Example of a Nodejs application using TypeScript, Inversify and TypeORM made with 💕
If you like it, don't forget to give us some ⭐⭐⭐
Here is a video where you can see how to start it and how it works
- [Install Docker and Docker-Compose] (https://www.docker.com/get-started)
- [Makefiles] (https://www.tutorialspoint.com/makefile/index.htm)
- Clone this project:
- Move to the project folder:
cd infraestructure
- Run in a terminal 💻
$> make docker-up
- Run in Other terminal 💻
$>make docker-bootstrap
- Finally run:
$>make docker-watch
- Run Jest in a terminal 💻
$>make docker-test
Feel free to make as many pull requests as you think fit, because there are so many things to do, all help is welcome.
Here is a guide if you want to take a look(/~https://github.com/GeeksHubsAcademy/2020-geekshubs-convenio/blob/master/contributing.md)
If you find a bug, let us know here .
If you request a new feature.