This is a Selenium Hybrid Framework.
- Written in JAVA
- Implemented using TestNG
- Build Toold - Maven
- Implemented Page Object Model Design Pattern
- Excel TestNG @DataProvider
- Video Recording - Monte Repack
- Mozilla Firefox
- Google Chrome
- Internet Explorer
- Opera
- Microsoft Edge
- HTMLUnit
- Windows
- Linux
- Macintosh
$ git clone /~
$ mvn clean test
- Navigate to WebAutomation\src\main\resources change BrowserType in the or use Maven to invoke different browsers
$ mvn clean test -DBrowserType=Chrome #Chrome
$ mvn clean test -DBrowserType=Firefox #Mozilla Firefox
$ mvn clean test -DBrowserType=IE #Internet Explorer
$ mvn clean test -DBrowserType=Opera #Opera Blink
$ mvn clean test -DBrowserType=Edge #Microsoft Edge
$ mvn clean test -DBrowserType=Unit #HTML Unit Headerless Browser
$ mvn site
Navigate to /target/site/allure-maven-plugin.html
- Supported Only on Mozilla Firefox
To Open Results in other Browsers do
$ mvn jetty:run -Djetty.http.port=9988
Method 1:
- Use TestData.xlsx file as your dataproviders. The Sheet Name should be the name of your Method Name.
- To use different xlsx file, Create a new
method and change the workbook name.
@DataProvider(name="multiSheetExcelRead", parallel=true)
public static Object[][] multiSheetExcelRead(Method method) throws Exception
File file = new File("./src/test/resources/Excel Files/TestData.xlsx");
String SheetName = method.getName();
Object testObjArray[][] = ExcelUtils.getTableArray(file.getAbsolutePath(), SheetName);
return testObjArray;
Method 2:
- Create Excel Workbook with the same name as your method Name.
public static Object[][] excelSheetNameAsMethodName(Method method) throws Exception
File file = new File("./src/test/resources/Excel Files/"+method.getName()+".xlsx");
Object testObjArray[][] = ExcelUtils.getTableArray(file.getAbsolutePath());
return testObjArray;
To Use Method Name as Excel Workbook Name, Use the following:
@Test(dataProvider="excelSheetNameAsMethodName", dataProviderClass=ExcelDataProvider.class)
To use a Single Workbook with multiple @DataProvider
sheets, Use:
NOTE:SheetName should be same name as Method Name
@Test(dataProvider="multiSheetExcelRead", dataProviderClass=ExcelDataProvider.class)