This repository is a place where all the codes related to OpenCV is posted.
- Introduction to Images
- Installations
- Chapter 01: Read Images, Videos and Webcams
- Chapter 02: Basic Functions
- Chapter 03: Resize and Crop
- Chapter 04: Shapes and Text
- Chapter 05: Warp Perspective
- Chapter 06: Joining Images
- Chapter 07: Colour Detection
- Chapter 08: Contour / Shape Detection
- Chapter 09: Face Detection
- Install Python 3.7.6 -> It works well with OPENCV
- Install PyCharm -> A free comfortable IDE
- opencv-python --> This is the OPENCV Package
- numpy --> Used in arrays to analyse the images
- import cv2
- import numpy as np
Consider a 2d-box of dimension (10 x 10). Draw equal
lines such that each interior square is (1 x 1). Now
there are 100 such small squares in the 2d-box.
Every shaded region (black) is denoted by a value 0. And
every non-shaded region (white) is denoted by a value 1.
In technical terms, each sqaure is a pixel.
- VGA -> 640 x 480
- HD -> 1280 x 720
- FHD -> 1920 x 1080
- 4K -> 3840 x 2160
Generally 2^8 = 256 bit resolution is used.
- 0 is black
- 255 is white
- The rest are shades of gray
Those images are called 8 bits or 256 levels.
Coloured images have 3 channels. They are RGB.
- RGB stands for Red Green Blue In OpenCV Convention, BGR term is used instead of RGB.