Releases: GoogleChrome/lighthouse
We expect this release to ship in the DevTools of Chrome 104, and to PageSpeed Insights within 2 weeks.
- driver: fix legacy runner hanging oopifs in some cases (#14074)
- avoid really slow regexes for data urls (#13791)
- psi: expose the swapLocale types (#14062)
- build: fix lightrider report generator bundle (#14031)
We expect this release to ship in the DevTools of Chrome 103, and to PageSpeed Insights within 2 weeks.
- fps: run at the end of timespan/snapshot (#13989)
- responsiveness: add element screenshot to INP diagnostic (#13984)
- responsiveness: add better INP fallback for old Chrome versions (#13985)
- devtools: use absolute positioning for overlay (#13988)
- use origin-agent-cluster to actually test oopifs (#13777)
We expect this release to ship in the DevTools of Chrome 103, and to PageSpeed Insights within 2 weeks.
New Audits
- The new performance metric Interaction to Next Paint (INP) assesses responsiveness by measuring the latency of interactions throughout the page lifecycle. INP can be measured using Lighthouse timespan mode accessible through user flows or the new DevTools panel. (#13917)
- extract BootupTime task summary methods (#13971)
- css-usage: fetch stylesheet contents immediately after discovery (#13887)
- installability-errors: add url scheme error (#13846)
- installable-manifest: always run
in legacy mode (#13622) - responsiveness: use new EventTiming trace event format (#13979)
- responsiveness: use raw trace event (#13970)
- trace: use tracing-started event for frame tree info (#13913)
- trace: add PrePaint event, renamed from UpdateLayerTree (#13950)
- trace-processor: ignore
with falsy document url (#13848) - resolve redirected script records (#13751)
- deprecations: drop compat for ConsoleMessages (#13893)
- deprecations: hard-code english strings (#13961)
- hide disclaimer text in timespan (#13931)
- psi: stub out locale swapping (#13885)
- report: render notApplicable metrics with double dash (#13981)
- upgrade third-party-web (#13873)
- update to third-party-web 0.15.0 (#13804)
- axe-core: upgrade to 4.4.1 (#13814)
- js-library-detector: upgrade to 6.5.0 (#13969)
- lighthouse-stack-packs: upgrade to 1.8.1 (#13862)
- snyk: update snyk snapshot (#13823, #13880)
- lodash: use individual lodash modules to reduce bundle size (#13914)
- puppeteer: upgrade to 13.7.0 (#13657)
We expect this release to ship in the DevTools of Chrome 101, and to PageSpeed Insights within 2 weeks.
New Contributors
Thanks to our new contributor 👽🐷🐰🐯🐻!
- Marc Hassan @mhassan1
- full-page-screenshot: leave emulated width unchanged (#13643)
- inspector-issues: update sameSiteCookie to cookie (#13708)
- script-treemap-data: correct value for size (#13716)
- lighthouse-logger: convert to ES modules (#13720)
⛏️👷 Fraggle Rock
Support for auditing user flows (#11313)
- separate audit phase for flows (#13623)
- use frame url in gather context (#13699)
- add
to config context (#13681) - user-flow: audit flow from artifacts json (#13715)
- fix timespan/snapshot sticky header (#13732)
- lodash: replace
per-method packages with fulllodash
(#13695) - snyk: update snyk snapshot (#13731 #13712)
- convert devtools and lightrider entries to ES modules (#13722)
- add more cases for oopif smoke test (#13705)
- devtools: add yarn install timeout (#13717)
- devtools: update Lighthouse sniffer for smokes (#13693)
- devtools: navigation web test (#13673)
- smoke: enable more devtools smoke tests (#13624)
- smoke: add _excludes and _runner (#13707)
- support --chrome-flags in run devtools script (#13625)
We expect this release to ship in the DevTools of Chrome 100, and to PageSpeed Insights within 2 weeks.
Notable Changes
- Allow auditing of navigations triggered by user interactions in user flows. See our user flow docs for more info. (#13496)
- a11y: change link in category description to (#13638)
- full-page-screenshot: wait for doubleraf, network quiet (#13663)
- hreflang: remove eval, import axe valid-langs.js directly (#13385)
- inputs: refactor form-elements gatherer (#13662, #13671)
- page-functions: set style in getOuterHTMLSnippet without violating CSP (#13636)
- runner: independent gather and audit functions (#13569)
- uses-long-cache-ttl: ignore
- add options onPrintOverride and onSaveFileOverride (#13529)
- add options disableFireworks and disableDarkMode (#13649)
- add onViewTrace to renderer options (#13528)
- remove pausing fireworks on click (#13650)
- fix fireworks (#13635)
- use simpler assertion in report-renderer-axe-test.js (#13658)
- fix single node a11y tests (#13626)
- devtools: sync (#13656)
- devtools: update report resource names (#13615)
- smoke: test array
- temporarily remove brendan from triage rotation (#13618)
We expect this release to ship in the DevTools of Chrome 100, and to PageSpeed Insights within 2 weeks.
Notable Changes
- Fixed a major bug introduced in 9.0 that broke
- preload-lcp-image: enable audit (#13599)
- ensure good and average scores start exactly at control points (#13559)
- fr: don't throw on unknown --only-categories value (#13499)
- inspector-issues: collect all issue types (#13462, #13603, #13595)
- object-alt: remove md syntax around "alt" (#13517)
- runner: asset manager helper (#13519)
- allow client to configure how save-html is implemented (#13518)
- update various runtime deps (#13483)
- update various devDeps (#13485)
- update robots-parser to latest (#13554)
- update transitive deps to quiet vulnerability alerts (#13538)
- lighthouse-stack-packs: upgrade to 1.7.0 (#13604)
- snyk: update snyk snapshot (#13498, #13598)
- yargs: upgrade to 17.3.1 (#13590)
- yargs-parser: upgrade to 21.0.0 (#13597)
- use minimal 'url' polyfil instead of url-shim (#13545)
- devtools: add FR runners to DevTools entry (#13593)
- import (#13602)
- update devtools panel throttling details (#13504)
- add snapshot tests for cli-flags.js (#13596)
- tweak some CI job names for clarity (#13549)
- split devtools ci into build, web-tests and smoke jobs (#13546)
- more targeted caching for devtools build (#13540)
- run most smoke tests on devtools (#13456)
- clean up and add comments to cdt layout test scripts (#13471)
- devtools: ensure WebSQL table is populated (#13579)
We expect this release to ship in the DevTools of Chrome 99, and to PageSpeed Insights within 2 weeks.
Notable Changes
- move no-unload-listeners to perf category (#13497)
- font-size: fix CSS selector regex (#13455)
- fcp: handle negative request
(#13452) - legacy-javascript: update polyfilling, drop some signals (#13482, #13442)
- cache fetch to avoid bad polyfills (#13476)
- check equality of computed artifacts using dependency keys (#13430)
⛏️👷 Fraggle Rock
Support for auditing user flows (#11313)
- psi: update styles for tighter fit in narrow viewports (#13355)
- smoke: fix chromestatus url (#13475)
- split smoke tests into one test per file (#13461)
- fix devtools build command (#13457)
- move sharding higher so smokehouse-bundle can also shard (#13387)
- port axe test to pptr (#13450)
We expect this release to ship in the DevTools of Chrome 98, and to PageSpeed Insights within 2 weeks.
New Contributors
Thanks to our new contributors 👽🐷🐰🐯🐻!
- @whitep4nth3r
- Adam Read @adamread
Notable Changes
- If using Next.js, you will now see advice specific to it in some audits (#13424)
- canonical: remove cross-origin check (#13412)
- add original location to most usages of source-location (#13393)
- mindfully order properties in the lhr (#13418)
- ensure log-normal score is always in correct range (#13392)
- installable-manifest: pipeline-restarted check (#13365)
- remove margin when saving html in standalone report (#13409)
- consistent red display text (#13391)
- treemap: correct percentages when 0 bytes JS (#13382)
⛏️👷 Fraggle Rock
Support for auditing user flows (#11313)
- import (#13427)
- fix undefined HTMLInputElement in bundle-test (#13421)
- make inline-fs-test not reliant on cwd (#13420)
- increase timeout for axe test (#13386)
We expect this release to ship in the DevTools of Chrome 98. It is already live in the new PageSpeed Insights.
See the What's new in Lighthouse 9.0 blog post. Continue for the changelog.
New Contributors
Thanks to our new contributors 👽🐷🐰🐯🐻!
- Sergii Bondarenko @BR0kEN-
- Prerana Nawar @prerana1821
Notable Changes
Removed Audits
- [BREAKING] appcache-manifest: remove audit (#13287)
- [BREAKING] external-anchors-use-rel-noopener: remove audit (#13298)
- [BREAKING] remove the redirect pass and redirects-http audit (#12643)
Preview: Audit User Flows
Lighthouse now offers auditing user flows, scripted with Puppeteer, via the Node CLI. This means you can now audit a page beyond its initial load. See the Lighthouse user flows blog post for more.
- fix launching chrome in node 17 (#13301)
- reduce image hotlinking in the report (#13185)
- emulation: set client-hints metadata when spoofing the UA (#13341)
- emulation: bump chrome version to m98 (#13340)
- config: use abbreviation for pwa category title (#13270)
- deprecations: use inspector issues (#13342)
- avoid fatal errors when collecting base artifacts (#13312)
- [BREAKING] errors-in-console: remove url property from items (#13286)
- [BREAKING] image-size-responsive: remove elidedUrl, elide url property instead (#13226)
- [BREAKING] image-elements: remove mimeType from artifact (#13265)
- introduce the new report api, add dom.rootEl (#13277, #13279, #13361)
- make denser. changes to typography, group descriptions, more (#13249)
- display final screenshot prominently (#13123)
- redesign runtime settings (#13125, #13350)
- help-dialog: remove timespan SEO (#13354)
- order metrics by row (#13328)
- sort audits by weight (#13053)
- translate newly added report strings (#13308)
- [BREAKING] group perf audits by details type. change the meaning of an audit whose group is not defined–before no group implied an audit would not be renderered, but now an explicit
group is used (#13241, #13310) - [BREAKING] pwa: remove
, replaced withrenderCategoryScore
⛏️👷 Fraggle Rock
Support for auditing user flows (#11313)
- handle 0 throughput in timespan (#13323)
- clone default categories to avoid modification (#13337)
- add timespan support to h2 (#12814)
- report: remove smooth scrolling (#13317)
- report: network throttling settings (#13305)
- report: use filmstrip thumbnail in navigation (#13283)
- report: fix report anchors (#13233)
- report: full page screenshot renderer (#13276)
- report: category tooltip highest impact (#13230)
- report: import lhr strings (#13215)
- report: i18n formatter (#13190)
- report: mock styles (#13220)
- devtools: only use locales that have locale files to download (#13214)
- psi: retire prepareLabData, reuse standard report rendering (#13229)
- eslint: add export rule (#13282)
- longer timeout for installability errors check (#13297)
- ignore .tmp directory in jest modules (#13285)
- add cdt folders to devtools test cache buster (#13268)
- update devtools default branch to 'main' (#13266)
- ci tests should include all files (#13235)
- report: throw on axe error (#13234)
- flow: puppeteer test (#13281)
- publish: include the report bundle in npm package (#13349)
- build: create inline-fs rollup plugin to replace brfs (#13232, #13240, #13248, #13272, #13275, #13278, #13280)
- build: use rollup to build lighthouse-core bundles (#12771)
- build: call close method on rollup builds (#13307)
- build: use prepack script to build report (#13261)
- build: do not assign runBundledLighthouse in devtools bundle (#13311)
- build: use cross platform sed for devtools script (#13242)
- preserve error stack when using promise timeout (#13333)
- support old devtools in yarn run-devtools (#13284)
- add report bundles to nightly build (#13222)
- rename lighthouse-treemap to treemap (#13246)
- rename lighthouse-viewer to viewer (#13247)
- simplify release process, run package-test in CI (#13212)
- add os to bug report template (#13245)
- proto: add throttling and throttling_method (#13309)
- revert missing bundle tests (#13289)
- fix typo (#13224)