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rbm-viz is a data visualization library built with Chart.js that features charts adapted for risk-based monitoring in clinical trials.



rbm-viz is hosted on GitHub and accessible with npm:

npm install git+/~

Contributor Guidelines


Clone rbm-viz with git and install its dependencies:

git clone /~
cd rbm-viz
npm install

Version Control

Development branches should resolve a specific issue and be named accordingly. For instance, branch fix-123 should resolve issue #123 on GitHub:

git checkout -b fix-123

Development Basics

The codebase is comprised of files under ./src. Each file should generally contain a single function, or module. Upon updating a file, the library needs to be re-bundled:

npm run bundle

Upon completion of the update to the codebase, rebuild the library and push your branch to GitHub:

npm run build
git add -A
git commit -a -m 'fix #123'
git push -u origin fix-123

On GitHub, open a pull request with fix-123 as the source and dev as the target. The pull request requires a code review prior to merging.

Advanced Development Methods

To expedite development the code can be actively bundled as changes are made to the source code. In a terminal run the following command:

npm run watch

Now each change to the codebase is automatically reflected in the code bundle. To view changes in the browser open another terminal and run the following command:

npm run local

The repository is now accessible via the browser. Navigate to ./examples to view a list of existing modules. Each example contains a working instance of each rbm-viz module. Open the appropriate example to view changes to the module in real time as you develop.