- Raphael Meier
0009-0009-5100-3408 author, maintainer
- Jakub Tkaczuk
0000-0001-7997-9423 supervisor, developer
- Elizabeth Tilley
0000-0002-2095-9724 supervisor
- Eva-Marie Meemken
0000-0001-9854-4150 supervisor
It compliments the openly-accessible master’s thesis, available on the
ETH Research Collection.
The data in this repository was collected as part of a master's thesis of Raphael Meier, conducted in the Global Health Engineering Group at ETH Zürich.
The work focused on the waste characterization and quantification, the current soil condition of agricultural soils, the agricultural practices of farmers, such as the potential to produce compost out of the collected organic waste fraction. The field work took place in the village Cape Maclear in Malawi from November to December 2023.
This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.