's and categorizing them by type. This will help with artifact validation processes as well as increase access to artifacts
- AaronDinnage/Licensing - Microsoft 365 licensing diagrams
- sbousseaden/EVTX-ATTACK-SAMPLES - Windows Events Attack Samples
- clong/DetectionLab - Automate the creation of a lab environment complete with security tooling and logging best practices
- GTFOBins/GTFOBins.github.io - GTFOBins is a curated list of Unix binaries that can be used to bypass local security restrictions in misconfigured systems
- TedGoas/Cerberus - A few simple, but solid patterns for responsive HTML email templates and newsletters. Even in Outlook and Gmail.
- koalaman/shellcheck - ShellCheck, a static analysis tool for shell scripts
- mentebinaria/retoolkit - Reverse Engineer's Toolkit
- NationalSecurityAgency/ghidra - Ghidra is a software reverse engineering (SRE) framework
- frohoff/ysoserial - A proof-of-concept tool for generating payloads that exploit unsafe Java object deserialization.
- elizabethsiegle/finetune-openai-model - you can add in your own data in .jsonl file!
- splunk/splunk-app-examples - App examples for Splunk Enterprise
- vogler/free-games-claimer - Automatically claims free games on the Epic Games Store, Amazon Prime Gaming and GOG.
- StrangerealIntel/CyberThreatIntel - Analysis of malware and Cyber Threat Intel of APT and cybercriminals groups
- horsicq/Detect-It-Easy - Program for determining types of files for Windows, Linux and MacOS.
- center-for-threat-informed-defense/attack-powered-suit - ATT&CK Powered Suit is a browser extension that puts the complete MITRE ATT&CK® knowledge base at your fingertips with text search, context menus, and ATT&CK Navigator integration.
- beefproject/beef - The Browser Exploitation Framework Project
- eth0izzle/shhgit - Ah shhgit! Find secrets in your code. Secrets detection for your GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket repositories.
- Smile4ever/Neat-URL - Neat URL cleans URLs, removing parameters such as Google Analytics' utm parameters.
- mrd0x/BITB - Browser In The Browser (BITB) Templates
- seynur/DA-ESS-MitreContent - MITRE ATT&CK Framework compliance dashboard and correlation searches that works with Splunk Enterprise Security and ES Content Update
- gchq/CyberChef - The Cyber Swiss Army Knife - a web app for encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis
- h5bp/html5-boilerplate - A professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites.
- splunk/attack_range - A tool that allows you to create vulnerable instrumented local or cloud environments to simulate attacks against and collect the data into Splunk
- Azure/MDEASM-Solutions - Solutions developed by the MDEASM Customer Experience Engineering (CxE) Go-To Production (GTP) team for Azure MDEASM
- Azure/Azure-Sentinel-Notebooks - Interactive Azure Sentinel Notebooks provides security insights and actions to investigate anomalies and hunt for malicious behaviors.
- ageron/handson-ml3 - A series of Jupyter notebooks that walk you through the fundamentals of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Python using Scikit-Learn, Keras and TensorFlow 2.
- GhostPack/Invoke-Evasion - PowerShell Obfuscation and Data Science
- fox-it/cobaltstrike-beacon-data - Open Dataset of Cobalt Strike Beacon metadata (2018-2022)
- Cyb3r-Monk/RITA-J - Implementation of RITA (Real Intelligence Threat Analytics) in Jupyter Notebook with improved scoring algorithm.
- mitre-attack/attack-datasources - This content is analysis and research of the data sources currently listed in ATT&CK.
- Cyb3r-Monk/Threat-Hunting-and-Detection - Repository for threat hunting and detection queries, etc. for Defender for Endpoint and Microsoft Sentinel in KQL(Kusto Query Language).
- Azure/Azure-Sentinel - Cloud-native SIEM for intelligent security analytics for your entire enterprise.
- microsoft/Microsoft-365-Defender-Hunting-Queries - Sample queries for Advanced hunting in Microsoft 365 Defender
- ntop/ntopng - Web-based Traffic and Security Network Traffic Monitoring
- frida/frida - Clone this repo to build Frida
- chvancooten/NimPlant - A light-weight first-stage C2 implant written in Nim.
- objective-see/DylibHijackScanner - Scan your computer for applications that are either susceptible to dylib hijacking or have been hijacked.
- h33tlit/secret-regex-list - List of regex for scraping secret API keys and juicy information.
- darkquasar/AIMOD2 - Adversarial Interception Mission Oriented Discovery and Disruption Framework, or AIMOD2, is a structured threat hunting approach to proactively identify, engage and prevent cyber threats denying or mi
- Wack0/bitlocker-attacks - A list of public attacks on BitLocker
- cckuailong/awesome-gpt-security - A curated list of awesome security tools, experimental case or other interesting things with LLM or GPT.
- fortinet-fortisoar/solution-pack-soar-framework -
- rod-trent/SentinelKQL - Azure Sentinel KQL
- forcesunseen/llm-hackers-handbook - A guide to LLM hacking: fundamentals, prompt injection, offense, and defense
- hardenedvault/bootkit-samples - Bootkit sample for firmware attack
- t3l3machus/PowerShell-Obfuscation-Bible - A collection of techniques, examples and a little bit of theory for manually obfuscating PowerShell scripts to achieve AV evasion, compiled for educational purposes. The contents of this repository ar
- jsecurity101/MSRPC-to-ATTACK - A repository that maps commonly used attacks using MSRPC protocols to ATT&CK
- VirtualAlllocEx/AV-EPP-EDR-Windows-API-Hooking-List - Depending on the AV/EDR we will check which Windows APIs are hooked by the AV/EDR
- chaugan/Splunk-Autodoc - Auto documentation tool for Splunk Alerts
- LearningKijo/KQL - Threat Hunting query in Microsoft 365 Defender, XDR. Provide out-of-the-box KQL hunting queries - App, Email, Identity and Endpoint.
- rung/threat-matrix-cicd - Threat matrix for CI/CD Pipeline
- jatrost/awesome-kubernetes-threat-detection - A curated list of resources about detecting threats and defending Kubernetes systems.
- The-DFIR-Report/Sigma-Rules - Rules generated from our investigations.
- nmantani/archiver-MOTW-support-comparison -
- dracula/notepad-plus-plus - 🧛🏻♂️ Dark theme for Notepad++
- Klimdy/Splunk-tiered-deployment-server - Configuration files for create a tiered deployment server
- tsale/Sigma_rules - Random sigma rules to share with the community
- jsecurity101/TelemetrySource -
- CMEPW/BypassAV - This map lists the essential techniques to bypass anti-virus and EDR
- mdecrevoisier/Splunk-input-windows-baseline - Provides an advanced input.conf file for Windows and 3rd party related software with more than 70 different event log mapped to the MITRE Att&CK
- Octoberfest7/CS_Uploads_Tracker - Aggressor script add-in for CobaltStrike to track file uploads
- fastfire/deepdarkCTI - Collection of Cyber Threat Intelligence sources from the deep and dark web
- certsocietegenerale/IRM - Incident Response Methodologies 2022
- wiz-sec-public/peach-framework - PEACH - a step-by-step framework for modeling and improving SaaS and PaaS tenant isolation, by managing the attack surface exposed by user interfaces.
- SecurityRiskAdvisors/VECTR - VECTR is a tool that facilitates tracking of your red and blue team testing activities to measure detection and prevention capabilities across different attack scenarios
- 0x90n/InfoSec-Black-Friday - All the deals for InfoSec related software/tools this Black Friday
- chocolatecoat/DFIR-Templates - Incident Response documents and tooling
- Neo23x0/Talks - Slides of my public talks
- olafhartong/Presentations - My conference presentations
- super0xbad1dea/SysmonVersions -
- specterops/presentations - SpecterOps Presentations
- 0xsyr0/OSCP - OSCP Cheat Sheet
- fox-it/dissect - Dissect is a digital forensics & incident response framework and toolset that allows you to quickly access and analyse forensic artefacts from various disk and file formats, developed by Fox-IT (part
- huntandhackett/sysmon-indepth - Understanding the operation and limitations of Sysmon's events
- inodee/threathunting-spl - Splunk code (SPL) for serious threat hunters and detection engineers.
- wietze/HijackLibs - Project for tracking publicly disclosed DLL Hijacking opportunities.
- ocsf/ocsf-schema - OCSF Schema
- Bert-JanP/Hunting-Queries-Detection-Rules - KQL Queries. Defender For Endpoint and Azure Sentinel Hunting and Detection Queries in KQL. Out of the box KQL queries for: Advanced Hunting, Custom Detection, Analytics Rules & Hunting Rules.
- NotSoSecure/password_cracking_rules - One rule to crack all passwords. or atleast we hope so.
- DanielpFR/MDI -
- rod-trent/SentinelPlaybooks -
- pe3zx/my-infosec-awesome - My curated list of awesome links, resources and tools on infosec related topics
- rod-trent/MustLearnKQL - Code included as part of the MustLearnKQL blog series
- persistence-info/persistence-info.github.io -
- olafhartong/ThreatHunting - A Splunk app mapped to MITRE ATT&CK to guide your threat hunts
- OlivierLaflamme/Cheatsheet-God - Penetration Testing Reference Bank - OSCP / PTP & PTX Cheatsheet
- onceupon/Bash-Oneliner - A collection of handy Bash One-Liners and terminal tricks for data processing and Linux system maintenance.
- InQuest/awesome-yara - A curated list of awesome YARA rules, tools, and people.
- hasherezade/pe-bear-releases - PE-bear (builds only)
- Purp1eW0lf/Blue-Team-Notes - You didn't think I'd go and leave the blue team out, right?
- AndrewRathbun/DFIRMindMaps - A repository of DFIR-related Mind Maps geared towards the visual learners!
- ch33r10/EnterprisePurpleTeaming - Purple Team Resources for Enterprise Purple Teaming: An Exploratory Qualitative Study by Xena Olsen.
- HackingLZ/ExtractedDefender -
- RistBS/Awesome-RedTeam-Cheatsheet - Red Team Cheatsheet in constant expansion.
- splunk/TA-microsoft-365-defender-advanced-hunting-add-on -
- ihebski/A-Red-Teamer-diaries - RedTeam/Pentest notes and experiments tested on several infrastructures related to professional engagements.
- Cyber-Guy1/API-SecurityEmpire - API Security Project aims to present unique attack & defense methods in API Security field
- scythe-io/purple-team-exercise-framework - Purple Team Exercise Framework
- reprise99/kql-for-dfir - A guide to using Azure Data Explorer and KQL for DFIR
- jsa2/kql - KQL for Azure Resource Manager and AppID search
- 0x4D31/awesome-threat-detection - ✨ A curated list of awesome threat detection and hunting resources 🕵️♂️
- wsummerhill/CobaltStrike_RedTeam_CheatSheet - Useful Cobalt Strike techniques learned from engagements
- Sh0ckFR/DLLirant - DLLirant is a tool to automatize the DLL Hijacking researches on a specified binary.
- bohops/UltimateWDACBypassList - A centralized resource for previously documented WDAC bypass techniques
- nasbench/EVTX-ETW-Resources - Event Tracing For Windows (ETW) Resources
- jangeisbauer/AdvancedHunting - Advanced Hunting Queries for Microsoft Security Products
- curated-intel/CTI-fundamentals - A collection of papers, blogs, and resources that make up the quintessential aspects of cyber threat intelligence
- eshlomo1/Azure-AD-Incident-Response - Azure AD Incident Response
- Ignitetechnologies/Credential-Dumping - This cheatsheet is aimed at the Red Teamers to help them understand the fundamentals of Credential Dumping (Sub Technique of Credential Access) with examples. There are multiple ways to perform the sa
- palantir/alerting-detection-strategy-framework - A framework for developing alerting and detection strategies for incident response.
- fabacab/awesome-cybersecurity-blueteam - 💻🛡️ A curated collection of awesome resources, tools, and other shiny things for cybersecurity blue teams.
- vestjoe/cobaltstrike_services - AutoStart teamserver and listeners with services
- dweinstein/awesome-frida - Awesome Frida - A curated list of Frida resources http://www.frida.re/ (/~https://github.com/frida/frida)
- N7WEra/BofAllTheThings - Creating a repository with all public Beacon Object Files (BoFs)
- BC-SECURITY/Malleable-C2-Profiles - Malleable C2 Profiles. A collection of profiles used in different projects using Cobalt Strike & Empire.
- gtworek/Priv2Admin - Exploitation paths allowing you to (mis)use the Windows Privileges to elevate your rights within the OS.
- Cobalt-Strike/Malleable-C2-Profiles - Malleable C2 is a domain specific language to redefine indicators in Beacon's communication. This repository is a collection of Malleable C2 profiles that you may use. These profiles work with Cobalt
- offensive-security/exploitdb - The legacy Exploit Database repository - New repo located at https://gitlab.com/exploit-database/exploitdb
- ZephrFish/Bloodhound-CustomQueries - Custom Queries - Brought Up to BH4.1 syntax
- bfuzzy1/auditd-attack - A Linux Auditd rule set mapped to MITRE's Attack Framework
- abbodi1406/vcredist - AIO Repack for latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Runtimes
- vysecurity/DomainFrontingLists - A list of Domain Frontable Domains by CDN
- imran-parray/Mind-Maps - Mind-Maps of Several Things
- mdecrevoisier/Microsoft-eventlog-mindmap - Set of Mindmaps providing a detailed overview of the different #Microsoft auditing capacities for Windows, Exchange, Azure,...
- reprise99/Sentinel-Queries - Collection of KQL queries
- Neo23x0/sysmon-config - Sysmon configuration file template with default high-quality event tracing
- aws-samples/aws-incident-response-playbooks -
- outflanknl/HelpColor - Agressor script that lists available Cobalt Strike beacon commands and colors them based on their type
- rucam/defender-comparison -
- OTRF/OSSEM-CDM - OSSEM Common Data Model
- austinsonger/Incident-Playbook - GOAL: Incident Response Playbooks Mapped to MITRE Attack Tactics and Techniques. [Contributors Friendly]
- MHaggis/sysmon-dfir - Sources, configuration and how to detect evil things utilizing Microsoft Sysmon.
- swisscom/splunk-addon-powershell - Splunk Add-on for PowerShell provides field extraction for PowerShell event logs.
- microsoft/MicrosoftDefenderForEndpoint-PowerBI - A repo for sample MDATP Power BI Templates
- Iveco/xknow_infosec - Random Stuff for Cyber Security Incident Response
- correlatedsecurity/Awesome-SOAR - A curated Cyber "Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR)" awesome list.
- hausec/Bloodhound-Custom-Queries - Custom Query list for the Bloodhound GUI based off my cheatsheet
- xenoscr/Useful-BloodHound-Queries - A collection of Neo4j/BloodHound queries to collect interesting information.
- threatexpress/malleable-c2 - Cobalt Strike Malleable C2 Design and Reference Guide
- marcusbakker/KQL - Kusto Query Language
- Flangvik/SharpCollection - Nightly builds of common C# offensive tools, fresh from their respective master branches built and released in a CDI fashion using Azure DevOps release pipelines.
- EricZimmerman/KapeFiles - This repository serves as a place for community created Targets and Modules for use with KAPE.
- zer0yu/Awesome-CobaltStrike - CobaltStrike的相关资源汇总 / List of Awesome CobaltStrike Resources
- FalconForceTeam/FalconFriday - Hunting queries and detections
- S1ckB0y1337/Active-Directory-Exploitation-Cheat-Sheet - A cheat sheet that contains common enumeration and attack methods for Windows Active Directory.
- imthenachoman/How-To-Secure-A-Linux-Server - An evolving how-to guide for securing a Linux server.
- microsoft/MSRC-Security-Research - Security Research from the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC)
- teoseller/osquery-attck - Mapping the MITRE ATT&CK Matrix with Osquery
- RedDrip7/APT_Digital_Weapon - Indicators of compromise (IOCs) collected from public resources and categorized by Qi-AnXin.
- sbousseaden/Slides - Misc Threat Hunting Resources
- blaCCkHatHacEEkr/PENTESTING-BIBLE - articles
- S3cur3Th1sSh1t/Pentest-Tools -
- tanprathan/MobileApp-Pentest-Cheatsheet - The Mobile App Pentest cheat sheet was created to provide concise collection of high value information on specific mobile application penetration testing topics.
- wsargent/docker-cheat-sheet - Docker Cheat Sheet
- S3cur3Th1sSh1t/Amsi-Bypass-Powershell - This repo contains some Amsi Bypass methods i found on different Blog Posts.
- Neo23x0/auditd - Best Practice Auditd Configuration
- misterch0c/what_is_this_c2 - For all these times you're asking yourself "what is this panel again?"
- wtsxDev/reverse-engineering - List of awesome reverse engineering resources
- michalmalik/linux-re-101 - A collection of resources for linux reverse engineering
- Voorivex/pentest-guide - Penetration tests guide based on OWASP including test cases, resources and examples.
- mattnotmax/cyberchef-recipes - A list of cyber-chef recipes and curated links
- snoopysecurity/awesome-burp-extensions - A curated list of amazingly awesome Burp Extensions
- infosecn1nja/AD-Attack-Defense - Attack and defend active directory using modern post exploitation adversary tradecraft activity
- palantir/osquery-configuration - A repository for using osquery for incident detection and response
- SwiftOnSecurity/sysmon-config - Sysmon configuration file template with default high-quality event tracing
- infosecn1nja/Red-Teaming-Toolkit - This repository contains cutting-edge open-source security tools (OST) for a red teamer and threat hunter.
- shieldfy/API-Security-Checklist - Checklist of the most important security countermeasures when designing, testing, and releasing your API
- cugu/awesome-forensics - A curated list of awesome forensic analysis tools and resources
- yeyintminthuhtut/Awesome-Red-Teaming - List of Awesome Red Teaming Resources
- jivoi/awesome-osint - 😱 A curated list of amazingly awesome OSINT
- meirwah/awesome-incident-response - A curated list of tools for incident response
- aloisdg/awesome-regex - A curated collection of awesome Regex libraries, tools, frameworks and software
- iCHAIT/awesome-macOS - A curated list of awesome applications, softwares, tools and shiny things for macOS.
- hslatman/awesome-threat-intelligence - A curated list of Awesome Threat Intelligence resources
- h5bp/server-configs-nginx - Nginx HTTP server boilerplate configs
- enaqx/awesome-pentest - A collection of awesome penetration testing resources, tools and other shiny things
- veggiemonk/awesome-docker - 🐳 A curated list of Docker resources and projects
- fuzzdb-project/fuzzdb - Dictionary of attack patterns and primitives for black-box application fault injection and resource discovery.
- MISP/MISP - MISP (core software) - Open Source Threat Intelligence and Sharing Platform
- danielmiessler/SecLists - SecLists is the security tester's companion. It's a collection of multiple types of lists used during security assessments, collected in one place. List types include usernames, passwords, URLs, sensi
- DarkCoderSc/SubSeven - SubSeven Legacy Official Source Code Repository
- cheat-engine/cheat-engine - Cheat Engine. A development environment focused on modding
- diversenok/TokenUniverse - An advanced tool for working with access tokens and Windows security policy.
- 0xsp-SRD/mortar - evasion technique to defeat and divert detection and prevention of security products (AV/EDR/XDR)
- samyk/slipstream - NAT Slipstreaming allows an attacker to remotely access any TCP/UDP services bound to a victim machine, bypassing the victim’s NAT/firewall, just by anyone on the victim's network visiting a website
- major/MySQLTuner-perl - MySQLTuner is a script written in Perl that will assist you with your MySQL configuration and make recommendations for increased performance and stability.
- tsale/EDR-Telemetry - This project aims to compare and evaluate the telemetry of various EDR products.
- d4rksystem/VMwareCloak - A PowerShell script that attempts to help malware analysts hide their VMware Windows VM's from malware that may be trying to evade analysis.
- namazso/physmem_drivers - A collection of various vulnerable (mostly physical memory exposing) drivers.
- vectra-ai-research/MAAD-AF - MAAD Attack Framework - An attack tool for simple, fast & effective security testing of M365 & Azure AD.
- TrimarcJake/Locksmith - A tiny tool to identify and remediate common misconfigurations in Active Directory Certificate Services
- microsoft/mde-api-gui - Simple GUI for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint API machine actions in PowerShell.
- thalpius/Microsoft-Defender-for-Identity-Auditing-Checker-using-Sentinel -
- JoelGMSec/AzureGraph - Azure AD enumeration over MS Graph
- admindroid-community/powershell-scripts - Office 365 Reporting PowerShell Scripts
- csandker/Azure-AccessPermissions -
- olafhartong/sysmon-parser - Automatically generated Sysmon parser for Azure Sentinel
- olafhartong/MDE-AuditCheck - MDE relies on some of the Audit settings to be enabled
- Cyberlorians/MDE -
- NextronSystems/evtx-baseline - A repository hosting example goodware evtx logs containing sample software installation and basic user interaction
- ANSSI-FR/ADTimeline - Timeline of Active Directory changes with replication metadata
- eshlomo1/MS-Defender-4-xOPS -
- rvrsh3ll/Misc-Powershell-Scripts - Random Tools
- Mr-Un1k0d3r/ATP-PowerShell-Scripts - Microsoft Signed PowerShell scripts
- mattifestation/AntimalwareBlight - Execute PowerShell code at the antimalware-light protection level.
- LuccaSA/PingCastle-Notify - Monitor your PingCastle scans to highlight the rule diff between two scans
- microsoft/Microsoft-Defender-for-Identity - Additional resources to improve customer experience with Microsoft Defender for Identity
- dwmetz/QuickPcap - A quick and easy PowerShell script to collect a packet trace with option to convert .etl to .pcap.
- gtworek/PSBits - Simple (relatively) things allowing you to dig a bit deeper than usual.
- mattifestation/WDACTools - A PowerShell module to facilitate building, configuring, deploying, and auditing Windows Defender Application Control (WDAC) policies
- tobor88/PowerShell-Red-Team - Collection of PowerShell functions a Red Teamer may use in an engagement
- BloodHoundAD/BARK - BloodHound Attack Research Kit
- silverhack/monkey365 - Monkey365 provides a tool for security consultants to easily conduct not only Microsoft 365, but also Azure subscriptions and Azure Active Directory security configuration reviews.
- last-byte/PersistenceSniper - Powershell module that can be used by Blue Teams, Incident Responders and System Administrators to hunt persistences implanted in Windows machines. Made with ❤️ by @last0x00 and @dottor_morte
- mgeeky/ProtectMyTooling - Multi-Packer wrapper letting us daisy-chain various packers, obfuscators and other Red Team oriented weaponry. Featured with artifacts watermarking, IOCs collection & PE Backdooring. You feed it with
- Johnng007/Live-Forensicator - Powershell Script to aid Incidence Response and Live Forensics | Bash Script for MacOS Live Forensics and Incidence Response
- VirtualAlllocEx/Payload-Download-Cradles - This are different types of download cradles which should be an inspiration to play and create new download cradles to bypass AV/EPP/EDR in context of download cradle detections.
- vanvfields/Microsoft-365 - Scripts to help configure Microsoft 365
- NetSPI/MicroBurst - A collection of scripts for assessing Microsoft Azure security
- darkquasar/AzureHunter - A Cloud Forensics Powershell module to run threat hunting playbooks on data from Azure and O365
- mgeeky/Penetration-Testing-Tools - A collection of more than 170+ tools, scripts, cheatsheets and other loots that I've developed over years for Red Teaming/Pentesting/IT Security audits purposes.
- R3MRUM/PSDecode - PowerShell script for deobfuscating encoded PowerShell scripts
- invictus-ir/Microsoft-Extractor-Suite - A PowerShell module for acquisition of data from Microsoft 365 and Azure for Incident Response and Cyber Security purposes.
- AustralianCyberSecurityCentre/windows_event_logging - Windows Event Forwarding subscriptions, configuration files and scripts that assist with implementing ACSC's protect publication, Technical Guidance for Windows Event Logging.
- cventour/PoSH - Random Powershell scripts
- treebuilder/aad-sso-enum-brute-spray - POC of SecureWorks' recent Azure Active Directory password brute-forcing vuln
- nyxgeek/o365recon - retrieve information via O365 and AzureAD with a valid cred
- PowerShellMafia/PowerSploit - PowerSploit - A PowerShell Post-Exploitation Framework
- mamun-sec/dfirt - Collect information of Windows PC when doing incident response
- nsacyber/Event-Forwarding-Guidance - Configuration guidance for implementing collection of security relevant Windows Event Log events by using Windows Event Forwarding. #nsacyber
- rvrsh3ll/TokenTactics - Azure JWT Token Manipulation Toolset
- eshlomo1/Microsoft-365 - Microsoft 365 Stuff and scripts for IT and Security
- blackhillsinfosec/EventLogging - Automation scripts to deploy Windows Event Forwarding, Sysmon, and custom audit policies in an Active Directory environment.
- airbus-cert/Invoke-Bof - Load any Beacon Object File using Powershell!
- mgeeky/cobalt-arsenal - My collection of battle-tested Aggressor Scripts for Cobalt Strike 4.0+
- enjoiz/Privesc - Windows batch script that finds misconfiguration issues which can lead to privilege escalation.
- danielbohannon/Invoke-Obfuscation - PowerShell Obfuscator
- mandiant/Mandiant-Azure-AD-Investigator -
- eshlomo1/Microsoft-Sentinel-SecOps - Microsoft Sentinel SOC Operations
- microsoft/MSTIC-Sysmon - Anything Sysmon related from the MSTIC R&D team
- SNGWN/Burp-Suite - || Activate Burp Suite Pro with Key-Generator and Key-Loader ||
- rootsecdev/Azure-Red-Team - Azure Security Resources and Notes
- Gerenios/AADInternals - AADInternals PowerShell module for administering Azure AD and Office 365
- hak5/bashbunny-payloads - The Official Bash Bunny Payload Repository
- hausec/PowerZure - PowerShell framework to assess Azure security
- BloodHoundAD/Legacy-AzureHound.ps1 -
- Azure/Enterprise-Scale - The Azure Landing Zones (Enterprise-Scale) architecture provides prescriptive guidance coupled with Azure best practices, and it follows design principles across the critical design areas for organiza
- GhostPack/PSPKIAudit - PowerShell toolkit for AD CS auditing based on the PSPKI toolkit.
- S3cur3Th1sSh1t/Invoke-SharpLoader -
- S3cur3Th1sSh1t/NamedPipePTH - Pass the Hash to a named pipe for token Impersonation
- redcanaryco/invoke-atomicredteam - Invoke-AtomicRedTeam is a PowerShell module to execute tests as defined in the atomics folder of Red Canary's Atomic Red Team proj
- Cloud-Architekt/AzureAD-Attack-Defense - This publication is a collection of various common attack scenarios on Azure Active Directory and how they can be mitigated or detected.
- Azure/Microsoft-Defender-for-Cloud - Welcome to the Microsoft Defender for Cloud community repository
- redcanaryco/AtomicTestHarnesses - Public Repo for Atomic Test Harness
- mattifestation/PowerShellArsenal - A PowerShell Module Dedicated to Reverse Engineering
- dafthack/MFASweep - A tool for checking if MFA is enabled on multiple Microsoft Services
- cyberark/RiskySPN - Detect and abuse risky SPNs
- microsoft/New-KrbtgtKeys.ps1 - This script will enable you to reset the krbtgt account password and related keys while minimizing the likelihood of Kerberos authentication issues being caused by the operation.
- lazywinadmin/PowerShell - PowerShell functions and scripts (Azure, Active Directory, SCCM, SCSM, Exchange, O365, ...)
- jokezone/Update-Sysmon - This repository was created to aid in the deployment/maintenance of the Sysmon service on a large number of computers.
- S3cur3Th1sSh1t/PowerSharpPack -
- PowerFeature/WT64 - A Commodore 64 Skin for Windows Terminal
- itm4n/PrivescCheck - Privilege Escalation Enumeration Script for Windows
- alexverboon/MDATP - Microsoft 365 Defender - Resource Hub
- davidprowe/BadBlood - BadBlood by @davidprowe, Secframe.com, fills a Microsoft Active Directory Domain with a structure and thousands of objects. The output of the tool is a domain similar to a domain in the real world. A
- NetSPI/PowerUpSQL - PowerUpSQL: A PowerShell Toolkit for Attacking SQL Server
- adbertram/Random-PowerShell-Work - Random PowerShell Work
- S3cur3Th1sSh1t/Creds - Some usefull Scripts and Executables for Pentest & Forensics
- S3cur3Th1sSh1t/WinPwn - Automation for internal Windows Penetrationtest / AD-Security
- BC-SECURITY/Empire - Empire is a post-exploitation and adversary emulation framework that is used to aid Red Teams and Penetration Testers.
- mantvydasb/RedTeaming-Tactics-and-Techniques - Red Teaming Tactics and Techniques
- OTRF/Security-Datasets - Re-play Security Events
- sans-blue-team/DeepBlueCLI -
- EvotecIT/PSWinReporting - This PowerShell Module has multiple functionalities, but one of the signature features of this module is the ability to parse Security logs on Domain Controllers providing easy to use access to AD Eve
- hlldz/Phant0m - Windows Event Log Killer
- NotMedic/NetNTLMtoSilverTicket - SpoolSample -> Responder w/NetNTLM Downgrade -> NetNTLMv1 -> NTLM -> Kerberos Silver Ticket
- davehull/Kansa - A Powershell incident response framework
- olafhartong/sysmon-modular - A repository of sysmon configuration modules
- BloodHoundAD/BloodHound - Six Degrees of Domain Admin
- redcanaryco/atomic-red-team - Small and highly portable detection tests based on MITRE's ATT&CK.
- dafthack/MailSniper - MailSniper is a penetration testing tool for searching through email in a Microsoft Exchange environment for specific terms (passwords, insider intel, network architecture information, etc.). It can b
- l4rm4nd/LinkedInDumper - Python 3 script to dump company employees from LinkedIn API
- GreyDGL/PentestGPT - A GPT-empowered penetration testing tool
- Azure-Samples/azure-search-openai-demo - A sample app for the Retrieval-Augmented Generation pattern running in Azure, using Azure Cognitive Search for retrieval and Azure OpenAI large language models to power ChatGPT-style and Q&A experien
- infosecB/LOOBins - Living Off the Orchard: macOS Binaries (LOOBins) is designed to provide detailed information on various built-in macOS binaries and how they can be used by threat actors for malicious purposes.
- TheHive-Project/Cortex-Analyzers - Cortex Analyzers Repository
- rod-trent/OpenAISecurity - Scripts and Content for working with Open AI
- greycatsec/cookienapper - Python tool for kidnapping Chrome cookies from a MacOS target
- Laokoon-SecurITy/Cortex-XDR-Config-Extractor - Cortex XDR Config Extractor
- microsoft/JARVIS - JARVIS, a system to connect LLMs with ML community. Paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2303.17580.pdf
- nasbench/Misc-Research - A collection of tools, scripts and personal research
- microsoft/TaskMatrix -
- dgtlmoon/changedetection.io - The best and simplest free open source website change detection, restock monitor and notification service. Restock Monitor, change detection. Designed for simplicity - Simply monitor which websites ha
- magicsword-io/LOLDrivers - Living Off The Land Drivers
- carta/krang - Knowledge Report Alert & Normalization Generator
- XiaoliChan/wmiexec-Pro - New generation of wmiexec.py
- FalconForceTeam/FalconForge - This repository is used by FalconForce to release parts of the internal tools used for maintaining, validating and automatically deploying a repository of use-cases for the Sentinel and Microsoft 365
- wealthsimple/odef - This is a public template repository for the Open Detection Engineering Framework
- cisagov/untitledgoosetool - Untitled Goose Tool is a robust and flexible hunt and incident response tool that adds novel authentication and data gathering methods in order to run a full investigation against a customer’s Azure A
- krdmnbrk/play-with-splunk -
- MzHmO/psexec_noinstall - Repository contains psexec, which will help to exploit the forgotten pipe
- aquasecurity/kube-hunter - Hunt for security weaknesses in Kubernetes clusters
- cyberark/KubiScan - A tool to scan Kubernetes cluster for risky permissions
- mgreen27/DetectRaptor - A repository to share publicly available Velociraptor detection content
- tothi/serviceDetector - Detect whether a service is installed (blindly) and/or running (if exposing named pipes) on a remote machine without using local admin privileges.
- Neo23x0/yaraQA - YARA rule analyzer to improve rule quality and performance
- mxrch/GHunt - 🕵️♂️ Offensive Google framework.
- secureworks/family-of-client-ids-research - Research into Undocumented Behavior of Azure AD Refresh Tokens
- splunk-soar-connectors/office365 -
- trustedsec/orpheus - Bypassing Kerberoast Detections with Modified KDC Options and Encryption Types
- t3l3machus/Villain - Villain is a C2 framework that can handle multiple TCP socket & HoaxShell-based reverse shells, enhance their functionality with additional features (commands, utilities etc) and share them among conn
- Eilonh/s3crets_scanner -
- GhostManager/Ghostwriter - The SpecterOps project management and reporting engine
- welldone-cloud/aws-list-resources -
- h4wkst3r/InvisibilityCloak - Proof-of-concept obfuscation toolkit for C# post-exploitation tools
- microsoft/msticpy - Microsoft Threat Intelligence Security Tools
- Qianlitp/WatchAD - AD Security Intrusion Detection System
- MWR-CyberSec/PXEThief - PXEThief is a set of tooling that can extract passwords from the Operating System Deployment functionality in Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager
- Oros42/IMSI-catcher - This program show you IMSI numbers of cellphones around you.
- antonioCoco/SharPyShell - SharPyShell - tiny and obfuscated ASP.NET webshell for C# web applications
- Ge0rg3/requests-ip-rotator - A Python library to utilize AWS API Gateway's large IP pool as a proxy to generate pseudo-infinite IPs for web scraping and brute forcing.
- xRET2pwn/Teamsniper - Teamsniper is a tool for fetching keywords in a Microsoft Teams such as (passwords, emails, database, etc.).
- WazeHell/sam-the-admin - Exploiting CVE-2021-42278 and CVE-2021-42287 to impersonate DA from standard domain user
- splunk/melting-cobalt - A Cobalt Strike Scanner that retrieves detected Team Server beacons into a JSON object
- mgeeky/PackMyPayload - A PoC that packages payloads into output containers to evade Mark-of-the-Web flag & demonstrate risks associated with container file formats. Supports: ZIP, 7zip, PDF, ISO, IMG, CAB, VHD, VHDX
- markernest0/splunkdefeat - Splunk Enterprise SDK for Python wrapper for red teams
- c3c/ADExplorerSnapshot.py - ADExplorerSnapshot.py is an AD Explorer snapshot parser. It is made as an ingestor for BloodHound, and also supports full-object dumping to NDJSON.
- post-cyberlabs/Offensive_tools -
- ANSSI-FR/bmc-tools - RDP Bitmap Cache parser
- ConsciousHacker/WFH -
- threatexpress/cs2modrewrite - Convert Cobalt Strike profiles to modrewrite scripts
- microsoft/fluentui-emoji - A collection of familiar, friendly, and modern emoji from Microsoft
- mgeeky/RedWarden - Cobalt Strike C2 Reverse proxy that fends off Blue Teams, AVs, EDRs, scanners through packet inspection and malleable profile correlation
- Azure/Stormspotter - Azure Red Team tool for graphing Azure and Azure Active Directory objects
- janoglezcampos/DeathSleep - A PoC implementation for an evasion technique to terminate the current thread and restore it before resuming execution, while implementing page protection changes during no execution.
- t3l3machus/hoaxshell - A Windows reverse shell payload generator and handler that abuses the http(s) protocol to establish a beacon-like reverse shell.
- decompiler-explorer/decompiler-explorer - Decompiler Explorer! Compare tools on the forefront of static analysis, now in your web browser!
- cve-search/cve-search - cve-search - a tool to perform local searches for known vulnerabilities
- sa7mon/S3Scanner - Scan for open S3 buckets and dump the contents
- nccgroup/ScoutSuite - Multi-Cloud Security Auditing Tool
- thilles/TA-microsoft-365-defender-threat-vulnerability-add-on -
- p0dalirius/DumpSMBShare - A script to dump files and folders remotely from a Windows SMB share.
- p0dalirius/windows-coerced-authentication-methods - A list of methods to coerce a windows machine to authenticate to an attacker-controlled machine through a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) with various protocols.
- p0dalirius/Coercer - A python script to automatically coerce a Windows server to authenticate on an arbitrary machine through 12 methods.
- ly4k/Certipy - Tool for Active Directory Certificate Services enumeration and abuse
- WillOram/AzureAD-incident-response - Notes on responding to security breaches relating to Azure AD
- ShutdownRepo/smartbrute - Password spraying and bruteforcing tool for Active Directory Domain Services
- ustayready/fireprox - AWS API Gateway management tool for creating on the fly HTTP pass-through proxies for unique IP rotation
- dirkjanm/ldapdomaindump - Active Directory information dumper via LDAP
- n00py/LAPSDumper - Dumping LAPS from Python
- TarlogicSecurity/kerbrute - An script to perform kerberos bruteforcing by using impacket
- splunk/splunk-ansible - Ansible playbooks for configuring and managing Splunk Enterprise and Universal Forwarder deployments
- dirkjanm/krbrelayx - Kerberos unconstrained delegation abuse toolkit
- FalconForceTeam/SysWhispers2BOF - Script to use SysWhispers2 direct system calls from Cobalt Strike BOFs
- bigb0sss/RedTeam-OffensiveSecurity - Tools & Interesting Things for RedTeam Ops
- threatexpress/random_c2_profile - Cobalt Strike random C2 Profile generator
- 0xZDH/o365spray - Username enumeration and password spraying tool aimed at Microsoft O365.
- carlospolop/hacktricks - Welcome to the page where you will find each trick/technique/whatever I have learnt in CTFs, real life apps, and reading researches and news.
- blacklanternsecurity/MANSPIDER - Spider entire networks for juicy files sitting on SMB shares. Search filenames or file content - regex supported!
- ramen0x3f/AggressorScripts -
- fox-it/dissect.cobaltstrike - Python library for dissecting and parsing Cobalt Strike related data such as Beacon payloads and Malleable C2 Profiles
- klezVirus/SysWhispers3 - SysWhispers on Steroids - AV/EDR evasion via direct system calls.
- Mr-Un1k0d3r/PowerLessShell - Run PowerShell command without invoking powershell.exe
- AlessandroZ/LaZagne - Credentials recovery project
- 0xInfection/Awesome-WAF - 🔥 Web-application firewalls (WAFs) from security standpoint.
- dievus/Oh365UserFinder - Python3 o365 User Enumeration Tool
- ihebski/DefaultCreds-cheat-sheet - One place for all the default credentials to assist the Blue/Red teamers activities on finding devices with default password 🛡️
- jklepsercyber/defender-detectionhistory-parser - A parser of Windows Defender's DetectionHistory forensic artifact, containing substantial info about quarantined files and executables.
- p0dalirius/LDAPmonitor - Monitor creation, deletion and changes to LDAP objects live during your pentest or system administration!
- HashPals/Name-That-Hash - 🔗 Don't know what type of hash it is? Name That Hash will name that hash type! 🤖 Identify MD5, SHA256 and 300+ other hashes ☄ Comes with a neat web app 🔥
- ly4k/PrintNightmare - Python implementation for PrintNightmare (CVE-2021-1675 / CVE-2021-34527)
- Orange-Cyberdefense/arsenal - Arsenal is just a quick inventory and launcher for hacking programs
- sinwindie/OSINT - Collections of tools and methods created to aid in OSINT collection
- google/timesketch - Collaborative forensic timeline analysis
- secretsquirrel/SigThief - Stealing Signatures and Making One Invalid Signature at a Time
- murchisd/splunk_pstree_app - Custom Splunk search command to reconstruct a pstree from Sysmon process creation events (EventCode 1)
- Sentinel-One/CobaltStrikeParser -
- ticarpi/jwt_tool - 🐍 A toolkit for testing, tweaking and cracking JSON Web Tokens
- 3CORESec/SIEGMA - SIEGMA - Transform Sigma rules into SIEM consumables
- klezVirus/chameleon - PowerShell Script Obfuscator
- initstring/cloud_enum - Multi-cloud OSINT tool. Enumerate public resources in AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.
- 1132719438/starred - creating your own Awesome List by GitHub stars!
- alertmanager/alert_manager - Splunk Alert Manager with advanced reporting on alerts, workflows (modify assignee, status, severity) and auto-resolve features
- atc-project/atc-react - A knowledge base of actionable Incident Response techniques
- OTRF/OSSEM-DM - OSSEM Detection Model
- OTRF/OSSEM-DD - OSSEM Data Dictionaries
- ricardojoserf/adfsbrute - A script to test credentials against Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS), allowing password spraying or bruteforce attacks.
- RealityNet/attack-coverage - an excel-centric approach for the MITRE ATT&CK® Tactics and Techniques
- DidierStevens/DidierStevensSuite - Please no pull requests for this repository. Thanks!
- phantomcyber/playbooks - Phantom Community Playbooks
- beurtschipper/Depix - Recovers passwords from pixelized screenshots
- krabelize/icmpdoor - ICMP Reverse Shell written in Python 3 and with Scapy (backdoor/rev shell)
- fox-it/BloodHound.py - A Python based ingestor for BloodHound
- skelsec/pypykatz - Mimikatz implementation in pure Python
- nidem/kerberoast -
- Ben0xA/HoneyCreds - HoneyCreds network credential injection to detect responder and other network poisoners.
- dirkjanm/ROADtools - A collection of Azure AD tools for offensive and defensive security purposes
- splunk/attack_data - A repository of curated datasets from various attacks
- TheresAFewConors/Sooty - The SOC Analysts all-in-one CLI tool to automate and speed up workflow.
- x90skysn3k/brutespray - Brute-Forcing from Nmap output - Automatically attempts default creds on found services.
- sleventyeleven/linuxprivchecker - linuxprivchecker.py -- a Linux Privilege Escalation Check Script
- alexandreborges/malwoverview - Malwoverview is a first response tool used for threat hunting and offers intel information from Virus Total, Hybrid Analysis, URLHaus, Polyswarm, Malshare, Alien Vault, Malpedia, Malware Bazaar, Threa
- Hackndo/lsassy - Extract credentials from lsass remotely
- intelowlproject/IntelOwl - Intel Owl: analyze files, domains, IPs in multiple ways from a single API at scale
- nyxgeek/ntlmscan - scan for NTLM directories
- mandiant/capa - The FLARE team's open-source tool to identify capabilities in executable files.
- elastic/detection-rules - Rules for Elastic Security's detection engine
- mufeedvh/basecrack - Decode All Bases - Base Scheme Decoder
- PlumHound/PlumHound - Bloodhound for Blue and Purple Teams
- 0xC01DF00D/Collabfiltrator - Exfiltrate blind remote code execution output over DNS via Burp Collaborator.
- dirkjanm/mitm6 - pwning IPv4 via IPv6
- splunk/security_content - Splunk Security Content
- byt3bl33d3r/SprayingToolkit - Scripts to make password spraying attacks against Lync/S4B, OWA & O365 a lot quicker, less painful and more efficient
- 0x4D31/fatt - FATT /fingerprintAllTheThings - a pyshark based script for extracting network metadata and fingerprints from pcap files and live network traffic
- ForensicArtifacts/artifacts - Digital Forensics Artifact Repository
- mitre/caldera - Automated Adversary Emulation Platform
- adhorn/chaos-ssm-documents - Collection of AWS SSM Documents to perform Chaos Engineering experiments
- volatilityfoundation/volatility3 - Volatility 3.0 development
- maurosoria/dirsearch - Web path scanner
- ReFirmLabs/binwalk - Firmware Analysis Tool
- log2timeline/plaso - Super timeline all the things
- mitre-attack/car - Cyber Analytics Repository
- bitsadmin/wesng - Windows Exploit Suggester - Next Generation
- marcurdy/dfir-toolset - Dump of organized knowledge on DFIR
- OWASP/CheatSheetSeries - The OWASP Cheat Sheet Series was created to provide a concise collection of high value information on specific application security topics.
- JonathanSalwan/ROPgadget - This tool lets you search your gadgets on your binaries to facilitate your ROP exploitation. ROPgadget supports ELF, PE and Mach-O format on x86, x64, ARM, ARM64, PowerPC, SPARC, MIPS, RISC-V 64, and
- OTRF/OSSEM - Open Source Security Events Metadata (OSSEM)
- dirkjanm/PrivExchange - Exchange your privileges for Domain Admin privs by abusing Exchange
- lgandx/Responder - Responder is a LLMNR, NBT-NS and MDNS poisoner, with built-in HTTP/SMB/MSSQL/FTP/LDAP rogue authentication server supporting NTLMv1/NTLMv2/LMv2, Extended Security NTLMSSP and Basic HTTP authentication
- FortyNorthSecurity/EyeWitness - EyeWitness is designed to take screenshots of websites, provide some server header info, and identify default credentials if possible.
- google/grr - GRR Rapid Response: remote live forensics for incident response
- mandiant/flare-floss - FLARE Obfuscated String Solver - Automatically extract obfuscated strings from malware.
- volatilityfoundation/volatility - An advanced memory forensics framework
- elceef/dnstwist - Domain name permutation engine for detecting homograph phishing attacks, typo squatting, and brand impersonation
- wifiphisher/wifiphisher - The Rogue Access Point Framework
- salesforce/ja3 - JA3 is a standard for creating SSL client fingerprints in an easy to produce and shareable way.
- demisto/content - Demisto is now Cortex XSOAR. Automate and orchestrate your Security Operations with Cortex XSOAR's ever-growing Content Repository. Pull Requests are always welcome and highly appreciated!
- SigmaHQ/sigma - Main Sigma Rule Repository
- Porchetta-Industries/CrackMapExec - A swiss army knife for pentesting networks
- OTRF/ThreatHunter-Playbook - A community-driven, open-source project to share detection logic, adversary tradecraft and resources to make detection development more efficient.
- JPCERTCC/LogonTracer - Investigate malicious Windows logon by visualizing and analyzing Windows event log
- quentinhardy/odat - ODAT: Oracle Database Attacking Tool
- xmendez/wfuzz - Web application fuzzer
- Veil-Framework/Veil - Veil 3.1.X (Check version info in Veil at runtime)
- AlessandroZ/BeRoot - Privilege Escalation Project - Windows / Linux / Mac
- secdev/scapy - Scapy: the Python-based interactive packet manipulation program & library. Supports Python 2 & Python 3.
- sqlmapproject/sqlmap - Automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool
- andresriancho/w3af - w3af: web application attack and audit framework, the open source web vulnerability scanner.
- swisskyrepo/PayloadsAllTheThings - A list of useful payloads and bypass for Web Application Security and Pentest/CTF
- mitmproxy/mitmproxy - An interactive TLS-capable intercepting HTTP proxy for penetration testers and software developers.
- fortra/impacket - Impacket is a collection of Python classes for working with network protocols.
- trustedsec/social-engineer-toolkit - The Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET) repository from TrustedSec - All new versions of SET will be deployed here.
- fail2ban/fail2ban - Daemon to ban hosts that cause multiple authentication errors
- decalage2/oletools - oletools - python tools to analyze MS OLE2 files (Structured Storage, Compound File Binary Format) and MS Office documents, for malware analysis, forensics and debugging.
- palantir/windows-event-forwarding - A repository for using windows event forwarding for incident detection and response
- Hackplayers/evil-winrm - The ultimate WinRM shell for hacking/pentesting
- rapid7/metasploit-framework - Metasploit Framework
- Kudaes/Bin-Finder - Detect EDR's exceptions by inspecting processes' loaded modules
- Yamato-Security/hayabusa - Hayabusa (隼) is a sigma-based threat hunting and fast forensics timeline generator for Windows event logs.
- 0x192/universal-android-debloater - Cross-platform GUI written in Rust using ADB to debloat non-rooted android devices. Improve your privacy, the security and battery life of your device.
- mufeedvh/pdfrip - A multi-threaded PDF password cracking utility equipped with commonly encountered password format builders and dictionary attacks.
- WithSecureLabs/chainsaw - Rapidly Search and Hunt through Windows Forensic Artefacts
- rabobank-cdc/DeTTECT - Detect Tactics, Techniques & Combat Threats
- TheHive-Project/TheHive - TheHive: a Scalable, Open Source and Free Security Incident Response Platform
- edoardottt/awesome-hacker-search-engines - A curated list of awesome search engines useful during Penetration testing, Vulnerability assessments, Red/Blue Team operations, Bug Bounty and more
- jgasmussen/Linux-Baseline-and-Forensic-Triage-Tool - Linux Baseline and Forensic Triage Tool - BETA
- arget13/DDexec - A technique to run binaries filelessly and stealthily on Linux by "overwriting" the shell's process with another.
- MichaelCade/90DaysOfDevOps - I am using this repository to document my journey learning about DevOps. I began this process on January 1, 2022, and plan to continue until March 31. I will be dedicating one hour each day, including
- IvanGlinkin/AutoSUID - AutoSUID application is the Open-Source project, the main idea of which is to automate harvesting the SUID executable files and to find a way for further escalating the privileges.
- IvanGlinkin/shellDAVpass - shellDAVpass application is the Open-Source project, the main idea of which is to bypass the defender and AntiVirus detections to conduct a non interactive reverse shell to execute the Windows command
- zephrax/linux-pam-backdoor - Linux PAM Backdoor
- tclahr/uac - UAC is a Live Response collection script for Incident Response that makes use of native binaries and tools to automate the collection of AIX, Android, ESXi, FreeBSD, Linux, macOS, NetBSD, NetScaler, O
- extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs - ClamAV Unofficial Signatures Updater maintained by eXtremeSHOK.com
- scopatz/nanorc - Improved Nano Syntax Highlighting Files
- diego-treitos/linux-smart-enumeration - Linux enumeration tool for pentesting and CTFs with verbosity levels
- ukncsc/lme - Logging Made Easy
- CISOfy/lynis - Lynis - Security auditing tool for Linux, macOS, and UNIX-based systems. Assists with compliance testing (HIPAA/ISO27001/PCI DSS) and system hardening. Agentless, and installation optional.
- toniblyx/my-arsenal-of-aws-security-tools - List of open source tools for AWS security: defensive, offensive, auditing, DFIR, etc.
- v1s1t0r1sh3r3/airgeddon - This is a multi-use bash script for Linux systems to audit wireless networks.
- rebootuser/LinEnum - Scripted Local Linux Enumeration & Privilege Escalation Checks
- The-Z-Labs/linux-exploit-suggester - Linux privilege escalation auditing tool
- zardus/ctf-tools - Some setup scripts for security research tools.
- h5bp/server-configs-apache - Apache HTTP server boilerplate configs
- sametsazak/mergen - Mergen is an open-source, native macOS application for auditing and checking the security of your MacOS.
- redcanaryco/mac-monitor - Red Canary Mac Monitor is an advanced, stand-alone system monitoring tool tailor-made for macOS security research. Beginning with Endpoint Security (ES), it collects and enriches system events, displa
- mttaggart/wtfbins - WTF are these binaries doing?! A list of benign applications that mimic malicious behavior.
- cisagov/RedEye - RedEye is a visual analytic tool supporting Red & Blue Team operations
- fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs - Browser fingerprinting library. Compared to Fingerprint Pro has limited accuracy (40 - 60%), but is fully open source.
- S3cur3Th1sSh1t/OffensiveVBA - This repo covers some code execution and AV Evasion methods for Macros in Office documents
- LOLBAS-Project/LOLBAS - Living Off The Land Binaries And Scripts - (LOLBins and LOLScripts)
- GossiTheDog/ThreatHunting - Tools for hunting for threats.
- elastic/protections-artifacts - Elastic Security detection content for Endpoint
- Neo23x0/signature-base - YARA signature and IOC database for my scanners and tools
- nsacyber/Mitigating-Web-Shells - Guidance for mitigation web shells. #nsacyber
- Yara-Rules/rules - Repository of yara rules